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Ridiculous FIESA corrections by OFFSHORE QA...sm - LoveMT

Posted: Aug 28, 2013

Dictated:  All cyst was removed, as well as osteophyte as well.

Transcribed/Edited by me to read:  All cyst was removed, as well as osteophyte.

OFFSHORE CORRECTION:  All cysts was removed, as well as osteophyte as well.

This particular account is "modified verbatim" allowing us to change improper grammar and redundant/repetitive statements.  So, I deleted the second instance of "as well" since it had already been said just ONE flipping word before!  What do I get for my accuracy?  That ridiculously WRONG addition of "s" to cysts and incorrect verbiage along with the "as well" being added in!  It reads exactly like someone from a foreign country who has no grasp of English grammar.  Just plain stupid is what it sounds like.

Next one:

Dictated:  The patient has upper dentition bridge.

Transcribed/Edited by me: The patient has upper dentition bridge.  But the real doozy is it was changed by QA (I KNOW it was) to read as an "error" as though I had transcribed:  The patient has upper detention bridge.... (I know damn good and well I did not transcribe "detention"  I'm not THAT inexperienced, for the love of God, I've been a transcriptionist for more than 17 years, and I've been doing this particular account since start-up/go-live nearly 5 years ago!! I was specifically invited to be on this "specialty team" of MTs so many years ago, and I highly doubt that I'd still be on it if I were making STUPID mistakes like the one QA has so erroneously CHANGED in my original document!!

CORRECTION BY OFFSHORE QA: The patient has upper _____ bridge.

COMMENT BY QA: Unable to document "dentin" or "dentition" bridge, so was left blank.

REALLY?!!?  Good God! If I had changed it to read "dental bridge", then I would've been marked off for THAT!  Who doesn't know that there are such things as dental bridges??!  Who on earth can't get on Google and document that there are such things??  I'll tell you who... OFFSHORE QA from INDIA!!

Were it not for these 2 corrections in the last 3 days, I would have 100% accuracy score for post audit.  I'm so sick of these people that it's not even funny!!

Thank you for letting me vent!! I have had about all I'm going to take.  My voice is going to be heard if I have to scream it from the rooftop.  I'm sick and tired of my reports being "changed", especially when I KNOW I didn't transcribe what was "supposedly" what they say I transcribed and was erroneous.  PLEASE!?! I just did this report day before yesterday, and since she made reference to only TWO patients with "dentition bridges", funny how only THIS report was magically incorrect!

I'm pretty sure someone could figure out who I am and I DON'T CARE!  Write me up.... Lay me off.... Do whatever is necessary NUANCE because I no longer give a flying squirrel!!

Couldn't you write this up and send to every - single person you can SM

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hook into email through the whole company, from all the MTs up to hot air shaw himself??

If you'd hope to get written up or laid off, wouldn't this accomplish it? You'd at least have a good excuse to present to the unemployment board with it, "I was fired because I complained about my reports being changed to include errors."

I have voiced my concerns to my TSM.....sm - LoveMT

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More than once, I have spoken with her over the phone and via email voicing my concerns about my work being post-audited offshore. Of course, there is nothing she can do about it. She did tell me to send every one I find erroneous to her for correction reversal, and she has been fantastic about getting them reversed.

I'm not "hoping" to get fired or written up. I don't think that's what I said. I said, I "didn't care" if I got written up or fired or whatever. I was venting because it is frustrating beyond belief to see things like this in my corrections and decreasing my post-audit scores.

Since I was part of a "bought out" company, I was not able to see my "scores" prior to this past quarter because we had not been implemented into FIESA at that time, but my reports were audited anyway in order for them to determine whether I qualified for the first quarterly bonus (from January through April or whatever month it's through). You know what? I didn't get the quarterly bonus and to this day, I have no idea what my audited reports even looked like. I have no idea if offshore people audited those reports or onshore people audited them. I don't even know what my score was for that first quarter because we didn't have FIESA until later.

Once we were implemented with FIESA sometime in June or early July, my reports were audited with a frenzy, just in time to drop my score to just below 99% and just enough to disqualify me for any kind of incentive bonus for the next quarter since that score is now reflected for an entire quarter concerning the incentive bonus as well and just enough to disqualify me for a quarterly bonus yet again. Once FIESA came into play, my score for the first month was a nice 99.7% and I was getting the incentive bonus nearly every pay period because I send very little to QC for review.

After the first 5 or 6 weeks, ridiculous crap like what I posted started showing up in my FIESA post-audit reviews. Mind you, ALL of it was post-audit and ALL of it was done offshore.

I value my QC review because I get decent feedback when I have a question and/or problem. ALL of my QC review is done onshore. My QC accuracy score is no where near what my post-audit score is.

I'm just sick and tired of offshore people auditing my reports and correcting them with crap like the 2 examples I have already given. Just sick of it. The ONLY reason that I'm still here with this company is because I am pretty much the sole provider for my family. My husband is disabled, crippled, and on a very fixed income. We are still raising children, and we need every single penny that I earn. Were it not for those simple reasons, I'd already be working at the local convenience store for minimum wage.

Fiesa - me

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You can't make up anything in Fiesa because you have to highlight from the document before you can even open it. To have a conspiracy to change your dictation, it would have to be typed and highlighted.

So I have been told.....sm - LoveMT

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And that does change my outlook...somewhat.... I still have a HUGE problem with offshore QA post-auditing my work. Okay, so if it can't be changed in my transcription, then the word "detention" was obviously overlooked by me. If that's the case, I didn't transcribe it, voice wreck did and I didn't "properly" change it to dentition. I'm human, so I guess that could've happened. I still have my doubts, however. Regardless, my point is... Post-audit offshore QA BLANKED it after this very clear AMERICAN physician dictated DENTITION BRIDGE because they "couldn't document dentin or dentition bridge"..... THAT speaks for itself.

Geez... Give me a U.S. QA person so that AT THE VERY LEAST I can get an intelligent form of feedback from someone who KNOWS what the hell they're doing! THAT was the point of my rant! And yes, I was angry and frustrated when I wrote it. I won't apologize for that.

Want to know why I believe things could be changed in my documents? Want to know why I think things are marked wrong that really aren't wrong to begin with sometimes? Because the platform I work on provides NO WAY FOR THE MLS TO RELISTEN to the audio once the report is submitted to the client. We can't go into FIESA and relisten to the audio...only the TSM has this ability. That is just UNFAIR to the MLS, plain and simple... It's a good thing I have a good and fair TSM, because otherwise I wouldn't even trust another person to listen to audio for a report IF there's no way for me to relisten as well.

Shady, shady, shady... The last time this happened to me, I was marked off for something I COULDN'T HEAR AT ALL due to audio technical problems that were very much a problem for EVERYONE on the team working this particular account...HOWEVER, the QC person who reviewed the report when I sent it in for a blank left a snarky little feedback remark stating, "you marked this as a "technical issue" document note when it should have been a "blanks" document note because I heard the word PERFECTLY clearly." REALLY??!! I'd like to have a set of those "magic" headsets since this particular physician WAS having an audio technical issue problem AND it had been brought to the attention of the client and was supposed to be in the process of "being worked on."

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