escription corrections don't seem to stick - busymt
Posted: Nov 17, 2014
I work on v 9, 10 and 11 and I have noticed that when I make corrections on some VR reports the corrections do not seem to stick by the time they get to QC. I have seen mistakes that I distinctly remember correcting while I am editing and then they show up as not corrected on the QC reviews. Thankfully it hasn't happened on post-audit but it is pretty upsetting. I had my TSM check a couple of them and sure enough, the mistakes were there when sent by me, so either I have become a horrible editor or something is kinky with the system. I use Shorthand and not sure if that is the problem or if I am completely incompetent at this anymore. Don't want to start a QC bashing session, I am just frustrated and wonder if anybody else has had this problem.
Me too. - nn
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Yes, a number of times I distinctly remember making the proper edit but when audited (QC and QA) it shows up as having been missed.
I have questioned my TSM about these blips(fortunately they have not happened very often) and she says they show up as missed edits.
Yes, it is frustrating, but what can you do? I can either get a nosebleed over it or just shrug it off. I've decided to go with the latter.
It is reassuring to know I'm not the only one.
Thank you - busymt
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I appreciate it. It does help to know others have the same problem. I try to blow off QC but when they are critical and major errors it just gets under my skin. I'm not new to this business at all but the reviews make me feel as if I have no clue. Wish they didn't score QC at all. Thanks again.
Here's how to fix that problem... - Been there, done that
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Make a separate word document at the beginning of your shift and type the job # then copy/paste the text of the report in that before you upload it. If the client hasn't put a block on this feature you can then capture what you send in and have proof when they mess with you. That's the only way I proved they were messing with me before.
P.S. - Been there, done that
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By copying only the text of the report and not the patient demographics you won't be violating HIPAA.
Been there done that - busymt
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I haven't been able to copy anything from the body text because they have it set to where I can't. The only thing I can do is make autocorrect or Shorthand entries. I have made a couple of SH entries for a couple of reports and will see if anything is kinky with them. I will try your idea tomorrow and see if maybe copying within Word will work. Thanks!
Good luck to you and..... - Been there, done that
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know that I only had this problem with Nuance. After I left them 4 months ago and went to another company that uses eScription I never have anything but good feedback from my current employer QA team. I got tired of fighting the battles with Nuance messing around with stuff claiming I did things I didn't just to keep from paying productivity bonuses. It did help my manager supported me with Nuance but it was a pain in the bazookas to have to keep saying "I didn't do this, and here's proof." I'm glad my new employer doesn't play those games.
I thought that only happened to m - anonMT
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I actually got "demoted" from QC because of errors, and every time I tried to get anything reversed, it was always denied. My TSM would tell me over the phone, "no, you didn't make that change, I can see it on the screen" but I wonder if the errors are sticking. We had that problem years ago. Don't use F7 to spell-check, evidently that keeps your "fixes" from going through. So I'm told. Also got busted on ANY number being off, even if it's one number different (150 pounds versus 151 pounds) is a major error - does it really make that much difference? My advice - BLANK anything you aren't 110% sure of.
Didn't know that about F7 - busymt
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I haven't been told that it messes things up but then I think it may. A couple of times when I hit F7, it pasted something in the report and when I hit undo, I thought it undid a lot more than the phrase that went in due to what the report looked like when QC reviewed it. I thought maybe it was my Shorthand. Believe me I have a high QC percentage because I don't even try to put what I think my ears are hearing. Would rather miss out on incentive pay due to blanks than bad post audit. Funny thing is my post audit scores are very good - for now.
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