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Annoying "corrections." - So tired of this game.

Posted: Jan 05, 2014

I had a fairly short note that was easy - and correct - except for a couple of lab terms I wasn't sure of because the dictator slurred over them.  Wanting the report to be correct, I submitted it to QA in the hope that the "smarter" QA person would hear the lab terms and fill them in.  Ha!  She didn't know either, but instead went through and "corrected" things that didn't need correcting, I'm sure in order to justify her job.   No more will I submit a report to QA that's only marginally in need of a second opinion.  

I couldn't agree with you more! - sami

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I hate it when QA makes those "preference type corrections." I wish the report could somehow be locked so they could only fill in the blanks. After I have spent my time submitting a good report, and then seeing this QA person pick at it and tear it apart is sickening.

picking - Anon

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Won't do any good to complain. I tried it. I resented them changing my reports especially when it was good the way it was. Didn't like the end result and told my super as much. Was told they knew what they were doing and not to worry about it. Still irks me.

What will happen is this: - SM

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MTs will become more & more sick and disgusted with being picked apart and under the microscope. We might as well be on 100% QA, they figure.

To protect themselves, as well as their line count, sanity, and the little income they do receive from this God-forsaken "profession" - more and more work will go to the client "as is" - no leaving blanks, just push the reports through. (Why risk getting badgered over & over?)

Agree - but please explain what are "preference type corrections"? - Kitty

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Do you mean that there is no definitive guideline for the particular "error" which QA, in their infinite wisdom, just ding for the sake of it?

It might help to cite a reference such as Book of Style when challenging those silly and arbitrary corrections.

Here's One According to BOS - Ms, Ms.

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Courtesy title for a woman or girl. Preferred over Miss. Since Ms is not an abbreviation, it is usually written WITHOUT the ending period. QA continuously changes this when there is no need. Perfect example of a preference type correction.

Don't send anything you don't absolutely need to. QA is well known for this SM - SamMT

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B.S. and it irritates me beyond reason. I send a blank to QA because I simply can't understand what's being said. They can't understand it either, but they'll nitpick my report apart every which way they can. They do justify their jobs by criticizing yours.

Don't send ANYTHING you don't have to. We do have to start think about ourselves for a change, it's about time, and nobody else is looking out for us.

QA have no need to justify their jobs - sm

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QAing reports is actually only a part of the job and is also a paycut. They do quite a bit of MT/ME work also. Don't let some bad apple QA generalize your opinion of all. We are trained to do a quick scan of the report and if we find an error, we are required to 100% QA a report. We get audited very frequently and if we miss anything it counts against us just as if we typed it ourselves, and we are just afraid of the auditing department as everybody else. Personally, I don't mark anything unless I can reference it and can copy and paste it or at least say where I found it. If you find feedback that is questionable, report it to your QAC or TSM, and unless they are incompetent, they will rectify things. Also, you can verify the feedback by looking in the Transcription Style Guide, DQS Standards and Guidelines and the BOS2, in that order, as the style guide is MModal's own rules that take priority over the BOS2. If QA don't follow these, they get marked off on an audit. Remember also, QA feedback doesn't count against you, so if you don't feel it is worth reporting, just brush it off. There are QA that are old school, sloppy, or just plain incompetent, but there are really good ones, and it is hurtful to generalize all in the bad apple bunch. It's like a QA coming on here and saying all transcriptionists are hacks and have no idea what they are doing because of a few bad reports. Remember, you don't see the reports that QA have went through but left alone. We all like to use this site to vent, but just remember QA are your coworkers and not your superiors. The only difference between what they do, how they are treated, and available resources is that they get an extra report type, which are the QA reports. QA would like nothing more than to fill in the blank and move on. Anything more, and they take a paycut. However, for some, the fear of being audited outweighs that. Many QA make less than they did when they were transcriptionists/editors.

just a question... - poorhouse

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I'm just curious as to how many auditors this company has? lol It sounds as though there are auditors auditing the auditors ad nauseam. It's a wonder the reports ever get back to the client! LOL I'm saying this in jest because, my gawd, after putting in 8 hrs/day for this company all I can do is laugh.

"Corrections" - MountainWoman

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I am an MME, and I can't believe some people waste so much of their time correcting style issues!

In one report I sent for a blank, I had:

John Smith, MD, Resident

and it was changed to:

John Smith (resident)

Really? Why would anyone use their time to change something like that?

I feel for you, but it's not all of us. There are always going to be those on a power trip, although I'm not sure what about this "position" makes them feel so high and mighty.

The only time we are supposed to correct anything, other than fill in a blank, is if we see something that is clearly incorrect. Sometimes, as I'm trying to fill in a blank, the words before and after are so incorrect, I can't find where the blank is. In those cases, I do a 100% QA, and even then, I only change any words that are obviously incorrect.

I'm sorry you get some of the bad eggs. I've had them, too.

I really hate it when I catch some other error but can't fill the blank lol *facepalm* - nacho n-mme

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There is NOTHING wrong with having a colleague be your second eyes/ears. MTs should NEVER have been handed a penalty for sending to QA. We are in the same boat getting laughable nitpicky audits, etc., plus being sent work from all accounts on the list in random order (no primary....) The only power trip I have is when I trip over the extension cord and/or forget to take my headset off when running for more coffee.

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