A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

anybody out there who used to work for alltype before the acquisition who are happy now? - wishful thinking

Posted: Oct 05, 2012

I am happy I am not being stolen from now. Surely you dont want - them to come back. nm

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all type - sam

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gee, that's kind of vague. they stole from you?

I have posted about this a million times in detail. - I am posting for the OP, to remind her. nm

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Do you remember the Saturday morning we logged in to NO work? - All sent OS. I am happy they are gone.nm

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Do you remember when OS bypassed us, sent right to facility? - Which was a disaster. Do you remember the lies? nm

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OS - sm

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sorry if i sound dumb, but i don't even know what OS is?

Off-shore. You must be a newbie, lol. Be sure to double check - your lines occasionally. nm

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OS - sm
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actually i worked for them for over nearly 4 years and never got "stolen from". Not a newbie either, thanks. just looking for advice where some people may have gone to be happy after the acquisition by mmodal. geesh, people are right, bunch of disgruntled MTs here!
If you worked for them for the last 2 years for sure, you DID get stolen - from. Unless you think your lines were SM
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calculated different than anyone else. And then to have management say they would look into it only to tell us within a month we were sold down the river. If you were on conference calls, you heard about it as it was happening.
You did not work for them if you do not know who OS is. It was discussed regularly - on our weekly calls.
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Yeah, funny that. How thievery can make one disgruntled. - nm
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Disgruntled? I think not. - HighOctane
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I'm certainly not one who falls into the disgruntled category. I'm very happy with the way my career has turned out. To tell the truth about how a company abused people is not being disgruntled. I believe in telling it like it is. In this case, the unvarnished truth involves sharing that this company cheated its workers out of hard-earned money and lied to them about the workflow. I'm perfectly happy to be the messenger of the truth!

Yes, and the story the QA liaison at the time kept giving me was - HighOctane

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that the lack of work was due to all the snowstorms in the northeast! That went on for over a week until the next QA meeting when they dropped the hammer and told us that the work had been sent overseas. I don't know how the people spreading those lies were able to sleep at night.

AllType - I'm excstatic because I don't work for them or Modal! - HighOctane

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Praise Jesus, I have a great job now and have been spared from working at a company that has people lying to me. I'm VERY happy!

Good for you. One of us escaped. - nm

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I like the way you put that! LOL! So true! - HighOctane

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LOL! Ecstatic is the way it should be spelled! - HighOctane

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Sorry, I guess I was thinking of the word excited when I typed that and entered the ex as the first two letters of the word!! I am very EXCITED to be working elsewhere! :)

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nm ...