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Credit Inquiry - Nuance

Posted: Jul 29, 2012

Anyone else had a credit inquiry alert from Nuance?  This happened lately too.  This is sort of disturbing, and I don't remember applying for any other jobs there too.  I've been working there for a while too.  Don't they have to have my permission to do this?

How did you find out? - anon

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is it on your credit report?

I think I signed something that gave permission for a credit check and background check when I got hired.

I do have to say I don't really understand how credit history should have any impact on this type of job. It seems kind of ridiculous.

Credit Inquiry - Nuance

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Yes it is. I just looked at my credit report earlier today.

It is illegal in California and a few other states - anon

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employers are not allowed to access credit reports in several states, unless you work in an industry related to money and a couple of others that are certainly not related to this field.

That is very weird, especially if you have been working for Nuance a while.
Credit Inquiry - Nuance
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I'm in the process of trying to find the correct law in my state regarding this.
Found it - Credit Inquiry
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Yep. It says it right here under the ICPA

Impact - Curious One

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If you have delinquent accounts or have a bad credit history, it impacts any type of job. Employers don't want people who are may have their wages garnished.

Doesn't matter, it is still illegal in at least 7 states. - anon

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regardless of your opinion on the issue.

It doesn't impact your job performance, but nice to judge people who have had struggles in life.
Unfortunately I don't make the rules - Curious One
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No message
Curious on you - Please explain
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What makes you think that these are rules? Please explain yourself. You say you don't make them but quick to make a statement on this. What if I myself have excellent credit? What if I have poor credit? That's not relevant here. Employers have rules to follow as how an employer can obtain a credit report by informing said subject before it's done and be privy of every states law regarding this subject. Just my opinion.
Not sure about "rules" but pretty sure about LAWS. - anon
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In Cali an employer can only request a credit check under certain circumstances and MT would not meet that criteria. Apparently there are 6 other states with that law as well.

I have no clue what "rules" the above poster might be talking about, but LAW trumps empolyer's rules any day of the week.

Seriously, bad credit can happen for zillions of reasons and not all of them are due to poor morals. Sometimes life happens. It would be a terrible world if people were so unforgiving as to deny you employment for which you are more than qualified because you had some bad luck. How can a person ever get back on their feet? Some people are seriously cold hearted.
Agreed! - Something not right
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Its the same for Illinois too. In fact, I found this:

4. Credit Report Limitations

The new restriction: Many states have begun limited the use of credit reports by employers for screening out new hires. This law is being enacted in order to prohibit discrimination against individuals based on their credit history. This is particularly relevant after the recession we are still climbing out of. Many consumers took significant financial hits because of job loss, underemployment, mortgage rates, and excessive debt. When this information is reflected on their credit history, it may keep a disproportionate number of job applicants from looking like viable candidates.

However, employers ARE allowed to use credit information if they meet at least one of these circumstances:

The position you are hiring for involves access to confidential financial information.
The employer is a bank, credit union, or other financial institution.
The position in question is a law enforcement officer, emergency medical personnel, or a firefighter.
The position of employment requires a financial responsibility to the employer or a customer. Responsibilities might include authority to issue payments, collect debts, transfer money, or oversee contracts.
The employer can demonstrate that the information is a valid and reliable predictor of employee performance in the specific position of employment.
The position of employment involves access to an employer’s payroll.
How it impacts your effort to screen employees: While it’s only a law in the states of California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, Washington and Vermont, you might also consider not using credit reports or credit histories to make employment decisions when it comes to job applicants (except where described above or if it’s state law). Part of the law passed also says that, even if you attest to one of the circumstances listed above, you can’t use this information as the ONLY reason not to hire someone.

Why/Please explain - Curious One
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Because "Anon" asked what a credit check had to do with this kind of work so I told her why I thought employers did credit checks. If you don't want answers/opinions, don't ask the questions. I don't like employers doing credit checks on me either, but it is what it is.

The OP stated that she worked for the company for awhile. sm - strange stuff

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So, it doesn't sound like they are deciding whether to hire her. She already works for them for awhile.
credit check - oldone
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Curious, are you leasing one of their computers or other equipment? They take those payments out of your check in increments so it is a sure thing that they will get the money. I really can't understand this. I worked for 1 oompany years ago that checked any arrests and such and also did random drug screens all the time. Don't have a record and don't take drugs but I always wondered about that.
Old One - Curious One
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I don't work for them at all, I was just making an observation as to why I thought an employer might do a credit check. They must have a reason, so I would suggest contacting Nuance and asking them. It was none of my business, excuse me for having an independent thought.
My opinion - Credit check
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Yes, and people's credit can also be affected by being underemployed and cannot pay their bills. Take Nuance for instance, perfect example of a person going broke, filing for bankruptcy, and all other scenarios due to being underemployed. This is my opinion and I get to express it at any time.
guess i'll be checking my report - cassie
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Well guess i'll be checking my credit report. Although I have been with Nuance/Focus for a number of years, I wouldn't put it past them. However, I was pretty certain that they had to have our permission to check our credit. I didn't think that an employer could just go and check somebody's credit w/out permission, but again wouldn't put it past them. So my question then is...if Nuance went and checked my credit years after I have started with them and they did not have my permission to do so, then isn't that illegal and thus a course of legal actoin to be taken??

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