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Pay not right for the second week, payroll never answered my inquiry - Fed up

Posted: Jun 17, 2015

This is the second week my pay has been incorrect.  They did not pay me the shift differential.  I have already emailed my TSM and payroll, no answer from payroll (email was sent days ago about pwe 6/5).  This is added to the fact that on the Powerscribe platform there is NO WAY for us to track our lines anyway, so we all have to guess whether or not we're being shorted (although they clearly did not add the shift diff as no column exists on either of my time sheets).  There is one account that several of us are on that consistently gets overlooked and we all have to demand they go back and upload the lines for it.  The only way that error is caught is because it is the primary account for 2 MLS and they can clearly see that 150-bucks for a week's work is a huge error in line counts.  If you are reading this Nuance, get your stuff together or you'll lose the last few of us that are hanging on.

Call payroll. - wtfe

[ In Reply To ..]
They did the same to me last week and never answered email. Finally got through by calling. They suck.

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