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Raise inquiry - CK5

Posted: Jan 10, 2013

So I'm farily new-ish to MM and MT in general. MM hired me as a complete newbie about 9 months ago, and I accepted the rates they gave me (0.04 VR and 0.05 TR) because I was desparate for a job. Based soley on my memory, the person who offered me the job stated that there would be a consideration for a raise after 90 days. Okay, fine, whatever, I just want a job.

Well, 9 months later I am still making the same rate. I haven't brought up the issue because I like to fly under the radar. I am not complaining about the VR rate because I'm still farily new and I don't think I deserve a raise. However, I do think I should get a raise for my TR rate. I'm on several accounts where a fair portion (maybe 30%) is straight typing and rightfully so. The dictations are horrible, bad quality along with speed dictators, etc.

From my point of view, a more veteran MT can spend half the time typing these reports and make more money doing so than I can, and I wonder why I try to hard and spend so much time on these difficult reports. For the most part, it is not getting any easier, and I actually make more money doing VR in certain cases.

I know Amy said no raises were going to be given or something along those lines, but would I be considered an exception? I thought the rate I accepted was sort of a training rate and I would be evaluated and given a raise at one point in time.

Please save any get out while you can sort of posts because I am already in school for a BA. I just would like feedback on what I mentioned. Thank you for reading my long-winded post.

well you can either fly under the radar - or remind them about the raise

[ In Reply To ..]
that's the way I see it. If you don't want to make waves that's fine, but don't expect them to suddenly remember (or even be aware) that you were offered a raise review after 90 days.

They may do a quarter cent raise up to your tier maximum - Not really much

[ In Reply To ..]
Last year they set tier maximums and cut everybody over based on your tier. They refused to honor any prior grandfathered rates and basically kept the tier rates the same as they had been since 2006. Only in this company and industry do we not get a raise in 7 years. Thanks Amy and Vern. In fact most took a pay cut multiple times. However, 5 is pathetically low for typing and you deserve more than that. Tier 1 max is 6 and 4 so you are not even at tier 1 max rate.

When Amy stated no raises she meant they were not going to raise the tier maximums. So if you are already at the top of your tier and have been for years too bad so sad. Even with CMT or RMT they will not go above the tier maximum.

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