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Didn't get credit for my last report of the day. - anon

Posted: Oct 07, 2010

After my worst day in a long time or maybe ever, I noticed DQScribe was weird when I tried to log out.  Sure enough I checked later and didn't get credit for my last job.  Don't know if it went back into the pool or on through to the customer for free.  I hate this stupid company.

Tell CCM as much as you can remember about the job... - alphamt

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approximate length, time you lost it, and ask to be compensated for however much you did. This has been happening to me for at least 4 weeks, before 6.1.

I did the whole thing but it was being weird - about downloaing and

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logging out. I am so brain dead from doing new accounts all week, I couldn't begin to tell her what dictator it was or even which clinic it was. Just more money down the drain. I just figured it didn't give me credit for it. Wonder how many others I don't get credit for? Maybe that is why I am beating my head against the wall trying to even make my minimum any more.

I would rather have an enema than sign on to work today.

Said that wrong -- I didn't "just figure" -- - I know the last job showing

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is NOT the last one I did, but I can't remember the dictator or clinic of the last one. Just know for fact, it is NOT there.
I don't even mind if somebody else got it already - typed and got credit for it.
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I just don't want it to go on to client and MQ gets paid and I did it for FREE. They already take enough away from us.
Dont you write down the job# as you do them? If not, how do - you expect to know what you get credit for? nm
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I would never get my minimum lines if I wrote - down all the numbers
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What a lame excuse. Same platform, different MTSO, I write all - #s and get above what is expected. nm
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Puleeze!! Really!!!
Swell for you -- I type like a wild woman and - just barely holding my head
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above the water. If I don't have time to go pee, I sure dont' have time to write down every job number.
You cant have it both ways. MQ says usually no work but you must - be the one taking all the jobs if SM
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you have so much work you dont have time to pee. So does MQ have so much work no time to pee or don't they?
Cant be bothered to keep track of your jobs? Then you deserve - to come up missing lines. How can you SM
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put trust that any MTSO is paying you right if YOU have no idea of the jobs you did? How can you put your financial information entirely in their hands. Oh, yeah. MTSO says we pay true and fair, so of course you can trust them. Pffftttt.

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