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MM resignation inquiry? - ts
Posted: Feb 08, 2012
I wonder if MQ/MM does a follow-up inquiry after a person quits, to find out why. Does anyone know?
the Q used to - dont think it mattered any though
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Are you leaving? Why not e-mail every higher up that you can with reasons why you want to leave before you go and tell them to hear you out and see if there is anything they could do to encourage you to stay?
I doubt it sm - monica
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I left on December 31 and still have not been contacted by my CCM or anyone else from MQ. I was with the Q for 13 years. They don't care. They just hire someone in cheaper. I had to contact them to get Cobra. They still have not contacted me about returning their computer. This is the most dysfunctional company I have ever seen.
Pointless - old and burned out
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Sorry but the answer is - they don't care.
MQ did -- kind of - 06MT
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I left MQ about a year ago after they bought out my company. After I sent my resignation, my supervisor responded with "Should I put down dissatisfaction with pay as your reason for leaving?" This being after they cut my pay and didn't even bother to tell me.
re resignation inquiry - ts
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Actually, I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet, but I resent being told to "explain myself" over a fairly minor issue by some power-hungry QA with an inflated ego. I expect any day I'll receive an email teling me I've been fired. Apparently 25+ years'acute care experience, working for minimum wage now, isn't good enough. I predict these MTSOs are going to fall flat on their faces, making it illegal to send medical records overseas, within 5 years' time, and they're going to be begging American MTs to work for them.
so many times - MT Gone
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told myself the same things. And, yes, I do believe it will happen in some way, shape or form; however, I just couldn't stick it out anymore or I'd be living on the street, or at least without heat, hot water, and food! I miss being an MT, but I'm single and the bills had to be paid. :-(
Anyone else had a credit inquiry alert from Nuance? This happened lately too. This is sort of disturbing, and I don't remember applying for any other jobs there too. I've been working there for a while too. Don't they have to have my permission to do this? ...
I recently started working for MMODAL... but I also have a part-time job elsewhere, and I will not say where, that is not relevant, but on my other part-time job they have different platforms and recently within the past year I think they started 'moving' some accounts to a platform called M-Modal, a couple of my account were moved there and eventually I am supposed to get moved there totally but I am not in any hurry as I like the platform I am currently on. But my question for ...
So I'm farily new-ish to MM and MT in general. MM hired me as a complete newbie about 9 months ago, and I accepted the rates they gave me (0.04 VR and 0.05 TR) because I was desparate for a job. Based soley on my memory, the person who offered me the job stated that there would be a consideration for a raise after 90 days. Okay, fine, whatever, I just want a job.
Well, 9 months later I am still making the same rate. I haven't brought up the issue because I like to fly under the radar. ...
Helllo -
I am considering a career transition to MT, and presently researching AHDI-approved MT programs.
I've heard lots of great things about Andrews School; does anyone know anything about, or have taken, the program through TRSi? This is the other one that I was considering.
Thanks for your help!
D. ...
My understanding, according to conversations with several people at the Department of Labor in several states, is that anyone working on a VA contract must have employee status and must be paid the wage determination rate, or prevailing wage, for the state and county in which the client (or VA facility) is located. It does not matter what the wage determination rate is for the state and county in which you reside. Therefore, if you work on several different VA accounts, there may be ...
We are preparing to switch to editing and are working on a fair guidelines for the MTs. What are the industry standards of expections for things such as correcting if a dictator says something like "laboratory studies" and the draft comes through as "laboratory data" - do you correct it or leave it? What about things like numbers that begin a sentence? Correct or let it go? Any advice you can give would be appreciated. ...
This is the second week my pay has been incorrect. They did not pay me the shift differential. I have already emailed my TSM and payroll, no answer from payroll (email was sent days ago about pwe 6/5). This is added to the fact that on the Powerscribe platform there is NO WAY for us to track our lines anyway, so we all have to guess whether or not we're being shorted (although they clearly did not add the shift diff as no column exists on either of my time sheets). T ...
I just got a call that I am hired for a job that I interviewed for yesterday (YAY!). My question is besides my CCM or whatever her title is now who else do I copy on my letter of resignation? And where do I find their names because I don't know who is above her. Thanks in advance!
P.S. If you are looking for a job just don't give up. I've been looking for 3 years! ...
After all the Fiesa I have reviewed for free...all the ! emails I have read and responded to immediately for free....all the time I have spent checking my email for a response to an email I sent, never to hear a response, for free....all the reversals I have requested on my own time....all the time I spent just last Christmas alone checking for work that never came ...the countless hours I have spent waiting for work and coming back to check over and over again.....the time I have spent switchin ...
I recently submitted my resignation to WMX. Does anyone know how long the health insurance is in effect afterwards? In my case, my last day is Dec 19th. Is it only effective through then or longer due to biweekly deductions for it? Thanks ...
This was just too funny not to share! :)
To Wombs it May Concerta: I would like to deworm you cat eye am resounding from my apposition from the nuisance Company effective repeatedly. Thank you for the rapport of tougher impunity that you improvised me during my torture with your company.
If I can be of any resistance during this opposition, please field free 2 fret me know. I would be graduate to dismiss you any day I can. ...
Just got the call asking why I left MM and how I felt about the company. Hard to answer thoroughly with the choices given but let her know that I thought their policies were despicable. The interviewer said she heard that all the time (not that this is news to anyone). Would I ever work for them again? Ho, ho, ho! ...
I have handed in my resignation effective immediately. I am so tired of hearing these foreign doctors, failing my audits and working every darn weekend. I have had enough. No, I don't have a job but I am hopeful and I will be getting my husband's SS soon. I just can't take this BS anymore.
sent it to the owner of the company and cc'd her admin asst, who hired me. The AA accidentally replied back to the owner on that same email chain and forgot to delete my name so it was sent to me too, stating she was "ticked off" that I quit, that they had done "so much for me" and basically that it was my fault because I didn't communicate to them that I didn't have enough work. Mind you, we had discussed this via email 3 weeks prior, that I wasn't making enough ...
Hi everyone! Last month, I posted on here that I resigned effective immediately. I had had enough of the crappy ESL doctors, the audits, the poor VR, etc., etc. I just want everyone to know there is hope. I found out today that I will be getting my husband's SS with a lump sum at the end of this month and monthly payments starting in August. The payments may be more than what I originally thought. I have also put out about 40 resumes and have only gotten one bite. that one bite is a ...
I'm seeing more and more job postings for statutory employee status. I'm trying to figure out what an appropriate line rate request equivalent would be since I would be responsible for withholding income taxes. For example if the traditional employee line rate is 8 cpl for transcription what would I need to request for statutory status? The same or more? ...