A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Newbie questions- your insight appreciated - maybe

Posted: Sep 15, 2012

Trying to decide whether to join up and have a few questions.  Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.  And, the reason I am asking here, is that I trust your answers over the suits. 

How long from offer to actually starting work? (Since I know they do a background check and have a lot of paperwork.)

How long from starting work to actualkly getting a paycheck?

How long is training on platform (DQS)? 

How long to be fairly productive after training? 

What is the real percentage of ESLs, crap dictators (best guess)?

How long to be off 100% QA? 

How often audited after passing the initial 100% QA? 




I salute your bravery - MModal Livestock

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If you've read a lot of the posts on here and still want to join MModal, you've got guts. MModal is as bad as people say it is. It can also be as good as other people say it is. Or just somewhere in between.

Sorry, I can't answer most of your questions, I'm sure other people know better. I'm in a weird subdivision of the company (hold over from a company that was bought out).

Pay periods are 2 weeks and you get paid the week after that. I had no delay when I joined (I've joined MedQuist, now MModal, twice) and I don't think that's changed.

The first time round it took me about a month and a half to become productive. I was an MT beforehand though and had experience with ESL and acute care facilities. Second time was instant because I was doing the same hospitals on the same platform. This will of course vary greatly depending on accounts and dictators.

Training on DQS for me took a couple hours and then the rest of my career. They kept changing the program every couple weeks to make sure I never knew how to do my job, but if you're a fast learner and don't mind that sort of thing (I hate change personally), you'll do fine. I don't know how the DQS training program has changed into the modern day, someone else I'm sure can tell you about it. I work on a different platform for now.

I believe the training period of 100% QA lasts 6 weeks. Might be wrong; hope someone corrects me if I am. I have no clue about the audits after that. My weird subdivision has a strange schedule for such things, so somebody will have to field that one.

Finally, about the ESL/bad dictators. Ouch. The terrible truth is it can be pretty bad. I have a group of hospitals that I love and I'd say its 20% awful, 30% bad, 30% not very good and the remainder ranges from fair to great. And this is the good stuff. And no, you can't have it. It's mine, I saw it first, keep your mitts off;)

It's more common to get lots and lots of hospitals or end up in the "cesspool". That means pretty much any hospital, clinic or barn in America. Back when I was part of greater MModal, I had times where I got a few hospitals with a good (by modern standards) 50/50 good/bad ratio, other times where it was 90% bad and a decent smattering of NJA (no jobs available). Enter the great paradox that is MModal.

I'm a disgruntled employee, so take my warning with a grain of salt: RUN!!!!!!!! If you can't run or just plain want this job, I do sincerely wish you the best of luck. Lots of people luck out and ride the gravy train all the way to MT/ME retirement (what normal people call the grave), or so I've been told in the pretty brochures MM sent me.

If you're one of the lucky ones, congratulations. If not, come back on and gripe about it. That's what I do.

Can't answer your questions but I wonder if - they do these SM

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background checks on our "global partner MTs".

They did one on me, but I'm on V.A. accounts nm - MModal Livestock

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See message - sm

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I was acquired by MModal/outsourced by the hospital I worked for so do not know about background checks and paperwork. There was no waiting period with first paycheck, we got paid on their next pay day right after we started.

We are paid bi-weekly and me and a a couple other ladies that went with the outsource were off QA by the end of the first week. DQS training lasted a couple of hours, but we were paid for it.

It really does'nt take long to become productive and they do pay you $10 an hour for like the first 3 pay-periods as a learning curve. Of course if you average more than $10 an hour then thats what you will be paid, whichever is highest. Once I got the shortcuts down for VR (voice recognition) I got pretty fast but it took me about a month to get faster at editing.

As far as percentage of ESLs, I work on about 14 different accounts, but usually only do my two primaries and when those are low, work from the other 12 accounts will flow in. I am fairly use to doing ESLs because there was a lot of them at the hospital I came from so I would say its probably about 50% or more, maybe less. Not sure because Im use to doing them so I really dont pay attention; they're like any other dictators to me.

As far as auditing, I think that varies depending on which team or region you work on as far as how often they do them. I very seldom get audited.

Background checks - Yes they do check

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I was in touch with an MT off of MTStars. We were both considering Keystrokes at the time. She said MM turned her down because of a bad credit rating! Wow, and to think it is because of these companies that people are having bad credit because they cannot make a living to pay their bills. Like what was said before, RUN, and never, ever look back.

That is weird - - msmt

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never heard of not getting a job because of bad credit rating because if anything, I have always had a bad credit rating. They just want to make sure of job history and whether you would be hired back at these jobs and to make sure you have no felonies on your record. You get paid every 2 weeks. Not sure how they do the training/100% QA anymore. I have been working here for 7 years and was off QA the first week but got paid for 2 weeks of training before going on production. I love working here. It is no worse or better than any other place I have worked. Every job has its downside. It is according to the region you get in and whether you are acute or speciality. Good luck!

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