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Can anyone provide any insight here? - MDI/Transcend

Posted: Feb 12, 2010

If my account is not located in the mid Atlantic and has had no recent bad weather, why is it so low on work?  If I'm paranoid, please correct me, but what effect could the weather in another area have on my account?


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I have been reading the posts on here since THE MERGER with MDI began last year, and have followed all postings with the interest of a passer-by at a car accident - rubbernecking so to speak. The only thing I can come up with about all that is stated here is that - to me- it seems that Transcend is trying VERY hard to get MDI employess to leave their employment without actually coming out and firing them. TO ME - it appears that all work is going to estabilished Transcend workers - perhaps the favorites - before any overflow, after offshoring, goes to former MDI employees, part-timers and IC people. Just my opinion, but after reading all sorts of threads here, I cannot help but come to that conclusion. AND, they have the power to do so by controlling all work pools, picking and choosing who to keep, dependent on whether the TL likes you, your personal agreement with Transcend when you merged, etc...many reasons, but they sure sound like they are doing their best to weed out a lot of people. As to why they have an ad for jobs is mind boggling....Just my opinion.

Your opinion is probably 100% correct - RLee

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I disagree with this viewpoint. - See message.

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Sometimes work is just slow. Does anyone not get the feast/famine about this career? It has been this way for 25 yrs (in my experience) way before the supposedly evil MTSOs came on the scene. Just is. Sometimes there is no reason at all - back then and now- for why work is slow.

First off, MDI-MD MTs are still doing MDI accounts. The accounts are finally well-staffed to overstaffed when the volume drops. I am having (as always) no problem getting my lines in and I am not sitting here more than 9 hours (including breaks).

The Transcenders will tell you that your guess here is off too, because they say they have no work and can't even get enough to pay their bills or mortgages.

I used to try to peg it, to figure it out, when I started back in the mid 80s. Impossible to do. The reasons are myriad, and sure, could include evil doing by the MTSOs or Transcend sending work overseas, Transcend is taking MDI accounts and giving it to their current MLSs or MDI is taking Transcend work or the snow or the cold Florida weather or the flu or who in the dickens knows.

Ask for more work. It is there. Ask ask ask.

It appears they ALL do that whenever a merger happens. - They want young/naiive, not older/wiser MTs.

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Well, I know that Transcend employees are not - Transcend employee

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getting MDI's work, at least not this Transcend employee. I am just barely eeking out a living there. I think you might have something when you say that Transcend wants former MDIer's to quit. They are making a much higher salary than what they hire their own employee's so getting rid of the hire salaried MTs put more $ in their pockets. And isn't the goal to make the rich richer?

As far as anybody being a favorite employee at Trancend, they treat us all with contempt.

Another poster said the work is there and to ask, ask, ask. I've found that gets you no place except then they know you need to work. I don't know if they get some kind of personal satisfaction in knowing you are struggling to pay your bills, but I do know it has generated no more work for me.

I think their motto is "overhire" and that is why they are always hiring. That way it keeps us all scavanging for work.

I second that !!! - RLee

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distribution of workflow - pumpernickel

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Since most of the accounts are mid-Atlantic and they have all been close to zero on work flow this week while the area was snowed in and shut down, that left a lot of MTs with no work and looking for work on accounts that still had some (wasn't me - I'm IC and got kicked off).

Thank goodness they are digging out and my primary finally has some work today. At least there are still a few days to try to salvage my paycheck.

its not just Transcend. - sm

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I talked to a person I used to work with who is still in the hospital setting. They are so low on work anymore (no outsourcing) that she has to file records 1 day a week and use vacation and sick days for the other no-work days. Lots of people are too broke to use the hospital if it is not totally necessary.

The economy - Nick

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My business attorney (whose undergrad degree is economics) told me that what we are really in is a global Depression, NOT a Recession, but that no one dares use the D word because they are afraid people would jump out of windows, etc. like in 1929.

interesting, i would like to hear (see) - sm

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his definitions -- of global depression and of recession -- to better understand from the economic point of view.
The difference between a depression and a recession - Nick
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There is actually a web site is refers to explain it to non-economists like me, but I do not think we are supposed to post web sites on this board. You might try to Google "difference between depression and recession" and it would probably bring it up. Our school system just laid off 500 teachers.
Listing web sites - RLee
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You are not allowed to post specific web sites pertaining to companies policies, I guess inside info, as I have found out. I do not know if the web site you are talking about would fall into this category (it seems to me it would not), but to be on the safe side if someone wants a specific web site you can email it to them.
actually, we are encouraged to post websites - sm
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That's why the URL/Link box is below in the "post a reply" box.
Please include links to websites - if you are going to cite them - sm
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Found under 'General Posting Guidelines' on main page of every board on this site.

6.  Use URLs (links to Internet sites) with a summary of the information you are trying to share.

If you are disseminating information obtained from a website, giving the name of the website adds to the credibility of your post and is helpful to those who are interested.  Thanks.

I have been banned 3 times for posting websites .. just so you know (nm) - anon
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To anon - RLee
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I was banned once for posting a web site pertaining to Transcend's MSL web site. The moderator told me they do not allow posting of specific web sites pertaining to a compan, but rather to email the individual who wants a specific web site.

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