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Letter today about termination of Kaiser Medical - Kiki

Posted: Apr 02, 2010

Apparently they are making us switch to United Healthcare (probably cheaper I

I think Kaiser is only in CA (???).   I really like my doctor at Kaiser but I guess I'll have to say good bye to her. 

As for United, could anyone give me any info on this plan, whether you like it, what the insurance premiums are like for a single person, etc.  Any info appreciated :)












Oh no! Please say this isn't true... - I love Kaiser!!!

[ In Reply To ..]
I had UHC coverage before (different company) and I guess it might depend on which one of their plans MQ is going to offer.

I know that I hated the UHC plan that I used to have because of the $5000 deductible and high co-pays.

But who knows, maybe MQ will be nice and decide to offer one of UHC's HMO plans or one of the ones with a reasonable deductible and co-pay.

United is good - Badcat

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I had been on United with my husband's work for the past 8 years. They are really good. They paid for my back surgery and I never have a co-pay. Unfortunately his company just switched us to another insurance.

I like UHC, have single coverage....sm - MTfossil

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I have had no problems with United. I pay $75 per PP for single coverage, copay is $25. I live in a small town, so when I moved here I was afraid I would have trouble finding docs who took United, but not so. Also, I am able to get my RX by mail, 3-month supply, which is a tremendous savings.

I really hope that when the new enrollment occurs next month, they stay with United.

Did you receive a letter in the mail? - SD

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Just wondering how you knew about this. I also have had Kaiser for many years. Sorry to hear this. :(

SD - yes, I received a letter dated March 30. - Kiki

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Says they are terminating Kaiser plan due to "decreased employee enrollment and and escalating health care costs." In other words, something else they want don't want to pay for for us. I'm sure they wished they didn't have to provide medical coverage for us at all, but since they do they are going to find the cheapest way to do it, even if the plan sucks. Well, I can't say United sucks yet, as I don't know, but I'm hoping it will be okay. Sounds like from the post below the premiums per month are about the same for a single person (about 150 per month).

The Kaiser plan will no longer be available after May 31. We will have to choose one of the United plans OR Choice Plus (POS) and HRA. ????

Anyone have a POS (is it point-of-service? or ?) plan and have anything good or bad to say about these?

Kaiser/UHC - MT

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I'm in GA, and we have Kaiser here; however my family now has UHC through my husband's job. I think it will depend on what type of UHC is offered by MQ. We have Choice Plus which costs us $130/pay period for a family of 4, copays are $20, deductible is $500 per person, and we also have the mail order drug program which is great, especially for generic drugs. Otherwise there is a 3-tier level copay for drugs. If you need hospital services or tests such as MRI/CT, then you have to pay the deductible + 20%. I had a lumbar MRI which ended up costing me around $900 out of pocket. I was disappointed to find out that a lumbar facet injection was considered "surgery" even though it was done in the office, and that I would have to pay a lot out of pocket for it. I decided not to do it because I just can't afford it. It may not work anyway. It would probably be more for diagnostic purposes than pain relief. Even with good insurance, the cost of procedures is still high IMO.

Overall, though, I am happy with the coverage for routine things like OB/GYN, mammogram, well child visits, etc. The only other problem I have had is finding certain specialists close to me who are on the plan.

You paid 900 for an MRI. Ouch. With Kaiser - Kiki

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I had 2 MRIs and 1 CT in the past 3 months, all of which costed me zero out of pocket with Kaiser. Thank God I got those then and not after Kaiser lapses. All of my "illnesses" are stress related so I better start getting serious about stress-reduction techniques!

kiki - mt

[ In Reply To ..]
wow, you were smart to get those tests done. I would have had the MRI done a lot sooner if that were the case for me. That $900 included my deductible, but still. They billed out $4500 for the MRI, so I guess I should be happy with the $900.

Good luck on the stress reduction techniques. I think all of us MQ MTs could use a tip or two in that area right about now:)

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