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MedQuist pays $2 Million to settle lawsuit with Kaiser - factchecker

Posted: Aug 20, 2010



Medical transcription services company MedQuist Inc. has agreed to pay Kaiser Permanente $2 million to settle a lawsuit in which the health-care company alleged MedQuist inflated its costs.

Kaiser of Oakland, Calif., filed its lawsuit against MedQuist (NASDAQ:MEDQ) during the summer of 2008.

Under the terms of the settlement, MedQuist of Mount Laurel, N.J., made a single lump sum payment to Kaiser on Aug. 16. MedQuist did not admit to any liability or wrongdoing in connection with the settlement.

The terms of the settlement were disclosed by MedQuist in a filing Thursday with the Securities and Exchange Commission.




Surprised heres - sm

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WHAT!!!! They are not going to pay it to AHDI instead???? I guess Kaiser is far more important than the transcriptionists were. They couldn't bother to pay out the settlement money to us, but can to Kaiser. SUCKS....

Surprised here -- excuse the extra little s. NM - sm

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MQ admits to NO wrong doing, yet they pay - IN CASH 2 million.

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This morning, I sit with NO JOBS AVAILABLE.

When the heck is Karma coming!

Riddle me this Q... - Babette

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1. How does a company that was robbing its clients still get clients?

2. How does a company that was robbing its workers still get workers?

Riddle - U R so right

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Wow, you just said it all! I left MQ last February and I have posted numerous times about how MTs should boycott this company and never, ever apply to it. I can understand if you need a job and have to stay on and if they give you work, then I can't fault anyone, because I have been there too and still am, but if you sit with NJA and have to use up your own PTO or make it up, not on your scheduled time, then I say, don't let the door hit you on the way out! Unfortunately it is so horrible with these other companies, I don't know what to say. I had to take an IC position and I am working for two companies and I only want part time work. Go figure that????? I am hoping this one local company works out, but I heard she can be flaky about paying on time, so I may have to contend with that. The other company hired me and over hired (what else is new) and forced me to find another job, because it wasn't even enough for PT and the beat goes on. BUT, to get back to your statement of why do companies hire MQ, that is the mystery of the century. I doubt they are any better than the company that they hire!

Its one of the Great Mysteries of the Universe. nm - Rocky Raccoon

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let me get this straight- Kaiser got $$ and we got Benchmark? - NJA Queen

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So MQ settled twice over its fraudlent line counting and all we lowly MTs got was Benchmark? Thanks AHDI for sticking up for us!

LOL. To MQ, we are bottom feeders - Slurp

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and bottom feeders only get scraps.

bottom feeders - zenaida

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We aren't even bottom feeders. We are what the bottom feeders are eating. Buried in all that fine print was the option to opt out of the class action settlement and pursue dollar for dollar settlement of what we had lost. Most of us didn't do it, either because we did not notice or did not understand what the fine print meant, or because to hire a lawyer to pursue it individually would have cost us more than we had lost. In my case it was $1,000 over the 10 months I worked for MQ. A lawyer would have cost me more than that, so I let it go, which is exactly what MQ and ADHI were "banking" on. Google Advance Magazine letters to the editor, an open letter to Medquist and AHDI. Isn't it ironic that the I in AHDI stands for integrity.

Did you get the post that AHDI AWARDED - Medquist? Yep, sleeping together.NM

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Not only sleeping together, but eating breakfast - out of the same bowl. R.Raccoon -(nm)

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