A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
The return address was MModal in Morrisville, NC! Guess they have many offices. The letter was a standard, I'm-sorry-type...part-time position eliminated due to "restructure of Operations business model." "This was a difficult decision...." Still no one has called about the computer. Out of habit, I still visit this site, though less frequently. Seems things at MModal are just getting worse and I feel bad reading some of these posts. I am starting to believe, though, that eventually things might turn around in the transcription world. My son's oral surgeon (he had his wisdom teeth taken out...all 4!) was hinting about having me do some transcription work for him. He said he sends his work "out" but he is looking to change that. That might not be a bad gig. He said 95% of his work is wisdom teeth extraction and those are probably "standard" reports. So if we get creative, if we have the desire and the ambition (and strength...something I don't have much of these days), the possibilities are out there. Take heart, all you sick of being sick, better days are ahead.