A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Letter sent to AARP regarding recent medical ID theft article - new2AARP

Posted: May 06, 2010

There was an article in the most recent issue of AARP bulletin entitled "Not What the Doctor Ordered"; (which I received through snail mail);  it touched very lightly on medical identity theft and suggested patients purchase copies of their medical records from their doctors, as well as ask for a list a benefits paid in one's name and an "accounting of disclosures" which "shows who got your medical records".  IMO, that's merely the tip of the iceberg!  So I sent a letter to the author, Sid Kirchheimer, in hopes he will dig a little deeper versus letting seniors think they have taken all the safety measures they need.

(Dear Sid) "I am an AARP member and I type medical reports for a living.  What most people do not know about their medical records is the transcription of them is being offshored - and that can be a huge source of identity theft, because HIPAA laws do not apply to other countries.  Your American doctor may dictate your report, but it very likely goes overseas electronically to get typed, then returned to your doctor - and your doctor may neither know or care.  Companies such as Spheris and others are dedicated to driving down the wages of american Medical Transcriptionists by offshoring our work until we can no longer make a living because our wages have been cut to less than minimum wage.  So we leave the industry, and they claim there are not "enough" "qualified" medical transcriptionists in this country.  That is a lie, and they are basing their "qualifications" on whether we are willing to work for next to nothing, like the people in India.  People in other countries may steal and sell all the information they can get from American medical records, and they will never be prosecuted under HIPAA laws.  Now that the american Medical Transcription industry is nearly destroyed, the next job sector targeted for offshoring is medical coding, which again consists of people's medical records.  We need to stop offshoring our sensitive confidential information - that is a big part of the problem that you did not address."

Excellent letter! And some excellent information in it - mt

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Most people, including this Sid Kirchheimer who wrote the article for AARP, do not know these things. And it's about time that we bring some of this out into the forefront.

Especially the fact that off shore MTs are beyond the reach of United States and HIPAA laws. There are already reports of private medical records being sold on the black market, and HIPAA can't touch them since they are not American citizens who are doing this.

Bravo! Im so glad you wrote this letter. AARP is a - powerful organization - a good one to write to. n

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Medical Identity Theft - Kathy

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What a great letter! This is something that needs to be brought out in the open; perhaps if enough of us tell this, something will be done to stop this horrid offshoring of medical transcription. I just graduated last Saturday and I am really getting nervous about finding a job. I had to use my IRA funds to pay for classes and I'd hate to think I wasted the money!

I thought AHDI was supposed to have an advocacy conference in D.C. in April, to let the government know about the MT field and what is happening to our jobs. Aren't they (AHDI)supposed to be representing us?

AHDI stopped representing the MT right about the time - they got their 1st dollar for membership. nm

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AHDI does not represent us (sm) - Long time MT

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They used to.....many eons ago. But when it became infiltrated by MTSOs, they no longer did. Any "advocacy" AHDI is doing is strictly for their own benefit, not yours and mine.

Not a single defense for AHDI? - Ekron

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Are there no posters or MTSO members who can (or will) give a "counterpoint" to this?
Maybe some of their beloved Indians will chime in - they get half price fees
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Oh, poor, misunderstood AHDI. They cut their CMT fees in half so their beloved overseas workers won't have to compete so hard with American MTs while they hand them our jobs on a silver platter. I really can't understand why nobody praises them for selling us out - but it sounds like you want to, so have at it!
AHDI cant fool us anymore. We all know theyre crooks. -nm - Rocky Raccoon
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Can you defend them, Ekron? - nm
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You Are My HERO Thank you! - maggie

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ty ty ty

Thank you for all of us! - MTPockets

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Thank you for taking the time to respond to this article. It was a very good opportunity to get this information out to the public. We ALL thank you!! :-)

new2AARP - send copies everywhere - such as - readon

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various news reporting/investigating organizations, congressmen, sensators, medicare, any legislative branch you can think of, but mostly news media who are always looking for crack to open up and air out.

it's a gem - don't let it sit here on this board.

and don't forget the hopsital heads - - NM anon

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joint commission - copy them - anon NM

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Everyone feel free to copy and pass it on - new2AARP
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I have limited time to seek out places to send it, but please feel free to copy and forward it wherever you think it will do the most good.
good idea. thanks. - anon
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