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Immediate Termination???? - peanut

Posted: Nov 03, 2011

We just got an e-mail saying that for anyone working on Abington Hospital (not mine thankfully), an incorrect cc will be cause for immediate termination!!! Whoa . . . talk about looking for a reason to get rid of us!  That's insane!  I feel really sorry for any of you who have that account. MQ is the worst.

I thought that was the rule across the board - with HIPAA rules

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Thought anytime you do a CC that is incorrect, it is reason for termination.

immediate termination - vtmt

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news to me! anyone else ever hear of that?

What if doctor give wrong doc to CC to - sm

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are they terminated?

HIPAA is a joke! With all the records going to India-HIPAA-give me a break! - Disgusted

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How does it actually become a HIPAA violation? sm - anon

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Wouldn't the doctor's office receiving the incorrect CC just shred it and that would be the end of it? How does it actually elevate to a HIPAA violation/investigation to the point where someone is going to get fired for an incorrect CC?

what is so stupid about this rule is - that...

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All hospital staff, doctors, receptionists, etc., must adhere to HIPAA guidlines. Therefore, them seeing a report is not a HIPAA violation in itself, they must share the information with someone who is not HIPAA compliant or the report has to go to some unknown adddress, like Billy Murry and not Dr. Bob Murrie. Otherwise, anytime a medical records clerk reads a report as she files it, it would be a HIPAA violation.

This whole thing is crazy, making an MT responsible for where a report goes anyway. I can wait for the Indians to make some of these mistakes... How are they going to make them compliant? Especially 100%...
Aaah, but they don't have to make India compliant - They are not bound by HIPAA over there
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Just us USA workers.

Termination for cc errors - BeeBop

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When I went through the MQ HIPAA training, I did see that it could be grounds for termination if a cc is wrong since that's a HIPAA violation. I would LOVE to see the rules on this for offshore workers, because I can guarantee that they're making errors in cc info. Besides, how on earth can HIPAA regulations be enforced in India? In fact, I'd love to see all of the rules they are given compared to the ones U.S. MTs and editors are given. We're always held to a different standard (and I think the standards for medical records should be high, but for everyone involved with them, not just U.S. workers).

cc termination - whocares

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Would think that HIPAA violations could only cause termination if the violation was INTENTIONAL, such as knowingly sharing information and/or accessing records without need.

I believe you are right, it is willful neglect and noncompliance - nm

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Have you done the HIPAA training through the Q - you are wrong
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If doc says copy to Dr. Smyth and you send copy to Dr. Smith, you get fired, willful or not.
And if you send to QA, then it could put you in that 5% and they you get docked? nm - shortcake
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I mean then, sorry! - shortcake
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No, they have procedures to use for unclear cc. Or email - ccm and follow her instructions. Not on you. nm
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Don't send to QA, send to client - No reason to get docked
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The client is the only one who can verify with the doctor the proper name if not dictated properly.
HIPPA and terminations - StPat
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If the dictator doesn't give the full info, what are you supposed to do? I had one doc who never gave a first name--"copy to Dr. Shapiro..." C'mon--there were 36 Dr. Shapiro's in my part of MA alone!

Speaking as a former Edix/Total E-Med/Spheris/MQ employee who got fired after 9+ years, I can say that this has been going on since Q took over Spheris. It was pretty much the consensus among those of us who posted or read the MT Forum that they were looking to thin the herd and probably hire newbies who would work for practically nothing to get their feet in the door.

About 10 years ago, an MT who left my service to work for Q got assigned to a hospital where the contract specified that their line was 72 characters and not 65. Typical of Q, those MTs were not paid more for the additional characters. That MT came back to work for me, BTW.
If the doc only says - sm
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Copy to Dr. Shapiro and there is no first name given, you are supposed to Do Ctrl N for new and manually type Dr. Shapiro and then leave a QA note, "No first name given on CC, please verify." That way, you are covered. I would do it even if there is only one Dr. Shapiro cause you never know if there is another Dr. Shapiro at the Family Practice Clinic down the street from the hosptial you are typing for. I will never guess and always leave a note to cover my butt.

Also, I would not send this to QA to get docked the 5% because there is nothing they can do to fill it in, AND... this is their stupid rule to make us responsible for things that are not our responsibility!
Agree, don't send to QA - They cannot do anything either
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They have all the same resources and tools you do and no more than that.

No, not so, I know someone personally who - Beware

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was let go by MQ for wrong name in cc, and not intentional. There was another name very similar-sounding and the dictator did not give a first name, both with the same specialty. Because she did no research it, was terminated for gross negligence or something like that. MQ makes a big deal of this as they are fined heavily, that is the reason we have to do the hipaa training, joke that it is, to cover their butt and be able to terminate people legally.

That's a good reason to refuse to send ANY cc's, - and just let THEM do it! n/m

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I know! How can they possibly put that burden on the MT? - Kiki

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I'm at MQ and was also told wrong cc, termination...not on that account poster was talking about...it's across the board. They would probably only fire if someone made a stink about the wrong cc. Once I send a cc to the wrong place (chose the wrong one on a list that had 3 different same names) and my CCM alerted me but said that since no one involved complained, I'm "safe." Jeesh. So ridiculous. Not the part about making sure cc doesn't go where it's not intended, I think that's important, but where the responsibility is placed on the MT. ESPECIALLLY since (in my case at least and prob others) it's a task we are NOT paid for.

Yeah. After all, it is just their job!! Geesh. - nm

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I agree. Don't work for MQ but have to do 4 steps to send a cc and don't get paid for tha - nm

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Well, sounds to me like ALOT of errors are occurring...nm - NCMT

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Yes A LOT - sl

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It has been that way for quite - It is in the HIPAA training

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some time, HIPAA rule. I never leave a cc without a first and last name spelled or dictated clearly. If any doubt whatsoever, I leave a QA note, "Please verify name." Got talked to one time by our QA person that the client did not want a note and to stop doing it, just spell the name phonetically. I wrote back (to CCM with cc to her boss) stating I learned this in the HIPAA training MQ required me to take and sign off on and I am going to continue to abide by HIPAA/MQ Standard rules (flag if not sure proper name for cc) and protect my job. When the client makes the dictators assure proper cc's by dictating and spelling out first and last names, I will no longer need to leave a QA note for the client. Have not heard anything about it since.

Immediate Termination??? - kittykat

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I really do not understand this. If a report went to the wrong doc by accident, isn't that office professional enough to contact the facility sending the report to correct it? I realize when you have a wrong cc it is an error if it is done because an MT is not paying attention or their fingers slip (I have done this for other demographics), but come on, it is not going to the world is it? With so many docs who cannot or won't pronounce names correctly, but of course MME's/QA's can always hear the correct name, if I cannot understand a cc I put a blank or QA if I can. We are not perfect. The docs are not perfect, but we have to be! If we have to relisten to each report we would not make any money at all, not we are dong wo well now.

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