A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

iMedX versus Nuance - Anon

Posted: Feb 06, 2014

I have been offered a position with both companies and I have heard some really rough things about Nuance and was wondering if anyone had the choice between these two which one would you choose?

Run from Nuance!!! - sm

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Every "rough" thing you have heard about N is true. They have no respect for MLSs. They cut our pay down to bare bones, PTO sucks, no holiday pay. Meanwhile anyone who isn't an MLS lives off the fat of the land with high pay, tons of PTO, paid holidays, etc. And inconsiderate as they are, they rub our noses in it and brag about their time off and their lovely trips, etc.

I have worked for Nuance and now work for iMedX - justsayin

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Nuance is the bottom of the barrel. Scummy company. Don't bother. iMedX just acquired a company I worked for a while. iMedX is a company that is run by former Nuance and MedQuist suits. I'm currently looking for another job. They are already not paying us for "mandatory" time put in for HIPPA training and such, using the same old Nuance BS. So time to say C-YA.

Do you mean SC and JC by chance? - nm

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I work for iMedX - MTMaggie

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I work for iMedX and things have been going well. I worked for a company for about 6 years that merged with iMedX last year and it was pretty much a seamless transition. There's always plenty of work, the managers are fair, and the pay is pretty much industry standard. ....and don't believe the rumors that they are going to be bought up by Nuance. From everything I've been told iMedX is here to stay and they will give Nuance a "run for their money" before all is said and done. Overall, the pay cuts we have all had to take over the years are, in my book, compensated for by working at home. When I worked in the hospital, I had to buy gas, clothes, lunch out, etc. Internet access and a maintenance contract on my computer are much cheaper.

IMedx versus Nuance - me

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Hi. I'm curious if you took the job with IMedx because I got hired on today also. If you wouldn't mind telling me about your experience so far, I would really appreciate it. Is the platform productive? TIA

Oops. Meant to post this under the first post. Sorry :(

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