A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Question for leads - Has anyone else ever dealt with "Diva" MTs? - Bewildered Lead

Posted: Oct 29, 2009

A question for leads - has anyone else ever dealt with diva MTs?  You know, the type who (when their QA isn't so great) get personally offended when you do your job and point out their repeated errors?  The type who complain about not getting enough money but yet absolutely refuse to work over 8 hours to achieve just that when they just start out, and the type who complain about not enough work yet refuse to help out when the workflow is high on the weekend?  The type who, because they "did it that way at their other company" or "have done it that way for such and such years," etc., refuse to change anything to comply with the site specifics for an account?  The type who blame their lead when they screw up and get written up or terminated (due to excessive absences, bad QA, accidentally entering in the wrong patient in a report, one or all of these reasons, etc.), after you put your work and personal life on hold to hand-hold them for a longer-than-average 1 to 2-week 100% QA period because they don't "get it"?  Oh and I can't forget to mention the type who instead of investing time trying to learn an account platform, spend that very time complaining about the platform, when all other MTs on that account have decent production with no complaint?!

This crap is annoying to begin with, but in a severe recession this petty childish whining is plain pointless.  Everyone should just be grateful to have jobs, especially new MTs to a company.  Where have all the good MTs gone?!?!?!  And yes I know I probably have grammar/punctuation errors in this, as I'm typing on a Blackberry, so the trolls and divas shouldn't waste their time pointing that out. 

RE: DIVA MT'S - Underworked/Overpaid

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You seem to have a generalized contempt for MT's in general. You say they should be grateful to have jobs? Well YOU SHOULD ALSO BE GRATEFUL THAT THE MT'S HAVE JOBS ... THEY ARE YOUR BREAD & BUTTER, SWEETIE. The vast majority of MTs are hard-working, quality-conscious employees. And why shouldn't they complain about lack of work? YOU get paid by the hour/week. Or having to work 8+ hours. Well, maybe the have a life or other responsibilities. And yet YOU complain about putting your personal life on hold to hand-hold them? Is your time any more valuable than hers/his? All you "Leads" need to get off of your high horses.

I have no contempt! - Lead

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OMG. I have no contempt for hardworking MTs with good QA who don't gripe about everything under the sun. I agree with your assessment that most MTs are hard-working and quality-conscious. Training and hand-holding are two different things. I have contempt for the ones who are ALWAYS complaining about everything, blame others when their QA stinks, and gripe about production yet refuse to help out during backlogs.

Overpaid and underworked??? other way around - Overworked underpaid

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Most leads are not "overpaid and underworked." As a matter of fact, leads are overworked way more than other MTs. As for other responsibilities, work IS a big responsibility. Don't get all mad because you just don't have the stuff to be one.

uw/up - par

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WOO HOO, go girl! I don't want to have to work more than 8 hours a day AND weekends. Every MT I know works hard and like you said is very quality-conscious and very experienced. Remember the days before there were QA and "leads"? When we were respected because our work was recognized as important? sigh...

I never said - Bewildered

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I never said most MTs weren't hard-working and quality-conscious, or that they were not respected. QA is necessary for patient care and leads monitor TAT, QA and workflow. Leads are the ones screamed at because an MT doesn't show up for their shift without calling, if a particular MT pulls up the wrong patient, if the report is chock full of errors, etc. Not to mention TAT.

I'm saying I'm tired of the sorry ones.
Sounds like you aren't cut out to be a lead. - nm
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Sounds like you don't like the truth - Lead
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PLEASE post the name of the company - sm
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you work for if you feel so justified to be saying this garbage. I'm sure they'd love to know how their lead is behaving.
It's not garbage if it's the truth - Not the only lead who feels this way
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Sounds like you are defending... - Lead
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those MTs who don't show up for their shift and have bad QA.
It sounds like YOU are defending something worse: - BULLYING.
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Bullying and telling the truth are not the same.. - nm
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Ain't WHAT you say, as much as HOW you say it. - nm
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AMEN. - Agree

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I've never seen a "diva" MT, but rest assured, - "diva" QA-people are dime-a-dozen.

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In fact, I think diva-nesss one of the requirments to being a QA.

In today's sweatshop MTSO climate, and the - anger most if not all MTs are feeling -sm

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nowadays, if I were a lead, a supe, a QA, a CEO, or another sort of suit, there's no way I would go on an MT forum at all, let alone go on an MT forum and admit I was the Enemy.

Not all leads are like that, see my above post - KS Lead

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I'm a lead and I would NOT post that garbage the other person did. I'm an MT too! So are the other leads, and that swelled-head mentality of hers is an insult to us all.

Where have all the flowers gone? - old and burned out

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Good MTs are flowers, right? Many have retired if able to. Many have gone back to hospital work. Many of us have gone part-time. Many are looking for other work. Most of us are tired of being the Rodney Dangerfields of the medical field.

You are so right! (SM) - Long-time MT

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I loved your comparing us to Rodney Dangerfield. I never thought of it that way, but damn you are right. We don't get any respect.

Many years ago I had the choice to either take a program to become a medical "secretary" or a program to become a legal secretary. It was the medical course hands down. I thought legal was boring but loved anything having to do with anatomy and physiology, biology, just fascinated with it. Over the years I've had several friends who were legal secretaries or paralegals. They always made significantly more money than I did. I know, I know. I would have found it boring, but....a friend of mine who is 49 just got a job with a group of attorneys making $60/hr! She's considered employee status with excellent health care (paid for by the firm), annual bus pass (paid for by the firm), gym membership (paid for by the firm), and 3 weeks of vacation a year. I might be able to stand being that bored....you know?

I need that job - Tired MT

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What does your friend do that makes $60 dph?


bewildered? - ml

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OMG! So, you admit that the average MT can't make money unless we work over 8 hours a day PLUS weekends?! I'm glad that you as a "lead" recognize that an MT isn't making what they deserve to and admit that unless we are willing to work, what? 10, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week...

As far as "diva", those MT's are probably the ones with the most experience and probably do know what they're doing!!

Another thing, the ADT crap is generally incorrect if the DOCTOR gives incorrect information. That's not an MT error. Maybe if the platforms and account specific info quits chaning we can keep up with it. You sound absolutely clueless.

Check the postings! See how many of us have complaints about the so called "experienced" QA people who give BS corrections. MT's are the reason YOU have a job! How about that!

Arrogant, much?! - Pointing out obvious

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Me, clueless? Have you been a lead for 5 years? Just because one has experience doesn't mean site specifics and company policy do not apply to them. I'm referring to the ones who refuse to follow company rules and do things their own way because they think they know everything. If the doc dictates a patient name and #, and the MT enters in the wrong information, that is MT error. MTs who know what they are doing, with good QA and reliability, and aren't too good to follow company/site rules are the reason I have a job!!! How about that, miss diva?

I've been a lead, and I would never post what you posted in the OP. - How unprofessional.

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Telling the truth is NOT unprofessional - Lead
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Well, some leads just blindly tolerate bad QA, unreliability and some MTs on their account thinking company rules do not apply to them. Perhaps that's why you have been a lead and are not still a lead. GOOD MTs are the reason I have a job.
What a clueless thing to say. - How unprofessional.
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You assume I'm not a lead anymore because of reasons you've pulled out of a hat, knowing nothing more about me than that I called you on making an unprofessional post... Wow. I'm feeling truly sorry for the MTs you 'lead'.
"I've been a lead," you said - Lead
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This thread reminds me of a saying I heard, something about people like the ones who tell them what they want to hear but get mad at the ones who tell the truth. Well, I'm telling the truth about unreliable people who don't show up for their shift, take it personally when you offer constructive criticism, complain about running out of work yet disappear when there is a backlog. Need I say more?
I think Tired&CrankyMT below has said everything - that needs to be said on this subject.
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She hits the nail on the head.
No she apparently is an "above the rules" herself - duh
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SURE it is, if it's told in an a$$inine way........... - nm
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Pot kettle black? - Hmmm
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I suppose the dollar sign indicates you consider leads greedy people. Says a lot.
Also been a lead - advice
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As a lead, it would be your job to weed out such team members by documenting such behavior and giving corrective action if such behavior was against company policy or going to your supervisor for additional guidance. Those types of team members eventually leave on their own anyway after they don't get their way.
Agreed, and that's what I do; - Lead
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I should have known better to come on this board and ask if other leads have dealt with the same type. With the exception of yours and one other post, all these MTs come out of the woodwork and start lead-bashing.
But isn't it easier just to come on a message board & call them names? - nm
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lead - radioflyer

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This contentious quarreling among supposed peers is very telling of the state of affairs in the modern companys. What a sad, sad time that it has come to this. What happened to unity and compromise? Helping out? The ability to take and receive constructive criticism? Guess those days are over. Now begins the era of VH1 diva cat-fights and name calling, people who forsake their dignity to get the last word in. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG! ;)
Amen! Finally someone who agrees! - Lead
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Thanks so much for the dose of common sense on here.
Uh, I don't think she's agreeing with you. I think - sm
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she's suggesting we all get along, not fight on these boards, and not post flamebait posts like the OP......
That wasn't meant as flamebait - Lead
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I was curious

Where have all the good companies gone? - sm

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You know, the ones who pay a decent wage for quality and experience... Oh yeah, they decided the cheap Indians and cheap newbies are better for their profit margin. You get what you pay for.

I have to agree with you there - Lead

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Yes, I would definitely agree with that one.

Bewildered Lead, your post made me laugh. - Tired&CrankyMT

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All you have shown me with your post is that you don̢۪t want to have to work THAT HARD doing your job as a lead to get an MT trained.

You complain/question the Diva MT as she whines about her job being too hard, but at the same time, you, in a pseudo-managerial position as a lead, are doing the exact same thing, as well as displaying your total lack of professionalism and your own inability to get that MT properly trained.

"Hand holding" new hires through training and full QA is in your job description. Shut your trap, do your job or quit. Those are your options, Ms. Diva Lead.

You shut your trap diva - Lead

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As I said over and again, the majority of the MTs I have trained have gone off without a hitch. The ones who refuse to think for themselves after a month I'm referring to. I'm asking other leads if they have experienced MTs that are NEVER happy with anything. Oh and not to mention the ones who miss 10 days of work in two months. I've been a lead for 5 years and never received any complaints about my skills/work.

Either do YOUR job correctly or quit. Quit getting mad when receiving constructive criticism and quit blaming others for your screwups.

Diva MTs - gourdpainter

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These posts reminded me of an MT under my supervision maybe 10 years ago. She was an excellent MT, fast and accurate WHEN SHE BOTHERED TO WORK. Her grandmother died at least 5 times and the best of all was when she couldn't work because the dog had eatten her dentures. LOLLOLLOL One thing, a lead or supervisor has to have a huge sense of humor for starters. Of course that was back in the days when MTs weren't a dime a dozen and the leads/sups had to put up with a LOT just to get the work turned out.
I think that was the type the original poster was talking about - my 2 cents
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I think that type of MT was what the original poster was referring to, yet all the other MTs seemed to attack her (or him) for pointing that out.

Completely agree! - nm

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Are you and Cranky the ones.... - Lead

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with 95% or below QA, the one who calls in sick 10 times in 3 months, or the one who goes ballistic when I point out that you put the wrong patient name/#, wrong order #, or wrong doctor in a report when it's clearly dictated? Or perhaps the one who has been on 100% QA for over a month and still has repeated mistakes? It's hard to tell by your post.

Sounds like Tired&Cranky is one of the Divas the original post was talking about, LOL
Who do you work for? - sm
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I'd like to know so I can avoid it like the plague.
Somewhere QA and Reliability matters - nm
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I wouldn't necessarily avoid that company - gourdpainter
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I would not tolerate nickpicking but if I made a legitimate mistake (as we all do), being a conscientious person, I would certainly like to be informed. I never stopped learning up to the day I quit. My favorite supe was at the old Lanier Professional Services. With a consistent 99-100% Q.A. I once made a mistake that made my face turn bloody red. I called the Q.A. person to express how horrible I felt for being so STUPID. She laughed and said, "we all make mistakes." But then she was one of the "old timers" who had done her time on a keyboard.
I'd sure as heck avoid a company that finds its lead - personnel in sewers and under rocks.
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Tired&CrankyMoron is more like it - Seriously

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All you have shown everyone with your post is that it struck a nerve with you, possibly because you may be one of the lightweight whiny MTs with bad QA and unreliability issues yourself.

You sound jealous because you probably just simply couldn't make it as a lead. Hand-holding and training are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Your options? Get over yourself. I do my job, unlike you. If you were not one of the lightweights and whiners, my post would not have set off such a response now would it??

Perhaps you're one of the ones who thinks they are above the rules.

My crystal ball tells me the diva QA most likely wont - be employed for very long........

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Divas - IC MT

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Maybe so, maybe not. Perhaps the people who pull no-shows and make the same repeated errors over and again will not be employed for long. I've never been a lead but at my old job, I had to pick up the slack of MTs who pulled no-shows or gave little notice they would be out. That was fine at first but then I found more than half my day was spent playing clean-up of other MTs' accounts. I guess word got around that I was "Miss Nice."

I didn't stay employed long there, because I quit. That was my last job where I put up with garbage from the lazy ones.

Diva MTs- you knew you would open a can of worms with this statement. nm - choctaw

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I think that was the whole point.... - nm

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you have my sympathy; however, - gourdpainter

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I'm just curious as to whether you take the time to tell those MTs who do a good job and otherwise make your job easy (assuming you have any and you probably do) that they are doing a wonderful job and you appreciate them?

Yes, and as a matter of fact - Lead

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I do, very much so let the great ones know I value them. The more you deal with slackers, the more you seem to value the ones who are not.

re: as a matter of fact - Elvis

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Speaking of SLACKERS... you seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands as you are apparently babysitting this board with your rapid-fire responses! HAHAHA!
Hmm...You seem... - Pot kettle black
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to be doing the same perhaps? Sorry hon, try harder.
No kidding, that's what I was thinking! - nm
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Slackers, speaking of - observer
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Perhaps the other poster works 3rd shift? Just a thought.

Well then, kudos to ya s/m - gourdpainter

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I've been on both sides of the fence but for the past 8-10 years I preferred to just be a good MT. No problems with dependability or quality. Whichever company I worked for rarely heard from me and I rarely heard from them unless they were asking me to cover for another MT such as what you outlined in your post. Never in those years did I ever get a personal email or a phone call (and this spanned several different companies) telling me I was appreciated or that I was doing a good job. For the most part I felt as though I was just a number. This is possibly only partially true as even when I worked for the "Q" on the very rare occasions when I would call the office for tech support they always at least seemed to know who I was and which account I worked on but that was maybe about 8 years ago so I have no idea how they are now.

As to where the good MTs have gone, I imagine most of the best of the best have retired or moved on to a job that is less demeaning.
Why do you have to be told you are good,appreciated, given kudos? - Wondering
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I do not fall into the category of getting bad feedback from QA and I don̢۪t give a horse's behind to have someone pat me on the head telling me what a good job I do. I work, pay me my money and let it be.
I hope you aren't a lead n/m - gourdpainter
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No, I am not a lead, owner, but - Why
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I don̢۪t see the need for anyone to tell me I am good at what I do. You give praise to kids to get them to do what you want. Grownups should be able to work and not have to sit around waiting for praise. My pay is my praise. QA does not bother me 1 way or the other. If they breathed down my neck all the time, would find another line of work.
Owner, huh? - gourdpainter
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If you are an owner that is even worse. Those who provide you with your "pay" as "praise" and you don't even see a need to let them know you appreciate them?? Definitely a company I would avoid like the plague. At least honest, I guess, not many MTSOs would blatantly publically disregard the contribution of their employees. However, if you were paying a DECENT line rate and appropriate raises then I would consider that "praise" enough.
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I don̢۪t have to have appreciation from my employer. I work for a company. I am not retired as others are on here. I have a decent income and are not dependent on other's income for my livelihood. No one works for me.

As much as you are all chewing her butt off - sm - XXX

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can you see her point? There are lazy and not to bright MTs out there, just as there are lazy and not too bright people in every profession. I am not a lead or QA, though I do train the odd MT now and then and QA them. I had a MT a last year, she was comma crazy, put 2 or 3 in just about every sentence. This particular doctor did not want a lot of commas, I emailed her to cut back and that most of her commas were unnecessary. She quit on the spot saying that was her way, that she had 30+ years experience and that was how she always did it. My boss talked her into staying and I just kept my mouth shut after that. This MT did not want to hear any criticism, it was her way or no way basically. She has since quit as you just could not tell her that she did anything wrong without her having a cow. She is not the only one I have run into wtih this attitude that had a long career in MT. I only have 9 years of very varied experience but am very good at what I do, and if I do something wrong I want to know so I can fix it. I have also trained newbies as well, most are very receptive to my corrections, though some take a lot longer to learn, certainly more than 2 weeks, more like 2 months, and some never cut the mustard, needless to say they don't last long. But it is frustrating to send the same corrections over and over again, as they are either ignoring you, not writing it down/keeping track of what they need to fix, or just plain don't care.

Finally, Someone who sees my point. Thanks much! - Lead

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This is exactly (to a T) the type of MT I referred to in my original post. It's a sad day in MTville when you get crucified for pointing out those facts. Only MTs who are responsible for others' work as well as their own would understand fully what I'm saying. Bad TAT stats, MTs who are not reliable/no-shows, bad quality of work, etc. are part of what make companies lose accounts. If doing my job offends a few slackers, then so be it.

So let me get this straight: Its OK for you to make - mistakes on your blackberry, but

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an MT putting the wrong pt. name in because maybe, just MAYBE, that's how it's been entered into the system, is somehow the spawn of Satan.

Your post is beyond arrogant, it's pathetically out-of-touch with the very people you're supposed to be "leading".

Is this a troll post?! - ?

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What?! That is like a guaranteed-firing and patient care issue. You can't be serious. If you defend that I pity you.

No. Is YOURS? - ???

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It was an honest question - Lead
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Very little of what leads say these days is honest. - nm
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Bad apples don't mean bad bushels - Red Apple
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that all leads are being judged based on the occasional bad lead or by the nutjob posting above. And yes, "Bewildered Lead" is not lead material, obviously, and needs to get another type of job. But not all leads are mean, power-hungry people. There are some dishonest people in every profession. Please everyone don't let the bad apples spoil the MT bushel!
But, if you don't quickly remove the bad apple, its - disease can contaminate the others.
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Agree. - nm

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Give them enough rope to hang themselves. - Quick and Painless

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If you give them feedback and clearly tell them what you need, and they refuse or cannot do it because of a poor skill set, then make sure and do corrective or performance management until they are out the door. There are too many MTs out there who are conscientious about their work and realize that they are not in business for themselves. Working for a company, one must do as the company who is paying instructs. Too many others wanting a job and will do it like you want it done.

Exactly. - Lead

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"Exactly" what you may be doing to yourself right now. - Tick, tock.

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Why? - ?
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Why do people say that about posters they don't agree with? Seriously we're just a bunch of anonymous people here. Ms. "Bewildered lead" sounds like the type that will sooner or later lose her temper and mouth off to the wrong person.
She probably already attacked the wrong person - at work one time to many. -sm
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She's probably on this board dissing all the MTs because she got on her subordinates' nerves one time too many at work, and is out of a job. She probably has nothing more constructive to do. If she were MY lead, I'd be doing everything possible to get her @$$ fired.

Wow. Pretty harsh. (sm) - mtmtmtmtmtmtmt

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Let me address the last paragraph of your "complaint." The good MTs have left - or at least most of them have.

Recession or not, it does not change what is happening to this field. Platforms still suck in a recession. QA stating that things should be one way and then changing their minds happens despite a recession. New MTs are taught to follow BOS and when they come in and do it for real, things suddenly change and everything they spent the last year or 2 learning is flushed down the toilet. Give them a friggin break. This happens despite a recession.

You know what? Some of the platforms out there are pretty useless and very time consuming for the MT, so if you don't like that you have teach someone to use this platform (that you have probably been running for years and know inside and out) then maybe you should find a different job.

Obviously you do not have the empathy to realize that these new graduates are coming in to a field with a lot of controversy right now, trying to support their families, worrying about proper spelling of medical terminology and medications (in a time of recession), and here you are worrying about account platforms. Give them a break! We were all where they were at one time.

You need to get off your high horse and be grateful you have anyone working for you at all with the way things are in this field.

You need to realize that on the other side of that transcription you just received is a real, live, living and breathing person trying to support themselves and their families, in a recession. The sooner you come to this understanding, the better off you will be.

Also, I am so sick of people using this recession as an excuse to treat people even worse. I am sure that if you keep complaining like this, you will get fired and end up where we are and then you would have to be grateful to even have a job. Just be careful of how you treat people, because it WILL come back on you, recession or not!

Geez, talk about a diva!

You must be the type I was referring to - Lead

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Sounds to me you're the diva. The thing is, I do NOT work with recent grads but MTs with at least 5 years of experience, MTs you expect to be dependable and have quality work, NOT call in sick 10 times in two months, make dumb mistakes like "uterus fracture" instead of "humerus fracture," etc. It seems that you like to blame QA for your own screwups. As far as platforms go, as an MT I suck it up and make the most of it. If YOU take it personal when YOU have careless errors in a report and blame the QA person, maybe YOU should find a different kind of job! I'm telling the truth here. You and I both know the type of MT I'm talking about here. Training isn't a problem for me until I get someone who after three months is still on 100% QA. If you defend that type of MT and bash the lead who thinks that's excessive, it says volumes about the type of MT you are.

And no I don't treat anyone "badly." The MTs who are reliable, care about their work, and put forth an honest effort consider me their favorite lead.

Be careful of how you unfairly attack a lead who dares tell the truth, because it WILL come back on you!!

No, honey, I am not the type you are referring to (sm) - mtmtmtmtmtmt

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I have been in this business for almost 14 years now and produce excellent quality reports.

Also, just to note that in your post you never said anything about having to have someone on QA for 3 months, and that is not what I was referring to. I believe the time limit you gave was 1 to 2 weeks. So, lets make that perfectly clear.

Also, you would never know that you did not treat anyone "badly" by what is written in your post. If somone cannot get off QA within a month, then yes, they should move on, but to complain about someone making mistakes because of platform problems, when that is the only thing holding them back is use of the platform, then you should spend some time with them using the platform WITH them.

Also, I have never, ever blamed QA for MY screw-ups. I know who transcribed the report and take full responsibility for anything and everything I do.

I also ALWAYS worked when I was sick and have not had a vacation in all of the years I have been in this profession, have worked various shifts, weekends, holidays. So again, I am not the "type" of transcriptionist you are referring to.

Calm down there honey.

Job Stress - anon

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I take everything to heart. If I make a mistake, I'm the first one to tell myself it was stupid. I hate not knowing a word or procedure and often get myself in trouble for taking too long to try and find it. And I apologize for my mistakes. I'm sure it's my low self esteem or maybe it's my generation. I don't know. You ask where all the good MTs have gone? We'll a lot of us who have been in the business for 10, 20 or more years are just getting fed up and looking for other careers. When I did hospital MT, we were treated like queens (well, the coders were the queens, we were one step below, LOL). I miss those days. Now we're faceless people who are threatened not to send too much to QA (over a certain percentage) but we still have to be accurate above a certain percentage and some of us get conflicting information from our QAs and we still have to put out a certain amount of lines. It's really confusing when one QA says to put a hyphen here and another says not to. We do get conflicting information. Unfortunately, there are going to be "I can do no wrong" people in every job - MTs *and* QAs.

I'm not saying this to be mean - but if the job is frustrating you that badly, perhaps it's time to move on to something else. I was at a job where I was a few months shy of getting 19 days vacation when I left. I have never worked with a group of more vicious, nasty, back-stabbing women in my life and I was having chest pain and stomach burning every day I walked into that office. My health, both physical and mental, was just not worth it. Now, if I get something that frustrates me, I have a couple of pugs who are always willing to have their ears scratched for a minute or two until I feel better. Most of my life, I've let myself get stressed too easily and one of my dear friends has told me countless times that nothing matters that much until they're shoveling dirt in your face.

Wow, sure don't want to go to that company. Please say which one. - darlene

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I'm serious, company names are allowed on this board. Obviously you do not like your job, have no respect at all, probably for anybody and surely not MTs. Provide the name so we don't have to "bother you," No recrimations, no backlash, just so we don't work together, that is only fair. No sense wasting each others time.

You need psychiatric help - Fuller

[ In Reply To ..]
You seriously need to calm down and re-examine yourself. Your rant says more about you personally than it says about the people you work with. Why are you really so mad?? If you don't want to deal with those things then don't be a lead. Simple as that. No MT (or any human being for that matter) is perfect, including you. There's no halo over your head either!

"Diva" MTs reply - wl

[ In Reply To ..]
You probably should not be doing QA. Sounds like you are a Diva too. You should take your own advice and be grateful.

Nope, - Lead

[ In Reply To ..]
just sick and tired of the occasional MTs who take it personal when gross mistakes are pointed out, are no-shows for their shift and wonder why they get written up, etc. I'm a lead - QA is not 100% of what I do. Whoever is not a lead do not know how much more we work than you MTs.

I AM GRATEFUL for my job. Those MTs who aren't and show it by having the "I've done it such and such years that way, so the rules don't apply to me," "Sorry for not calling about being absent, I just forgot," "Sorry about that, I just forgot to use spellcheck," etc. are the ones I'm referring to. If you are one of those MTs then my post would understandably strike a nerve.

We don't become leads by being slackers. We're the rare ones who don't mind going the extra mile.

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