A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

"Listening leads to inspiring careers." - New MQ ad

Posted: Jun 02, 2011

That's what I found MQ advertising while I went searching for another job.  Just what does it mean though?  They certainly aren't listening to us.  Are we supposed to be listening to their innuendos of salary cuts, unattainable demands, losing our jobs to India to understand and get inspired to find another career?  Who comes up with this double-talk anyway?  Probably the same person that writes our corporate e-mails.

*vomits* - nm

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Listening leads to inspired careers. - Silly Sue

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I am listening and now I am seriously looking at other career options. I love medical transcription, that is why I have returned to it several times, but I do not feel I cannot trust any of them anymore.

inspiring careers - naturegal

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Double-talk is so right -- what they left out is don't expect to make any money "listening," though, do it for free is what we want and we keep the profit!!

The problem is, MT isn't a "career" in the slightest. - Its just a low-paid sweatshop job. nm

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Agree 100%--used to be--no more nm - Adios

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LOL I wonder what people got paid to create - MQ stupid meaningless phrases

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I want someone to break down exactly what that means.

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