A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Is anyone sticking around to see how things go? - anon

Posted: Feb 17, 2010

I recently lost my MT job with a pretty decent company.  It was due to lack of work.  I know this is happening a lot these days, and I've been reading a lot of the posts here.  I know that no field is perfect, but I have to do something.  How many of you plan on (or can) stick around to see how things go, and how many of you are going back to school or getting into a different field?

Doing MT to get me through school.... - Skip

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I have been doing MT for about 16 years now, and I absolutely love what I do. I work for wonderful doctors and they are constantly reminding me of how much they appreciate my hard work and dedication to them - And they pay me very well. I work directly with my doctors, and we have a tremendous respect for each other. I am beginning to get the impression this is not the norm though.

Of course, they have been 'encouraged' to make the change to EMR, but the platform I use for my doctors allows them the best of both worlds - they have not had to change their method of dictation, yet they have an EMR program in place also, and the two systems work in conjunction with each other.

Now, that being said, I have recently decided to make a career move - not because I don't like being an MT or because I feel threatened at all, but rather because I have just found a new passion where I can be of even more value to doctors and patients. My docs are well aware of this and they have even offered to help me with my clinical internships. As they explained to me, because I have taken such good care of them for so long, they want to do everything they can to help me now. I will continue to do my MT work for these doctors as I complete my education, and hopefully my dedication to my doctors through this time will bring benefits later when I am finished.

Just my two cents on the question...

You are extremely fortunate :) - RLee

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going back to school - pip

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The way I look at it is I can stick around until the job disappears and have no paychecks and THEN start school or start now and hope that MT at least lasts until I get done. I started in January and hope to be done in 3 years. I can't afford to not have a plan B.

I'm riding this pony right into the ground. - sgill

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I have my Animal Science degree from Texas Tech University. Once the MT well dries up I will go back out into the real world. This may require going back for a masters degree but I will rely on taking out new student loans if that is the case. That is why there are loans. My bachelors is paid off now. I have stayed home with my 6 year old and now have her in Kindergarten. My baby is only 10 months old and I will keep her at home with me as long as possible. I dread the first day I drop her off at a daycare. But I know that realistically that day is coming closer.

Sticking Around - sm

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Want to stay with my current situation as long as possible.
That said, agree it is always wise to have a plan B.

This is what I do best, so I'm staying long as possible. - nm

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Sticking it out, but going back to school - smg

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to be a radiology technologist.

Riding pony into ground... - LOL

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I'm sticking, BUT I'm also dieting to get back into my outgrown professional wardrobe. Best to be skinny if I have to work in the REAL world.

Funny you should mention different field... - cindyoh

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I'm sitting here looking at one of my email job notifications I signed up for at the ohiogov jobs website. You might start having federal and state government job notifications sent to you so you can read the job descriptions. I get these several times a week and there are apparently quite a few job openings for many different types of jobs. They're interesting to read, anyway.

Anyway, this one is for an office assistant 3 job for an EPA office downtown. Sounds like if I picked up "1 course or 3 months experience in appropriate technical terminology," whatever that might be, I might have a slight chance at this though it still sounds scary to me since I've not been in an office for 15 years. Trouble with finding something different than medical transcription is having a resume that shows almost nothing BUT medical transcription experience.

Anyway, I know I need to talk to somebody probably down at my community college who could direct me to someone working in this office. If I were brave enough, I'd venture downtown to that office and ask some questions.

My transcription job isn't threatened, and no, I don't want to quit medical transcribing. Not yet, anyway, but it looks to me like in the next couple of years anything might happen.

Just wish there was something I really, really wanted to get into this close to retirement.

Retiring today actually - Patti

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My job hours are being cut back, after being rehired full time 4 months ago. I've had enough!!! I'm retiring today, after 27 years in MT. This line of work has been very good to me, but it's time to move on.

I have 3 hours left to go at work today...and then I'm leaving MT for good to run my travel agency full time.

Wish I could be more hopeful, but I'm not. You all need to think about having a backup plan. I did, and am now ready to go for it.

Au revoir!


Good Luck, Patti - NM - LinK

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Already left - LinK

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I already left my full-time MT job for an out of the house job at my previous employer's (attorney). I lost my job to EMR. I still work part-time for a local clinic, though.

I think some MTSOs are going out of business along with other kinds of companies - Curious about something

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It's no surprise that some of the companies aren't doing well. Look at all the companies across the nation that are going bankrupt. It would be unrealistic to think we wouldn't see the same thing in MT.

On the other hand, I know people at at least 2 MTSOs who are drowning in work. I wonder if this is work that used to be at the companies that are running out of work. Just curious

I'm hanging on until after my vacation...... - SAK

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I'm planning on using up my vacation in a couple of months to visit family out-of-state. Right before I leave, I'm turning in my application for a state job. I've had enough of MT. The company I work for has been in trouble for close to 2-1/2 years. Every day, I feel like I'm waiting for the notice they've gone under. Not to mention we have lost a lot of accounts to larger MTSOs. I got an accidental email last month. Apparently was meant for her friend. She states in it that "my company is not doing good" and "I'm going from salaried to production. This company has cut back as much as possible; we have to pay in full for all insurances; there are no reimbursements; no extra PL days earned, etc. Just 3 more months to go and I'm outta here.

I'm afraid that having "enough of MT" isn't the whole story--not much is better - Unfortunately

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It's sad that your employer's company is going under. I suspect quite a few of them are in this economy. Where I live we're seeing stores and all kinds of businesses going under. Last year we weren't really seeing any signs of problems. I guess they were all just hanging on and now they can't any longer. If you find a state that has work or if you just find any kind of work that isn't spiraling downward, would you come back and post for the rest of us?
sure will. - SAK
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There are 2 jobs I'm looking into. One is for the state as a corrections officer (they pay for training) and the other is a dispatch job at the county sheriff's office. Like I said, I'm waiting to use my vacation days first. Then I'm done with MT.

MT job - tired MT

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I am out as soon as I get my greeting card line established and start making money with that.

Greeting cards - MT who knows

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That is interesting. Tell me about your greeting card business and if you got a business to take your cards or are you doing it on your own?

Personally I would rather not have to work at all - Would rather not work.

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Do any of you think that maybe it would be a lot nicer not to have to work? I do. Think of the things we could do with our time if we didn't have to work. That's my goal.

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