A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I think if I was sticking around with MM I would try the coding - anon

Posted: Mar 11, 2014

What do you have to lose? The only thing that would turn me off is the 2 year requirement to stay here but a lot of companies do that. Some companies provide college education reimbursement if you stay working for them for so long after you graduate.  I think MM knows that transcription industry is in the toilet so they are focusing on whatever else they can sell to customers and look good to their creditors. They now have a D rating on Standard and Poors which is not good for a company. 

Yeah! - sm

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stick around and save their so they can turn around and get you again!

Yeah, let's get all these stupid MT'S offering them coding course - smr

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I totally believe that is true, it isn't out of the goodness of their hearts.

I find it very interesting that they've been training offshore coders for years. - anon

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Already having an inexpensive labor pool for coding will have an obvious impact on what M*Modal will be willing to pay their US counterparts. This is from a press release a couple of years ago:

"...we anticipate significant increases in the volume of work flowing to India as part of this large global expansion. Just as exciting, this aggressive growth plan now enables us to train our Indian employees with new skill sets in medical coding, in the complexities of medical billing and in the emerging field of healthcare analytics. We are committed to empowering the careers of our employees to enhance what India can offer to the world."


Yeah, I found that interesting as well. Perhaps - training is not going well there?

[ In Reply To ..]
I do some QA and the quality of off-shore work in MT leaves a lot to be desired. I can only assume coding is even more of a problem and coding has to be done right the first time.

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