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problems with DQS sticking? - anon

Posted: Dec 16, 2009

Is anyone having problems with DQS sticking?  It just started on mine a little while ago but it's irritating.  I was wondering if it maybe had something to do with the new Kaspersky program we had to install. 

Well, if by sticking you mean.......... - kiki

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Like when you type something it kinda lags before it types out....YES! Very annoying!!!! I was thinking it might be that Kaspersky program, too. However, I have had this happen on occasion in the past before we started using this, so I just don't know.

Using my own equipment and - Tired

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will not install Kapersky. However, I have been having the same problem as well. Go figure.

I turn off the Kaspersky program while I work and now it is fine. - dont like it

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If I have to look something up on the internet, I use my personal laptop.

I run the antivirus after I am done working for the week.


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Well I figured out that it was running a scan while I was typing so I just went in and changed the scan times to whenever I'm not working. Seems to be working fine now. Thanks for all your input.

Could you tell me how you go in and change the scan times? - kiki

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This problem is really getting annoying but I don't see where to do that. I'm sure it's right in front of my face....

Thanks in Advance!
Ok nevermind, I figured it out- It WAS right in front of my face....n/m - kiki
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kiki... can you tell me, don't wanna screw something up - doc
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Doc.... - kiki
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Double click on the Kapersky icon (mine is on the bottom right of my screen). Then click on Settings in the upper right. Then on the left side click on Full Scan, where it will bring you to where you can customize things. :)

DQS sticking - sm

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I've had the voice file stick and not respond right with footpedal. If that's the problem, you simply do a disk cleanup and that corrects it.

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