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I know they change things - in our corrections

Posted: Aug 18, 2012

I know this b/c I specifically could not find a doctors name in the database for one particular job and I blanked it, wrote it down so I would remember the job number and what I blanked and when my corrections came through today, that name was filled in as if I put it there, there was no blank no more with a correction that I put in the incorrect name.  I know that I blanked it.  This is rediculous!!!  I can't wait to find another job! 

Wow. That is outrageous. - anon

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There is no way to prove it either as we can't take a screen shot.

If you complain it just "marks" you for further harrassment.

I don't fully understand why they are doing this. It seems to serve no purpose, other than costing us our bonus of course.

it cost me DSP - status

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I complained that my QA was messed up, cost me a review of my QA for past few months, which they "found" more errors and marked me off something terrible. I am now non-DSP status and in the past 2 days, I have failed every single report that I have done. Want to tell me how...its not in content nope, you see now this they want a period for it and the dr said this and you didn't put it in, only it wasn't said, especially on a blank. My favorite is that a major error now is when you add a cc b/c it is not in there and STILL IS NOT IN THERE and you are given a major error b/c on their end it is there. I just checked, still not there, nonetheless cost me a major point. There are things that I can clearly here what is being said but blank it b/c it isn't making sense and I am pulling my QA and somehow what I blanked is filled in with incorrect words, costing me at least a point EACH throughout the reports. Since I was put back on non-DSP status, I have dictations that are worse than ever, you can barely understand them. I can't even go at 100% audio b/c you just can't understand it. I just feel like what is the point anymore. I can't prove it, all I hear is that they don't change nothing and they have nothing to gain from failing me. Tell that to somebody else, b/c my QA was fine and all the sudden i'm this horrible MT that can't get nothing right. It is insane and I am stressed beyond my max limit. I refuse to do any more work but the minimum at this point, what is the point, I will just fail it all anyway.

cost me DSP - new but old

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The same exact thing has happened to me this week. I went back on non-DSP status because they said I had failed my audit and I feel like everything I do is wrong now. I am scared to type. Same as you I all of a sudden am getting all these doctors who I can barely understand and they are straight typing and I am just leaving blanks everywhere. My LPH has gone down terribly. It seems like all of a sudden the reports I was getting at least part of the time have completely disappeared and I am just completely miserable. My stress limit is at the max When I think I do great it comes up as a C. I have printed though all my FIESA up the last couple of days and I don't understand why one day only has 2 reports of 100% accuracy and nothing else when I typed well over 25 to 30 reports. It is so so frustrating and it is hard not to have the attitude of just not caring anymore!! Good luck to you - it made me feel a little better knowing I wasn't the only one out there that this had happened to

DSP status? - nn

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What exactly is DSP status? I am assuming it is something like focused review?
DSP - new but old
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Yeah DSP means you can directly send it in without having to have the entire report edited. I have been put on to where every single report gets edited - It is just amazing though the discrepancy in the QA people. Yesterday all my reports were 100% but one and the day before I couldn't have typed one correctly to save my life - according to them. All the errors are punctuation errors or they put in words which were not said - so much for verbatim

change things/corrections - discouraged too

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I hear ya; several weeks ago I was checking FIESA, saw a report where I sent a report to QA for blanks (what was said for 1 blank didnt make any sense). QA filled it in with something that made no sense at all and didn't sound like something the Dr would have said. THEN, I see a post audit report that had points taken off for what the QA person had filled in!!!!! So that report got pending AND post audit (have had others like that as well). I contested it and it got reversed on the post audit.

and how much unpaid time did that take? - SB

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feel for you

Excellent point - they should have to pay us an hourly rate for - time spent in FIESA, time contesting dumb QA, etc.

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It's all WORK-RELATED, right??!!

And maybe if they had to pay us when we're trying to defend against a boneheaded QA ruling, they'd put a stop to them! As it is now, there's no incentive for the company to do anything about this. We carry all the costs.
They would just say ALL job related activities are already included - to come up with the cpl rate. SM
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If we didnt have to do that stuff, they would probably lower our pay to 2 cpl.

and I can guarantee the reversal was changed to the QC - current QA

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This is why I posted below. You need to check the reports you have sent to QC because QA has to audit the report that has been QCd. If QC is incorrect you have to send it in for reversal or YOU will get marked for it!

MT's shouldn't have to - go back and check behind

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We shouldn't have to go back and check behind QC and QA for things being marked off and who is responsible for the error PERIOD!! Again, we are only paid by line that we type/edit. We are not paid to sit here and go through every single report. If it can be SEEN who does what in every report then why do we even have to go back behind them and then fight it. There is so much unfairness to all of this. If QC is incorrect there is no reason an MT should be penalized for it. After all, remember they can see everything that is done in each report and by whom. So sad!!

change things - dirm

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Get a grip. The blank was either filled in by a QC/QA or team lead! We cannot change things. Team leads can see everything on a job - how it originally is transcribed/recognized, changes made by mt, changes made by qc/qa, changes made by client/speaker. No conspiracy here. Every change made to a chart is documented. Flame away.

considering the fact I printed out - what I typed from samples right after I submit it

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and my blanks were there, but I get my corrections and where I had blanks they are no longer blanks but filled in and then marked off, you tell me. But of course I must be wrong and incompetent MT for well over a decade that all the sudden I just can't do my job right!

Its amazing to me how a QA can come on here and knock the MTs for our complaints when we all have the same complaints. How is it that there are numerous MTs with years of experience stating the SAME THING and the QA comes on here and seems to think that we are making things up. I know they can see what we do and how long we spend on a dictation. They sure can see it, but when you pend and then the post audit comes through and you are penalized for what the QA put in incorrectly, then why aren't those reversed. Afterall, it can be clearly seen who made the changes, yet its always the MT that is at fault. QA is golden in this business and the rest of us are just sweat shop workers with no education.

Tell me QA why are there certain QAs that pass you everytime they see your work and there are a few QAs that do nothing but fail everything that you do. Tell me too QA why we are marked off for a not putting things in for a verbat account that were not even said and then we put those little words in and we are marked off again with snide statements that this is a verbat account. Can't explain it can you? While you may actually do your job correctly, there are obviously many QA that DO NOT!! QA may have minimum line counts that they have to make as well, but they also are paid by the hour, we are not. Do you get nailed for making an error that is not an error, I doubt that, considering the fact that our "errors" are very rarely reversed even when we are not in error.

I have a grip, I have had a grip since I started this job. You most certainly can change things, it happens and it happens to more than one of us. So speak for yourself...again the snide comments from QA are not welcome. You aren't perfect either. Why not work a few days in our position and have your work knocked down for errors that are not errors and changes that shouldn't be made, then come post to us about how wonderful QA is.

Considering the fact... - barbv

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your post was right on - we ALL have (or had if we've left) the same QA complaints!

You are all doing it again..QA does NOT fill in blanks - current QA

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QC does. QA can NOT change reports as they audit reports AFTER they are sent to the facility. QC CAN change reports as they are edited BEFORE they are sent to the facility. Get it straight so you do not cause confusion as they are 2 VERY different departments. QC cannot fail reports that stop you from getting incentive. QA can. Also yes they CAN see changes made by the QC...both the client AND Nuance as QA audits reports that the QC has changed and the QC IS held liable for WRONG corrections BUT if you see the discrepancy YOU need to fight it. If you are not, you lose out. Just wanted to once again add clarification since some are once again confused!

You are all... - dirm

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Bingo! QC will charge an error when blank is crystal clear (dictator spells name yet mt/qc blanks anyway). I've been an MT, QC and QA, so know what the heck I'm talking about. Printing out reports is also a HIPAA violation. If it were true that jobs were being changed, no one would be working here because it would not be put up with.

God forbid you say anything an MT disagrees with. When did it become the norm to not take responsibility for what your own fingers produce? We all have dictators we don't like. We all want the weekend off, but you take the job you take what goes with it. Everyone who works here went in and signed documents - they agreed to do the job the way the COMPANY wants, not they want.

I'm not perfect; nobody is perfect.

QC's fill in blanks and go by a set of guidelines given them by the company, so does QA. MTs are supposed to as well.

If you want to make the rules, start your own company.


Wow...can see why MTs are complaining... - MT

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I don't even work for Nuance, but can now see what they mean, if QA think so little of MTs like this.

I have never seen ANYONE complain about QA correcting a legitimate mistake and/or not taking "responsibility" for such. The examples I've seen here are about punctation like commas, articles, and other triviality that WOULD NOT MATTER TO THE DICTATOR. And with such a big company, how do you know what other QAs do or don't do? I can't imagine that with the comments from so many different people that everyone is lying. And bringing up things like MTs "signed the contract", don't take "responsibility for what their fingers produce", and "want the weekend off" (huh?). Hmm..makes me wonder about about the agenda of some of these posts....
Sick of QA - and QCs.
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Oh these QAs are something else. They think they are some type of god or something. I've been a QC and MT myself, and let me tell you I've never seen such horrible calls on their part, i.e. 3 points off for missing "the, who, it", their version of where a comma goes and marking off 1 whole point for that, etc. Like all of this has to do with altering the patient care. I'm highly sick of them and their egotistical attitudes. "Responsibility of what their fingers produce...." GMAB! It's what they are correcting "supposedly thinking they are right" and they are NOT!

I can see this is another reason why this company has such poor morale due to these high and mighty QCs and QAs. That comment "they are responsible for what their fingers produce" is a short cut to thinking. IT'S WHAT THEIR VERSION OF RIGHT IS AND TAKING OFF HORRIBLE HUGE POINTS FOR MISSING A COMMA AND "THE", "IT", AND OTHER STUPID CRAP I SEE ON THE FIESA REPORTS coming from these people.
Wonderful people - They are great
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I know if the QAs and QCs think so high of themselves, maybe they should get rid of all the Nuance MTs and do the jobs themselves.

QAs/QCs - Big problems with some!

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Oh and BTW it's not "the way the company wants" its the WAY YOU QCS/QAS WANT by charging erroneously HIGH POINTS for the most miniscle mistakes THAT DO NOT ALTER THE PATIENT CARE IN ANY WAY. Tell me something - how in the world does commas have to do with it, or missing a very minor word like "THE", "IT" "AND" "THE" alter patient care. And besides, what makes you think your or your cohorts doing this have the right to charge such high points for it? For what??? Is this company policy? Show me where? You brought up the "the way the company wants!"

Sorry but the QA poster above contradicts you - anon

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She flat out said that if QC makes an erroneous change and that report goes to post audit then QA marks MT off for said error. She then went on to say it is the MTs job to discover those "changes" and ask for reversal.

So you do in fact "change" things that we get marked off for, that is directly from a QA person.

I do take responsibility for MY errors, clearly QA/QC does not.

Besides I don't consider your subjective placement of a comma an error, nor do I consider it a major omission to not put in a pronoun that WAS NOT DICTATED.

So you are saying we have to do YOUR job? - ANON

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You should know what reports have been through QC. It is NOT our job to have to double check YOUR work. That is ridiculous.

In addition, this PROVES the other posters who say things have been changed in their reports that they then get marked down on.

There is no way I should have to go and investigate whether a QA "correction" is the result of a QC error. I get paid very little by the line and you get $17 an hour.

I had no idea a QC report could then be QA'd and used against us for our bonus. This gets dirtier and dirtier all the time.

If you dont want to check then dont complain! - current QA

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It is part of the job. Like the other poster said, YOU took the job. YOU signed the contract. Take responsibility. And again, stop confusing QA/QC as they are different departments. QA does NOT mark off for punctuation, missing articles, etc. as that is NOT in our scoring guidelines. I cannot speak for the QCs but I know for a fact that this is so for QA so GET IT STRAIGHT. If you are so unhappy with the way Nuance does things FIND ANOTHER JOB instead of boohooing about it. What does complaining about it on this board do for you. I am guessing absolutely NOTHING. I agree with the previous QA/QC poster...take responsibility!
For QA your reading comprehension needs some help. - anon
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It should be YOUR job to check to see WHO made the changes. NOT MINE.

You have got to be kidding me that I should have to go double check your work. Sorry, I'm not QA, you are. You should have access to know if QC made the changes not the MT. If QC made an erroneous change the MT should not be responsible for the error, nor be responsible for your lack of attention to your job.

So why don't you stop your boohooing and do your job.

Oh, and, yes QA does absolutely mark off for petty things like punctuation and major omissions for UNDICTATED words and I know very well the difference between QA post audit and QC who only check what we pend. So unless you are the Borg and operate with one mind with all knowing everything, you don't have a clue what your fellow QA are doing.
actually YOUR reading comprehension seems to be the issue - current QA
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We DO know who made the changes. If QC makes the error YOU need to be checking YOUR feedback NOT QA. Again, we ALREADY know BUT only YOU can get it fixed NOT us. That is why it is important to check Fiesa. So if YOU don't check your feedback then stop boohooing. I AM doing my job....what about you?
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QC made the change and yet MT was marked off for the error.

If QC made the change, MT should not be marked off for it.

Is this too complex for you?
is fighting to get it reversed too complex for you? - current QA
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I gave you a heads up. It is not going to change so whatever YOU choose to do with the info is up to you. I never said it was fair but I will not lose my job for doing what we are instructed to do. Will you for not attempting to dispute it? Probably. So do what you want. It does not affect me.
Wow. You admit it isn't fair. - anon
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This policy is nonsensical. You give an error to the MT that you KNOW was made by QC and then we have to spend our own time to reverse it. You get paid by the hour while we get paid production. This policy is BS.

And you seem to take great pleasure in being especially obnoxious and snotty towards the MTs.

Frankly, your attitude disgusts me.
It's a requirement - for QAs/QCs to be this nasty.
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She is nasty! Then she says on one hand she is helping and educating. She's a good reason to hate all the QCs/QAs in that nasty place. She should lose her job.

and as I said before we DO know and we audit the QC report - pay attention...nm

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Wow - Youre wonderful
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Wow, typical smug and egotistical QA attitude above ^^^
smug if that is how you want to see..sometimes the truth - current QA
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hurts. I gave you a heads up. You can take it as some advice or as being smug...that is your prerogative. What you do with it is up to you.
Angry QA - Are you a professional?
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Ha you are so right and because of some of your smug attitude, that is why I am leaving the company shortly. In fact, it shows how professional you are to come onto a board like this to spew your stuff. If you were any kind of a professional, you wouldn't care to be here now and not care what people think now, would you?
actually I am here to educate if you have ever read any - current QA
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Why would you think I am angry. I actually think YOU are the angry one. I am happy with my job AND Nuance. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks. I would think you would welcome the info I have given. If not, oh well. I am happy with my job.
Well well - Hello there
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You just gave away who you are! Haha. You are nasty to talk to even with IM Ms. Super QC.
Hello there - mt20years
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Yep, Super QC is all for Nasty Nuance. You are rude, smug and you will probably go far in this company. As far as educating people, nobody is going to listen because of your attitude, current QA. So bite me. And yes, I am angry and I hate this company. Not afraid to say it.
HAHA - Good reply
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She can bite me too. I think I figured out who that is and she's nasty on IM too. She thinks she is so superior and we are pee ons. I save all the IMs too. This person is trying to educate, but she's nasty on here saying people have reading comp problems and "to pay attention." Typical smug super QCs.
The laugh is on you. I work in QA not QC - good try lol...nm
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Educating? - By saying people have reading comprehension proble
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So, is that what you call educating by telling people they have reading comprehension problems? Boy I can imagine the feedback you give people. Try being a little more professional when trying to teach something, will ya?
ummm..read the post above mine...who said that first - current QA
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I was responding to THAT poster but I do have to ask now...who has a reading comprehension problem? All of you who responded. I don't know who the super QC is but I have to wonder that if YOUR attitudes are what he/she has to deal with every day, I can TOTALLY understand why he/she is bitter...GEESH!
What are you 5? - QA
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Waahhh, wahhh, she said it first! She said it first! You sound like a child. What are you 5?
If this person is really a Nuance QA, they should be fired. - anon
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Whoever is making these posts is unprofessional and rude beyond belief.

I have to think she behaves like this at work as well. No wonder we hate QA.
Nuance - QA
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She is making the rest of the QAs look bad with this childish attitude.
so i should be fired for speaking the truth...I'm 5 for responding - current QA
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And what should happen to you for whining and complaining when I gave a lot of info of what and why. A lot of people are taking the info and USING it and have even THANKED me for it and then there are the VERY few...you and the posters in this particular thread who are offended. I won't lose my job because I am GOOD at what I do. Last I saw, this is a public forum. If you don't like what you read, don't read it OR respond. It does not hurt my feelings.
and if you notice I have yet to resort to name calling - current QA
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In my opinion THAT is childish. I would like to think that we are all adults here.
Nuance - QA
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Grow up will ya! Sheesh! All I see are people complaining here. You make the rest of us look bad!
Jeckle and Hyde - Smug QA
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That's why I need to get out of this place. Who wants to work with that? It's scary what she does behind the scenes with our reports.
you make yourselves - look bad
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You make yourself and QA/QC look bad. Regardless if ya'll are different departments, you clearly do not work together. I just love how you seem to think that it is our responsibility as an MT to constantly have to fight for a reversal. You even stated that if the QC has an error, the MT is charged the points for it. You also stated that it can clearly be seen who does what in each dictation. As I stated earlier, if that is the case, there is NO REASON a MT should be charged an error that the MT did NOT do and was on QC or QA's end. As far as I am concerned, ya'll are the same ball of wax. Again, we have to fight for a reversal for FREE, while you are paid by the hour to give us unfair errors. You know it and you do it. Of course we are all complaining ABOUT THE SAME THING b/c we are all going through the same thing. Funny how you are the only one on here that does not see a problem with the system and why would you, after all you are not the one who has to put up with the BS just to do your job!
FIRED - mt20years
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Yep, you should be fired just for being so smug little girl. Better watch your mouth because everything you do and say comes back around to you. I am good at what i do as well, but i have lived long enough to KNOW WHEN TO SHUT THE %%#!*& UP. So, the laugh is really on you, whether you are QA or QC.
QA attitude makes Nuance look very bad - anon
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This QA person's attitude is frightening. Her hatred for the MT is so obvious and now I understand why they are so vicious on our reports.

She admits it isn't fair and simply does not care.

I worked in QA for a couple of different companies and this kind of behavior was not tolerated. We never did an audit on a report that had been sent by the MT with questions or problems (the equivalent of QC). The process for doing QA at this company is unlike any I have ever seen.

Of course I worked for companies (they are long gone and bought out now) that valued the MT and kept out of control, power hungry QA in line. Nuance clearly encourages this kind of unfair and menacing behavior.
Questions on report - frustrated MT
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I also do not believe that a report a MT sends for questions should ever be audited. It is not right. We had questions or we would not have sent it in the first place, so it should not be audited ever.
Nasty QA - Attitude
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It's so weird with the new company I work for that this is a smaller company and the QA staff really is attentive and helpful and very professional too. After working with Nuance for a few years and putting up with these snarky QAs, I tell you this is such a refreshing change. It's back to regular transcription too and it's back to making a decent wage. This VR really sucks and doing it for half pay realy sucks too. One person in my class said that she worked for Breitner Transcription and only made 7 dollars an hour and had to quit, but the instructor immediately told her to notify the labor board because they are not meeting the minimum wage standards for our state. They ask for too much for such little pay for this VR.

These QAs in this company are too big for their britches. Everyone is good at their job and have many years experience. I grow very sick and tired of their belittlement all the time and think everything should be their way.

I cannot wait till my hours increase at the other job so I can quit this crappy company once and for all. The egotistical QAs can do all the MT work too and choke on it as far as I'm concerned.

Wonder if they notice . . . - anon

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that since I lost my bonus last quarter I went from sending in about 2% to QC to over 15%?

If we all did that, we would SWAMP them. I mean what difference does it make if I am over my QC quota, I don't get my bonus anyway.

Just a thought.

This company stinks! - Pam

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I worked for this company for only a short time after they took over Webmedx. They basically suck. They will do anything to keep from paying bonuses to workers in the US. I believe they are trying to get all their transcription done overseas. Mark my words, your days are all numbered if you live in the US.

Sounds like MQ - maggie

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There are many MTs who believe the evil Q (Medquist) manipulated reports with errors and then came back and wrote up the MTs. I know it happened to me on a few occasions.

Yes they do - agree

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I've heard of other places doing that too; if they don't like a person they'll sabbotage their reports to make them look like they did the mistakes and then begin the process of writing them up and them firing them. It's really too bad some resort to this.

I had the same thing happen to me - SM - anonymous

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One thing you can do is type the report in Word, then copy it to Editscript and keep a copy of it for your records, along with the job number. I did this for several reports and, of course, found nothing I could prove. Maybe you can get lucky and find something and call them on it.

Pukeance - Their QA team

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I am SO GLAD I am working for another company and seeing how their QA team operates. They are very helpful and professional people. Some hold other degrees as well so you know they are a lot smarter than these QAs at Pukeance who don't hold a candle to this new company I work for.

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OTT Has Now Changed Up Some More Things...
Oct 15, 2010

All headers are now no longer counted in the line count. We're already out of work most of the time and now this. We don't get paid for cc's that we add or all the info on the pt before we ever start typing. I'd say when we do have work they're getting a lot of free work from us. ...

Offshoring, Things We Can Do.
Sep 14, 2011

First off, I am truly disgusted with our government for allowing offshoring to such a degree that it has taken most of our jobs away.  We have written and complained to no avail.  We do need to do some things on our own too.  I recently went shopping for my son's school supplies.  I read the labels to make sure things were made in America.  Ink pens:  The only ink pens I found made in America were Pilot pens, BIC were made in China.  I bought the Pilot pe ...

How Are Things Currently At Landmark?
Feb 07, 2012

xx ...

I've Had It, Done, Over. I Got Up Early To Get Many Things Done Sm
Dec 28, 2012

since I found out last night that I am having unexpected overnight houseguests tonight.  In-laws suddenly don't have room....Not only is my house a mess from entertaining both xmas eve and xmas while trying to get in work which was nearly impossible because there wasn't any, but I was low on food, my son had a doc's appt for a cough that he has had for 3 weeks now, and we are expecting a snowstorm tomorrow.  I ran around like a wild woman al ...

2 More Things To Watch For...
Jan 08, 2013

shorted on PTO accrual - waiting for call from HR - and QA now searching out very short reports, due to the 'nuance improved' QA calculation, 1 minor 0.25 error made my score 97.73! ...

Hey Ya'll At MM: How Are These Things Working
Feb 27, 2013

â€Â¢ Respect: We treat each other and our customers with respect, valuing individual and cultural differences and approaches to work. â€Â¢ Teamwork: We strive to create an environment in which everyone has a chance to showcase their individual talents. We build better relationships and produce greater results for our customers when we work together as a team. Our goal is to empower our people to work smarter and more effectively. â€Â¢ Customer Focus: We always seek ways to enhance the ...

How Are Things At Accentus?
Feb 28, 2013

How are things at Accentus?  I have an interview. ...

Apr 21, 2014

1.  Companies that brag on themselves. "XYZ Transcription, a an industry leader, has been in business since the first Christmas and therefore is the best. We therefore deserve only the best MTs that love playing on our team regardless of how much they want to play for the only team that matters to them, I.E, their family; adhering to turn-around times under penalty of death; and really don't give a hoot about anything but the MT Companies. We are growing and growing and growing and are ...

You Know Things Have Hit An All-time Low When ...
Jan 17, 2015

You're sitting here with a job waiting for you in your queue and you don't even CARE because you decide to watch a training/motivational video on changing careers to help you get the H311 out of this god-forsaken field.  As God as my witness, I WILL be out of this company by year's end.  I'd rather empty trash cans in the ladies' room than do this for even one more day and I've worked for this company for 16 years.  Stick a fork in me ... I'm don ...

Good Things?
Feb 12, 2015

I am reading so many negative comments. Are there any good things about working for this company? (M Modal) ...

They Have Been Hearing These Same Things Over And Over And Over And
Mar 27, 2015

...the business model works well for them. They made their money off you before you even signed on. They made it 1) when they landed your previous facility's contract and 2) when you were gullible enough to sign on to help voice wreck unemploy yourselves. If they wanted you to stick around you'd be so overworked you could not stand it. Nothing new about any of this stuff except this appears to be the latest set of Nuance casualties. In another month there will be another new set when t ...

MS Updates Doing Crazy Things..HELP
May 28, 2010

My computer is experiencing weird things lately.  I dont know what to do.  One night I went to bed and everything was fine...it was "updating".  I get up the next day, sit down to work and my word2003 is different now.  Another time, i.e. last Sunday, went to be, get up next morning and my Stedmans is completely NOT working...had to reinstall and according to Stedmans, this happens with Microsoft updates.  Now this one is the weirdest of all.  I went to bed last nig ...

We Should Be Getting Paid To REMOVE Things
Sep 08, 2010

from ASR!!!! Have this report where the dictator not only is standing RIGHT ON TOP of someone else who is talking, the ASR is catching it, and I am having to remove more than I add.  Also, she is saying 'uuuuuummmmm" every other word and the ASR is catching it as "home" and I have to delete that too.... Sigh......... ...

How Are Things At Transolutions These Days?
Oct 12, 2010

Anyone care to shed some light on how things are at Transolutions these days? Is there plenty of work? Thinking about this company and would love to hear current input from employees. I have read the archives and saw that QA can be tough and M-Modal isn't the greatest software. I am working on M-Modal where I am now and it's not my favorite, but Transolutions at least pays more and I am hoping that they have more work than where I am now. ...

How Are Things At Axolotl Since The Buyout? Nm
Nov 11, 2010

s ...

After Reading Some Wonderful Things On Here About
Nov 23, 2010

Silent Type.  I sent my resume and then sent a followup email saying I wanted to make sure they support satellite and 64-bit windows Vista, to which I got a very RUDE reply saying "We only accept resumes via silenttype.com and only if you have 5 years experience."  Gee thanks!!!  NOT! ...

Double Words And Other Things
Apr 13, 2011

Thanks to all who replied.  I wonder if my spellcheck is even turned on because the double words are not being caught.  I have even wondered if the software is putting words in.  I've been transcribing for many years but only started SR.  I'm also worry that my brain is getting too old to spot discrepancies, yet in other areas of my life, errors jump out at me to the point of being almost an obsession.  Otherwise, being with MQ has been fine.   T ...

Can We Make A List Of 100 Things That We ...sm
Apr 13, 2011

love about being an MT? I have been feeling overwhelmed and I'm trying to find the good in it all, so I'll start.... I'm home when my kids get home from school. anyone else? ...