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2 more things to watch for... - bleck

Posted: Jan 08, 2013

shorted on PTO accrual - waiting for call from HR - and QA now searching out very short reports, due to the 'nuance improved' QA calculation, 1 minor 0.25 error made my score 97.73!

My PTO was cut also - anon

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If you don't get steady 40 hours a week for the quarter they give you PTO at part-time rate. Regardless of the reason for not working a full 40 hour week, i.e., OOW for months on end.

I am also being QA'd on very short reports. One tiny error can bring you down under 90% on a 10 line report.


Can you tell me how PTO is figured? I just - started getting it. NM

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This is the last I have heard on how it is figured - anon

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Accrual is based on actual hours worked.
Full time (40 worked hours per week)
Seniority (in years) Maximum Hours (per year) Accrual (per hours worked)
0 - 1 years 40 0.02
1 - 3 years 80 0.04
3 - 5 years 96 0.048
5+ years 112 0.056

Part time (20 - 39 worked hours per week)
Seniority (in years) Maximum Hours (per year) Accrual (per hours worked)
0 - 1 years 20 0.02
1 - 3 years 24 0.024
3 - 5 years 28 0.028
5+ years 32 0.032
Since I

How about when they tell us to alter our time sheets - to show lower hours than 40, S/m

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in order to *meet* their required lines per hour? Hmm - wait a minute:
Could that be why the min. hourly line rate is now so high, so that few can make those lines, and have to report fewer hours than worked in order to comply, thus allowing the company to cut yet another part of our pay?

Gotta wonder what the Labor Board would say about that little trick?

I've never been told to do any such thing by Nuance. - been here over 2 years now (nm)

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So far you've been lucky. - nm
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I have been told to "alter" my timesheet twice in 2 years. It does happen. NM - anon
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I have been told to alter - kittykat
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That is illegal! I spent 20 years as a legal assistant before becoming an MT. I did not work in this type of law, so I assume you would contact a labor board or hopefully not a lawyer. You would have to have proof, though.

Luckily, the short report thing doesn't matter overall. - just found out

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The overall QA score for the quarter is based on total lines audited and all points deducted from that. So say you have 4000 lines audited and 20 error points in the quarter, dividing the 3980 result by the 4000 total equals 99.5% QA score.

Making such a big deal out of any individual report being below a certain percentage and having to be acknowledged as "reviewed" makes no sense at all then, of course. But that is how it works.

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