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MS updates doing crazy things..HELP - Wendy

Posted: May 28, 2010

My computer is experiencing weird things lately.  I dont know what to do.  One night I went to bed and everything was fine...it was "updating".  I get up the next day, sit down to work and my word2003 is different now.  Another time, i.e. last Sunday, went to be, get up next morning and my Stedmans is completely NOT working...had to reinstall and according to Stedmans, this happens with Microsoft updates.  Now this one is the weirdest of all.  I went to bed last night...everything was fine.  I get up today, go to open a client folder and it is completely empty...no forms no work done for the entire month, just an empty folder.  I do a system search and there is now a new folder in another clinet folder.  It is named after the real client, but inside, instead of all the folders for the main client, it is just the missing stuff.   So HOW IN THE WORLD did Microsoft take a complete folder of stuff, move it to another client and make a folder for it?  This is not only weird, but scary, like somone was actually IN my computer.  I mean it named the folder...moved the stuff????

anyone know anything on this because I know MS has no support to help with this.


I would shut off that computer at night - scary

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I always shut mine completely off every night!

Never know who is in there.

I would even unplug it at this point.

You can set the updates to not install automatically. - SM

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Instead, you can have it notify you when they are available, and even download them in advance, but it will wait for your okay to install anything. IMO, that's the best way to handle MS updates, as they sometimes break things and I like to check out others' experiences with updates before allowing them on my PC. You'll want the majority of them, as they're security holes being plugged, but it's best to have control of when these things are done rather than allowing MS to do it's overnight thing.

Make sure you close Word at night if you're going to leave your - SM

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computer on and automatically install updates. Bizarre things can happen if Word is open because updates can shut down your system, then reboot.

You can going into Control Panel and uninstall updates, but you're probably too late because Word was open.

The "moving" client folder - not really a mystery

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was probably the result of an inadvertent action on your part. I've done it myself. It is likely that while in MSWord, you clicked on a folder and held the button down as you moved the mouse. This moved that folder into the other folder. As I said, I've done this myself (more than once--I'm clumsy!). It's annoying, but not particularly sinister. It is probable that the other changes happened when defaults were reset after an update.

a computer doesn't do anything on its own. It follows commands, - ghost in comp ?

[ In Reply To ..]
ANY commands. You set, unknowingly, wrong commands, unless you downloaded, unknowingly, malware.

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