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Nuance, legitimate bonus plan??? please read. - professionalMT

Posted: Jan 03, 2012

My opinion,  having been in the industry for over 30 years and after reading a few posts on this subject below.

For years a good deal of MTSO's including Webmedx had in place bonus or incentive plans based on production ONLY. Such a plan most likely helped Webmedx win "employer of the year" for years. Employees would go the extra mile even working through breaks to achieve higher line counts while at the same time the newer employees could look forward to gaining more experience and expertise to be rewarded with higher salaries in the form of bonus incentives. QA for the MT had to be at least 98% accuracy which has always been acceptable in the medical transcription industry. All of this made for a good business policy for the MTSO, the hospitals/clients and the MT as well.

Now comes Nuance, I think a somewhat "new comer" to the MTSO part of the industry boasting about how they are growing. At the same time buying out smaller MTSO's and more recently a larger Webmedx. Right away they seemingly start slashing MT salaries and at the same time changing the policy of a stable and proven production ONLY bonus plan set forth by a long lived MTSO such as Webmedx to a production/quality plan monitored by Nuance

Nuance may think this is a smart move on there part as they will probably be able to control the bonus plan payouts while using the same in Hiring advertisements as well as signing on prospective clients by possible claims of a workforce with higher than than 99% QA. All of this at the expense of the MT. Relatively speaking 98% and 99% is not a big difference in QA but it is the monitoring of the given QA percentages and the "grey areas" of discrepancies that will come into play as well as the penalty process. A production ONLY based plan is pretty darn simple, higher production equates to more dollars for the employee with no exceptions. If the employee does not meet the required 98% QA then the MT suffers the consequences and possibilities of finding another career.

While this company is still trying to grow as an MTSO it would have been a big mistake to do away with the bonus plan outright at present as more employees would have left, some even filing unemployment claims in some states possibly costing this company more dollars. Better to cloud the issue of paying out the bonus money which with quality in the mix puts it in a very grey area for the employee to collect while working harder in obtaining and maintaining a higher production rate over a long period of time. The "NEW" bonus plan is presently set up to penalize an employee for an entire quarter or possibly more depending on the employees next QA review.

Employees at Nuance will be taking a closer look at this new plan costing the company more dollars as employees once again will be going through the revolving doors at Nuance looking for a more stable pay method that will pay a little more without this questionable bonus plan Nuance has come up with. Nuance may have just outsmarted themselves.  Time will tell.

Very ironic to say the least when one can consider the percentage of accuracy with all the Voice recognition programs, some of which at the hands of Nuance.

you seem to forget... - me2alsoand

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Thing is you are forgetting one thing...NTS is not "new" as you would think. They have changed their name and done a bit of restructuring to try and get new hires and steer away from the terrible image that was created by the poor management, but they still are the same and stink just as bad as always... NTS used to be Focus Infomatics (a division of Nuance Communications). The names have been changed to protect the innocent...

Say, what? I didn't know that! - nm

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I had no idea.

Didn't either. Just for info, BTW, WMX's incentive - required 98% QA, not based on production only. NM

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Not quite correct. Nuance acquired Focus Infomatics. - see message

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That was back in 2007. Nuance was Nuance, and then Nuance acquired Focus as it has also acquired other MTSOs.

Not quite - me2alsoand

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Not really true. I worked for Focus Infomatics in 2006, it was "Focus Infomatics (a division of Nuance Communications)" They have been OWNED by Nuance for a while... kind of like "Chevrolet (a division of GM)" If suddenly they eliminated chevy, caddy, etc and just sold "GM" cars it wouldn't be a new company, just a rebranding.
ummm...maybe because that is when they were.... - sm
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bought by Nuance...they were originally owned by someone else..do a search and you will see. Focus was the first transcription company they owned.

The incentive is near impossible to get. - sm

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If you were above 99%, you got bombarded by QA the last few weeks of the quarter, but only on the most difficult dictators. Some of the things marked wrong were questionable (dictated we'll - marked wrong if you put we will or if you just put will, depending on the QA).

I personally won't even try for the incentive. There is no consistency with QA. I've been marked off 4 times because of a change in my account specs and my TL has sent them the updated copy all 4 times.

To me, the incentive is just a waste of everybody's time to try to get.

hhhhmmmmmm sounds a lot like the Q - follows suit

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thats all I gotta say

hhhhmmmm - anon

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My incentive for last year was a total of $2397.30 and I had no trouble meeting the requirements. Just saying.

Was that earned BEFORE the new way of doing the bonus? - Or earned using the new way of doing bonus? nm

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hhhhmmm - anon
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Old since we are just starting the new way - don't think it will be much different, just paid out more often.
Did you read posts below. Many now suddenly arent - meeting the 99% accuracy when SM
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before the new way of doing things, they were never below 99%. Now, that bonus is based on that, all of a sudden they are falling below 99%. Now, come on, we all know how subjective qa is. Basing bonus on that, they can pay or not pay however they want, and guess what they want? I am mt and qa for another MTSO and I know how subjective qa is. Many posts below about MTs not getting bonus but none from MTs saying they were able to get the bonus. I hope you get it, but dont be surprised if all of a sudden your accuracy rate isnt high enough.
What does "paid out more often" mean? - mamabear
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I keep hearing this term and I don't know what people mean by it? I received my bonuses with every paycheck, so I'm not sure how much more often they can get.

BTW, I made nearly $5000 in bonuses last year. This year, I will make $0.
paid out more often - anon
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In the past we have gotten it quarterly. Now it will be paid with each check.
Might as well pay it with every check. Few, if any, will - be getting that bonus. nm
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changing QA policy - anon

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For any employees here for a year or longer, do you remember the constant admonitions we received about "over-editing" and trying to bring up our scores to 2:1 ratio (M-Modal scores) so we did not spend more than 2 minutes editing for every minute dictated? We were specifically instructed by the trainers to NOT edit "patient went to OR" to "the patient went to the OR", not to change articles "a", "an" etc. We were told this would slow us way down, and also would hinder the speech engine from "learning as quickly." Now, some of the points I had taken off for QA on this review (and which prevent me from getting any bonus for the next 3 months) were exactly the items listed above, that I had been in trouble before because I had "over edited" these! Do not tell me this makes any sense!! It only makes sense if you look at it from the perspective that they are doing all in their power to keep people from collecting bonuses!

The trainers were correct. I would definately contest your QA score if - see message

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...you were dinged by QA for over editing.

If the medical accuracy of the document is correct and the meaning of the sentence is clear, you should not be "rounding out" or "padding" a sentence and adding words that were not dictated in a speech rec report.

Stand up for what you were told and appeal the QA score.

appeal - anon

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thank you, I will do that! We were definitely told repeatedly NOT to add in those articles, and in some cases it was dictated, but at the speed of light LOL, so the speech engine just put in "patient" and in this case we were still told not to add in "the" patient. That is what I was counted off for, it WAS dictated, but very fast, and I followed past trainer's advice. It is definitely worth contesting though, since we were taught NOT to add this, so thanks, I will appeal!
Were those kind of things counted off before? - Just curious. nm
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those things were NOT counted wrong before - nm
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Of course not. Not surprised. - nm
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Well, if it *was* dictated, then I understood the trainers to tell us... - sm
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to edit it back in. *If* it was dictated. If it was not dictated, and the sentence was accurate and clear, then we were not to add in extra words like "the."
over editing-disagree, another opinion - anon
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I remember in training someone asking that specific question, and we were told NOT to put it in, even if dictated, and that was considered over editing. That person during our training also asked specifically if we would be in trouble with QA if we left it out, and we were told NO, it was fine with QA, and to leave it out!
note...you will only get marked off if it.... - sm
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was dictated and/or verbatim account...fyi

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