A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

a lot of good wx employees got hurt..bonus plan may become the joke of the industry! - arrrgh

Posted: Dec 14, 2011

Wasn't that EXCITING (lol) hearing from "J the loose cannon" that has been slithering around on numerous mtso ship decks knocking holes in said ships sending them to the bottom. I wanted to make a post like this back when his then boss or captain (ceo S.C.) talked about wmx being a ship and keeping it going on a straight heading bla bla bla. Instead I like a fool just stayed aboard hoping and hoping for a better platform but no more! Them bringing J the "loose cannon" into the mix of things in this meeting saying you all might remember me from wmx and we at wmx (bla bla bla) are so excited gave me a cold feeling that we were all in trouble right then. The only nice thing about the meeting was that we did not have to try and listen to miss J.S. (xMQ) and her terrible shaky voice.

Seriously and in my opinion many good wmx employees on this current horrible platform did not deserve what was handed out. The huge thing is that they (wmx/nuance) now can advertise to the world that they have a production base incentive but guess what sports fans (world) by placing a 99% QA requirement gives them the control mechanism (other than line count) needed to shut you down (the bonus) any time they feel like it with lots of QA. When this starts happening you will see even more and more MT's like myself leaving the USSWMX sinking ship that has already hit bottom.

new hires watch out!

What about... - sm

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QA submissions for missing/incompatible demos, continuations, incomplete reports, residents who don't identify their attending, dictated discrepancies, bad sound files? Are these included in the 15% QA limit? These aren't caused by the MT. To penalize MTs for these things will encourage cherry-picking and guessing, leading to major errors and HIPAA violations.

Welcome - sm

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to what we have had at the Q for awhile now. Except ours is 5% QA. Don't know for sure about your company, but at the Q everything just goes to the client with notes about the things you mentioned. Of course we type notes and don't get paid for them.

I long ago noticed the Nuance system's potential for - slimy sleight of hand, tying incentive earned

[ In Reply To ..]
to a rating they can very easily furtively massage downward, or simply baldly shoot down as desired by transfer to other accounts. I was browsing to see if I'd care to apply there--the answer a big, big no the instant I saw that giant red flag.

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