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Holiday Bonus from Web/Nuance - Done!

Posted: Dec 14, 2011

While other people I know are receiving bonuses during this holiday season, I received yet another pay cut and unpaid vacations from my employer.  I now earn yet again significantly less and quite frankly can do better collecting unemployment.  And Jay has the audacity to sound all chipper and happy on his recording where he has yet again cut our pay.  I so hope he runs Nuance in the ground as he did Webmedx and oh yes Spheris....Thanks Jay....Hope you sleep well at night while I am up with a burning ulcer.....Bitter yes....Angry you bet....Done?  ASAP....

Nuance - Confused

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Yet they act so super excited like they are doing something good for us, talking in circles with no straight answers. "Keep you phones on mute and here....lets mention our wonderful managers in India"....I still can't get a hold of my lead so I know where I fit. I would respect them more while they are scr@Q#ing me if they would give us STRAIGHT answers and keep the lines open for questioning and take the heat.

Sounds like Nuance is taking lessons straight from the - Medquist handbook

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Congratulations, it sounds like Nuance has graduated from the Medquist school of employee relations. That sounds *exactly* how Medquist handles their standard way of doing business - they literally do not give a damn.

Yes! - anon

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I jumped from MQ to Webmedx 10 years ago as the Squid was playing this way. Funny how now Webmedx being in bed with Nuance and they are now the same as the Squid....

Medquist - Nick

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Lots of MTSOs follow the MQ playbook these days. It was written for them by the legal firm of Dewey Cheatem & Howe.
Dewey, Cheatem and Howe - Annie Oakley
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Well said, my friend.

Corporate **** read from a script - AnnieOakley

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It was just like I thought it would be. It is clear they will be churning out new MTs from M-tech and trying to force us experienced MTs out. The incentive bonus is a dangling carrot almost within reach but not quite. Let's see, we went from taking "sick days" out of vacation time, now we are taking PTO days out of holiday time. This is bad to the bone. The people going into the schools need to know what is going on.

If you dont get holiday pay, dont work the holiday - i wouldnt

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I will not work a holiday without an incentive of some kind.

We do get a holiday differential, so there is additional pay for holidays. - nm

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Holiday differential, but - Webber

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They clearly stated that is you do not have a PTO request approved by your STM and are scheduled to work on the holiday you are required to work while you get a lovely 25% differential for all lines typed. We used to get 8 hours of holiday pay for holidays (equivalent to double time if you did work on the holiday). They really expect us to never want a holiday off or to have to use up our personal PTO to enjoy any holidays? Pretty much every other company gives their employees holiday pay...
Must work on holiday but there is no work, hmmm - AnnieOakley
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The account I work on is closed on holidays. There might be a report or 2 that trickle in. So the say I see it, I am forced to take a PTO day. This is not fair because other people have work and can at least get the incentive.
Snatched Holidays - angry
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I would never, ever encourage anybody to work for this company. Webmedx has plain and simple been like a thief in the night. The minute you get ahead and make a little more money, they snatch it away! And hold on, fellow Nuance/Webmedx employees, did you hear that little tidbit on the cowardly taped Webinar that as changes are made in the the platform that compensation will be "adjusted" accordingly? In other words, we will never get a raise, and if you work hard and give yourself a raise, they'll snatch it out from underneath you anyway.

Thanks for nothing, Webmedx.
future adjustments and what they mean - AnnieOakley
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Yes. I think that means that when they get the platform up to speed like it USED TO BE, they can cut us even more, this way they can do it a little at a time and strike gold when we hit minimum wage which is I think almost now.
And consider that employees only get 3 days of PTO - sm
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their first year, and there are 6 holidays, any unforeseen illnesses or emergencies... So on top of being shrifted on pay and benefits, but now unless you are an orphan hermit and an atheist in awesome health, the only option is to take those unpaid. Good luck to anyone wanting authorization to take a day off anyway.... You'll be lucky to get a response yea or nay more than 5 days before the requested dates, no matter how you nag or email.
PTO more than 3 days the first year - nm
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at Nuance.

Holiday Bonus from Nuance - unknown

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There was no paycut from Nuance. If you listened closely and followed along on the chart you would of seen that there was NO paycut and the incentive is actually better than it was before.

better incentive? How do you figure? - Angry

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Check out the ISR line rate. It IS lower by about 1/4 of a cent. Maybe it depends on what platform you are on, but on mine the ISR work was cut in pay. Also, take into consideration of loss of holiday pay and loss of nighttime differential between the hours of 6 p.m. and Midnight (not to mention the loss of weekend differential) well, you get the idea. If you think you are better off than you were before, then more power to you, and type your little heart out.

bonus? LOL - anon

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Hey TE, is that you posting again? How we get holiday bonus out of this and an increase is beyond me!

reply - AnnieOakley

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TE made Webmedx the great company it used to be. She is top shelf in my book.

bonus - anon

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Have read the replies below you are right, depending on your situation the new pay structure could be good or bad. For most WMX employees it is not good, but everyone's situation is different, so I do apologize for insinuating all positive remarks must be from "suits" For most of my friends, this is devastating.

Here comes the first company plant. sm - BTDT

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They watch and wait for these boards to start heating up, and then drop an anonymous cheerful note. Happens every time.

Very, very true. - A good plan

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I have to agree. The holiday incentive is actually quite generous when you break it down. The state workers in my state only get 15% if they work a holiday.

Same thing for the incentive plan. It is quite good.

I also think that them being willing to pay a differential for the less than stellar platforms is generous. Most companies could care less if your program does not work and will pay everyone the same across board.

This shift differential is also quite helpful to me and works out to be more than what WMX pays now at a flat rate.

We also get paid downtime.

Overall I think the plan is a really good and is better than any other company I have worked for.

I was nervous when I saw the numbers in print but when I actually sat down figured it out into dollars and cents I saw that I am actually going to be just fine.

I am not a suit BTW so don't go there - A good plan

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BTW do not start callling me a "company plant" just because I am happy with Nuance and their plan, and would recommend them to others by the way. If you want to know if I am a real person then feel free to email me and see.

Just because you are not happy and someone else is does not make them a suit. It just makes others jealous, hence the need to reach out and slam them.

Paid downtime? Since when? - whatutalkinbout

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What paid downtime are you referring to, and under what circumstances. I have NEVER received paid downtime at Wmx - EVER.
The webinar mentioned compensation for... Sm - Old Woman
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QUALIFIED downtime. Now just exactly what is "qualified" I don't know. I would assume it would be if one of the platforms was down for an extended period of time but probably not for your average run-of-the-mill NSA situations. But it was mentioned.
In the webinar it stated - sm
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In the webinar they told us about being an hourly wage for meetings, conference calls and qualified downtime. Hope that helps! :)

How do you figure? - anonymous

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I noticed you use the word good with the emphasizer "quite" throughout your post, but you don't quantify any of them.

"I have to agree. The holiday incentive is actually quite generous when you break it down."

Why don't you break down the generosity of the holiday incentive plan. How is 125% better than 200%, the former bonus. It's not an incentive, it's a differential. A holiday incentive is meant to movitvate an employee to not request that day off and reward them for doing such. Under the former plan, the FT employee was paid 100% for holidays even if they have the day off and %200 for if they worked. That is better than 0% if they have the day off and 125% for work how?

A FT employee can't choose to take a holiday off, unless it's a regularly scheduled day off, without PTO authorization from their manager, which we were told yesterday wasn't going to happen for the upcoming holidays. Hmmmm.... If I made $42/hour under the former plan but now I make $26.25 for the same holidays, same lines produced, and same mix of typed and ASR. Again how is that generous?

"The state workers in my state only get 15% if they work a holiday."

Yes, and McDonald's employees probably don't get any differential, physicians probably get paid triple, and MTs in India probably don't even get to have the day off. There's a wide range for different skill levels and occupation, but this conversation isn't about what people who are NOT MTs, never mind Nuance employees, get. If that's your logic, then I should be grateful that they don't make me wear stupid polyester uniforms when I'm working. Just because there is someone who gets nothing doesn't mean that everyone else should be happy for anything and certainly not for having what we had taken away.

"Same thing for the incentive plan. It is quite good."

Again, break it down for us. "Good" for someone who makes minimum wage would be $7.50, "quite good" probably $10 hour. "Good" for someone with 8 years of postsecondary training would probably be something along the lines of 200% bonus or at least a float day of PTO. I acknowledge that MTs aren't in the same category as physicians, but we most certainly shouldn't be relegated to minimum wage, entry-level workers.

One can't even be considered for hiring without a minimum of 2+ years of acute care, must provide all resources needed to perform their job duties, and don't get paid breaks. Add to that:
1.  A QA metrics system that inherently sabotages hitting any QA quota.
2. Vaguely written and disorganized account specifics often with conflicting instructions within the same document.
3. A rheumy transcription platform so crippled it needs a prescription of Celebrex, a speech recognition engine whose ridiculousness borders on Monty Python.
4. Contrdicting QA feedback where 2 different QA editors tell you to do 2 different things for the same situation, and when such contradiction is pointed out, they either can't or won't acknowledge said contradiction nor will they give you the resolution.
5. No communication from management, at least in response to any direct inquiries.

"I also think that them being willing to pay a differential for the less than stellar platforms is generous. Most companies could care less if your program does not work and will pay everyone the same across board."

Can you even see how ludicrous that first sentence is? In essence, the fact that they acknowledge their technology and the programmers employed to maintain said technology are inferior for their intended purposes qualifies a paycut as generous? Acknowledgement in and of itself is not absolution. How can you not see that even in your defense, you are making our point.


The platform is certainly less than stellar. Any pay cut whatsoever but especially in the absence of bringing said platform to stellar is unfair. Why should the MTs be penalized for their inferior technology? Topping out the incentive bonus on the Enterprise platform earns $70 less a payperiod compared to 1 month ago and $148 compared to 1 year ago. And that's not taking into account any benefit premiums.

"This shift differential is also quite helpful to me and works out to be more than what WMX pays now at a flat rate."

Yes, that's true, again if your LPH tops out the incentive bonus scale.

"We also get paid downtime."

How? When? Where? I've worked for this company for the better part of a decade. I listened to the Webinar twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything, made and checked my notes, and then reviewed all email and newsletter communication. The only way to pay for downtime, i.e. No Studies Available, is to use your PTO.

"Overall I think the plan is a really good and is better than any other company I have worked for."

I am so sorry for you if this is a step up from what you're used to accepting.

"I was nervous when I saw the numbers in print but when I actually sat down figured it out into dollars and cents I saw that I am actually going to be just fine. "

Congratulations. I wish I could say the same for myself, but as I'm making less than half of what I was even 1 year ago even though I'm producing more than I ever have with this company, I am actually not going to be just fine.

All in all, my point is that we former Webmedx employees are not being greedy. We want what we used to have. They continue to metaphorically take a crowbar to our knees 3 to 4 times a year with pay cuts, increased benefit premiums, and drastically reduced or eliminated fringe benefits and PTO, yet we are expected to be grateful that they didn't take absolutely everything?

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Exactly why someone said, "oh it's the first company RAH-RAH plant." You nailed it all the way. Great post.
How do you figure... I have a suggestion - Just a thought
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I have an idea for you and its just a thought here... But you COULD look for a different job if you're really that unhappy versus sitting here and complaining. Again, just a thought here.
who says I'm not or haven't. - how do you figure
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No way am I "sitting here and complaining."

If you read the post, you'll know that I was refuting specific and quoted points made by another poster. Not once in my post, did I play the woe-is-me card. Not once did I say I didn't have any other options nor did I say that I wasn't pursuing other options.

Things with Webmedx/Nuance aren't getting better, nor does it seem the downward momentum is coming to an anytime soon. There are a lot of transcriptionists who will respond to the ever-present Nuance job ads. I believe they deserve to know as much as possible about the situation they'll be getting into.

If the original poster can claim everything is rosy, I'm making more money than ever, and they are so very generous, then why can't I say otherwise with quantifiable facts?

I crunched the new numbers based on Nuance's newly released information and compared all other factors to pre-Nuance, concluded that even the Sahara Desert would be a greener pastures, and shared my arguments.

Why even have a Post A Reply button if controversial replies are met with "get a different job" responses?

Perhaps we should just let the satisfied MTs post and the rest can go elsewhere to vent.

PS: "Just a thought" is self-evident and doesn't need to be pointed out. The very fact that your post comprises cohesive declarative statements qualifies it as such and not say an elephant or a watering can.

There is also no need for "just." It IS a thought. That word in that context minimizes its importance and your right to share it. Make no apologies for your thoughts. Own them, share them, and sod off to any one who doesn't like or agree with them.

Pay Cut - Frustrated

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I am from the Webmedx side and there most certainly is a pay cut and a big one.....

Webmedx Employee versus Nuance Employee - angry

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Maybe the difference in opinion here is that those who are unhappy are employees who are from Webmedx and those happy are employees from Nuance. Webmedx employees all took a huge blow, not to mention various other blows in the past couple of years. We really took a step down moving to Nuance, while the Nuance employees already there didn't lose anything. They have what they always had so they don't feel they've been cheated.
Yes - and WMX Radiology accounts - anony
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are taking another hit and several are on a cumbersome, slow Meditech platform upgrade, which is more like a downgrade back to the Stone Age.
Nuance vs OSi employee - angry too
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We took the blow when Nuance took over OSi. I am making two thirds of what I made last year, between the paycut and change in line counter.

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