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Nuance Hiring Bonus - Curious

Posted: Dec 22, 2014

Can anyone tell me what the terms are to get this hiring bonus? When do you actually receive the bonus?   Just curious......

Acute-Care Medical Language Specialists
Minimum one year of hospital transcription/editing experience to include: histories and physicals, operative notes, consults and discharge summaries. Experience with ESL dictators is required.

Experienced acute-care MTs hiring full time will receive one of the following bonuses:

$500 bonus for any shift
$750 bonus for any Tuesday-Saturday shift
$1000 bonus for any 3rd shift (8p start or later) shift

Mention "NTSFULL" to your recruiter when hiring!

My best guess would be after 90 days, but... - ANMT

[ In Reply To ..]
...I would also bet that there are provisions as to getting it, such as coming off full QC, sending less than a certain percentage of files to QC, etc. I would definitely ask the recruiter for FULL disclosure IN WRITING.

I was hired, I did ask, they would not I quit - MT

[ In Reply To ..]
I was a new hire in the midst of this mess. I was given the old cpl rate but it would change as of the 6th. I had not yet started. I asked for exactly how much I would make cpl in a concrete offer letter and the recruiter refused. I never started the job.

Regarding extras bonus etc (addendum to "I was hired") - MT

[ In Reply To ..]
To add to the above.. they certainly refused to put anything in writing regarding any kind of bonus. When it got down to the basic what cents per line would I be paid for my work the recruiter said she had no information for that. I said so what am I tell the bill collectors that I had no information? She could not answer so I quit without starting. Who in the world would take a job where they would refuse to put a concrete amount in an offer letter, forget putting in concrete terms for bonus, etc. I think no sane person would...at least that is in the real world.

At one time, was 9 months - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Anything that N promises above and beyond 0.035 per line of VR should not be part of the equation on which anyone decides to work for Nuance. You will end up with between $7.50-$8.00 an hour. Setting up higher expectations is the tool to get you to sign on, and work like a dog. Few see much in compensation beyond that. Recruiter will emphasize everything but that simple fact.

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