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Meridian Health Solutions - anything - curious

Posted: Feb 25, 2012

Found on MTdaily, looks like pay is over average.  Does anyone know anything about this company? 

I don't have any first hand knowledge, - but they seem to get

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better than average reviews on this board. I sent them a resume too. Good luck!

Good Luck - to you

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I think they are hiring right now. I sent them a resume about a month ago, got a call from them a couple days ago and now will start in 2 weeks. What the recruiter seemed to like on my resume was that I don't job hop, so if you have longevity with your companies it will be a plus for you.

Good Luck all who applied.

Meridian - MT3

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Great pay, but very, VERY strict with QA and scheduling.

FYI, it's against the rules here - PassingThru

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You're not supposed to name other MT sites in your posts here. Just an FYI.

don't see in disclaimer and terms - curious

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says client specific data, personal names, email addresses, addresses, phone numbers. I don't see the problem here, no data given, no personal names, no email addresses, addresses or phone numbers. So need further clarification.

Past experience. - ModWILLDelete

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It has happened to me and several other posters here. That site and the other one (that has job postings). Mention them by name and your post goes "poof!"
here ya go, you both violated - not that i care
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Don̢۪t try to moderate. Report posts that you feel violate the posting guidelines. You can do this by clicking the Options box when viewing a post and choosing the Report This Message option.

Do not redirect posters to other forums, blog sites, selling sites, social media platforms, etc.

(By mentioning that other site, you will be "redirecting" )
it aint that serious - anon
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Meridian - lillygirl

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Terrible company to work for. It was like working with Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde! They will love you one minute and want to teach you everything you need to know, the next minute you get accused of not working even though you are signed on, your reports will disappear because you did not really do them even though you were logged in, typed the report, copied a copy of the report to your desktop, submitted it and POOF! it disappeared, you didn't work at all and the report was typed by someone else! Be really, really, really careful.....

I work for them. - Good company

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They do have several different platforms and with the one I use, it is not possible for what LillyGirl described to happen. I have only used 2 platforms with them, and for a report to disappear was not possible, but they do have more platforms.

We are not really allowed to discuss much re our confidentiality agreement, but I would say they are a good company to work for. Someone said they are strict with QA and schedules. This is true, but the pay is above average, benefits are good, and line acount expectation is more than reasonable. You submit your schedule for the following week each week, and stick to it. I think there is a 10-year experience requirement to work there. I think the QA people are good, but they do not want to "hold your hand" so to speak. I do not run out of work, except maybe once a year, and then you have a backup account to go to.

There has been bad written about the company and good. I guess it really depends on what kind of MT you are, but I think many of the seasoned MTs would find them a good company to work for.

Please do not e mail me. Keep in mind that pay, specs, etc. would be based on your experience (not one size fits all), and the account you would be placed on.

The company has really grown lately. Not that many people leave. I hope to retire here myself.

Ummm yes it is possible as it happened - sm

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to me, too!! How would you know it is not possible anyway?
I said it was not possible on MY platform. Others, maybe so. - nm
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meridian- not good - no name
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I had the tech person tell me that there is such a high turnaround that people get canned all the time or quit. I was "let go" for not typing Toprol-XL instead of Toprol XL when its written without the hyphen in my book. Also they gave a huge pay cut about the time I got canned. I think they have issues.

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