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Meridian/KS - old MT

Posted: Apr 24, 2012

I have been offered 2 positions, any thoughts where to go? Thanks for any input.

ive seen great posts for Meridian and worked at KS - EXKSMT

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I would not even think about that one. KS is a mess. No communication, cherry pickers, never know when you are going to have work, and they treat their MTs like crap unless you happen to be the pet. Their benefits (if that's what you want to call them) are horrible. No real medical plan, PTO THAT they find every way to take from you, other benefits such as STD and vision you pay 100% of the premiums. Also good luck that if you use your STD that you actually have it and your dues were paid. I know of a few scenarios where the insurance company said MTs were never signed up and the MTs had paid the premiums.

Positives are they don't outsource and the majority of their work is straight transcription.

To EXKSMT - old MT

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Thanks, I am still at KS and strongly thinking of going to Meridian. Just nervous about the strict QA. Even though I am an old MT, I had on-the job training many, many years ago, so I still learn different things and every place, rules are different, so just nervous I can't meet QA standards even though I always have. Having a problem right now with KS, never out of work, but account tough to make lines.

I just heard about 10 minutes ago that they just got a very big account starting right away. - Happy KS MT

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All I know is that it is escription and very high volume. If you like KS other than the account you are on, I would let them know right away and ask about the new account.
KS has a very poor reputation and is seemingly - a family oriented business..see msg
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I personally prefer the larger companies because you're less likely to find the favoritism going on.

Where I work, reports are computer generated according to team you're on, no assigning. I have one QA person I report to and I know what she expects and it doesn't change with the weather. I rarely talk to my supervisor unless I need something and I love it. I am definitely more of a large company gal, so KS would not work for me.

It may work for you though, everyone is different. But I wouldn't recommend it.

I really dont know too much about Meridian, but like the other poster said, Keystrokes does not outsource and they do have more straight typing.
Keystrokes is actually one of the 6 largest companies. Don't believe the bashers on here. sm - KS MT
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The bashers come out in force for KS, and it is really sad that someone might pass them up based on this board.

There are only 5 family members, including the two owners, which I did verify a long time ago when those weird accusations came out.

I have a lot of work. I don't have to worry about offshore workers taking my work. My account is first-in, first-out without assigning, and my supervisor leaves me alone to get my work done.

There are hundreds of happy transcriptionists at KS, many of whom I have gotten to know well over the years. I hope that others see through bashers. After 3 years, I'm happy I made the move from the Q. Best thing I ever did for myself and my sanity.
different people-different experiences. Not all the same but all real. - Believe what you want taken with grain of salt.
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Do they require you to have MS Word 2003? - sm
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That has been my Achilles heel. Every job that sounds good (and sometimes I even get hired before I find out they require it) seems to require this. Wish I could find it cheap!
Keystrokes family - KSMTER
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There are way more than 5 family members of the owners working at KS, but when you point this out (and accurately point out who they are) people flip out and call you a liar. I think its fine for family members to work for the same company, as long as favoritism isn't shown, but at KS, it's a hot mess. I have 1 month left until I put in my resignation to start my new career. If I had longer, I would go somewhere else to work.

Family is only one issue. I have been begged to work overtime many times, but when I do, my "leader" calls and freaks out saying that I'm not allowed to work overtime. I have to remind her and forward her the emails, that she is the one who asked me to work it.

Now, this week, no work, and I have info that they are getting ready to lose a big account at the end of the week, but I'm sure they won't inform anyone, they will just find out when they can't log-on.
hmmmm awful funny they just lost a huge account to do with escription - dont believe everything you hear
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Especially at KS!!!! The most unorganized and untruthful company I've ever worked for. I think it's worth taking a chance on Meridian, as their reputation sure is much better than KS. What about the benefits and line rate? They can't be much worse unless they don't offer benefits at all.
I got the call today to ask if I wanted to move to the account. - No worries
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I don't know about any that were lost other than the one through the PA office, but this is a new account that is starting right away. I used ES at another company and loved it, so I am excited aboout the new account.

Doesn't Meridian use Chartnet? Keystrokes owns Chartnet.

Old MT is deceptive, maybe mgmt looking - for response.

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To Whomever Posted Above - old MT

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Who do you think you are? How do you know what is and what is not deceptive. I am the OP and I am NOT management. It's too bad you don't have enough to do without criticizing things you know nothing about.
You are wrong, I do know. - see below
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Why ask if you are already at KS. Sounds like you are fishing to me. Many have experienced exactly what EXKSMT is talking about. Maybe if you would stay off the boards and type you could make your line count.
True. You say you have been offered a - position at KS, then you
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say you are still at KS. Which is it?
I agree with you - - nm
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AGREE. does she have ESP? or just blatently paranoid. - just ignore her. by the way
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old MT - I think I was on that same account. Left it and KS, was a bad fit for me. Good luck to you.

Meridian runs out all the time/overhires nm - :(

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They also increased line requirement for benefits. Program is hard to get lines on IMO. nm - :(

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