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Meridian Health Solutions - eastcoast

Posted: Mar 06, 2012

Received a message for interview, have not returned call yet.  Is there any feedback on this company good or bad.  Thanks in advance!

I work there. - sm

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You will find good and bad posts about this company. Some, like me, hope to retire here. There is not a big turnover (new account now). Then another poster claimed she was "fired for writing Toprol XL instead of Toprol-XL." Hmmmm.... really?

I do not answer e mails from this site, but I would be glad to answer your questions in a general way here.

Good benefits and PTO. Always plenty of work. Schedule is somewhat flexible, YOU set it up each week yourself. Pay is not one size fits all, but based on experience and exposure, not just number of years. I think the pay is above average and expectations are more than fair.

It has been stated here before, they are serious about quality work, and mostly hire very experienced MTs, and most very experienced MTs like it. Several different platforms, but I assume you would be using ChartNet, typing and VR 50/50, but I don't know that.

Training may be somewhat slow, but thorough. QA is better than most. Good luck to you. Come back and let us know if you are hired, and how you like it.

Work volume - May apply

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You mentioned that there is always plenty of work. Do you often have to work on other accounts other than your primary to make full-time quota?

Actually, - sm

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I do have a back-up account, as I think we all do, but I have not worked on it in 2 years. The company does not over-hire.

Now some people, probably higher paid, work on 2 different accounts, platforms, etc. by choice. Of course, some may go to back-up accounts more than I do, I don't know, but I doubt it, because their accounts are very large.

Let's say you do run out of work, as many of their accounts are local, due to holidays or snow (low on back-up as well). There is no penalty or demand that you make this up. You simply put on your timesheet low/no workload. It is verified and forgiven, no questions asked. However, the accounts I have worked on have always had plenty of work, so the answer to your question is yes, it could happen maybe once or twice a year. Down time does not last long, but I have not had down time in 2 years myself.
Meridian site says must have Bachelor's degree? - nm
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For what? See ad requirements. I do not have a BS. - no message
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Meridian Question - Abigail

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Can you tell me how productive Chartnet is? In an 8 hours shift, approximately how many lines do you produce? I'm trying to figure out how good a paycheck I can expect. Thanks :)

Abigail, I work on it. - sm

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It is a little slower than I am used to, but it is very easy. It pulls in most demos automatically on the account I work on. By slower, I mean the physician database is about 2 seconds slower than I would like. Pulling up previous patient reports is slower if there are numerous previous reports, the more reports - the slower it is.

Besides this, it is good. You can pull up previous reports by physician and by worktype, which comes in handy until you get the hang of what you are doing so that it is automatic and you don't have to do that anymore. A good way to get samples for certain doctors or reports. A user-friendly manual is provided that is easy to follow.

I do 50/50 VR and typing. My line count is not a fair estimate at all for a couple of reasons that you will not have to worry about, but I do more than 2000 lines a day. You will do more, I guarantee it. I think the combined minimum requirement is 1,800. That is so easy, you could be done in a half day, depending on your speed, report types, any research you may need to do, etc.

You are very slow beginning on any new account of course, but I would say it would take less than 3 months to get up to full speed with an account and maneuvering the platform. It can sound complicated but once you get the hang of it, it is pretty simple. Training can sometimes be slower than you would like, but mine was pretty thorough. I have only worked with 3 QA/AMs, but they are actually very good.

BTW, something you may not be used to; their QA actually encourages questions and reports be sent to QA. No dings or penalities because they want quality work, and customer service is of utmost importance. You are provided feedback, and they do not mind questions about it. Take note of it though, so they do not have to repeat.

I would say the company's expectations are fair, pay is above average, and if you are as qualified as the MTs they try to hire, you will do well.
Thank you! - Abigail
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Thank you for the answers :)

Did you apply through their web site? -sm - Dyz

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I tried to apply through their website but when I hit submit, I got an error, so I just emailed my resume.

I was wondering if there was a test or something following submitting a resume?

Thanks. I'd really like to know.

through email on a posted ad - they actually have acknowledged - eastcoast

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I sent them a resume, unlike other places that you never ever hear back from. Haven't had a change to return their call

oops... chance - eastcoast

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Thanks. I hope I hear from them too, haven't yet. -nm - Dyz

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