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Meridian/Indianapolis - needtoknow

Posted: Sep 29, 2011

Can anyone give me any information on Meridian, good or bad? Also interested in whether they provide your computer or if you need to use your own. May e-mail me if you wish.

I work there - sm

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Sorry, I do not do e mails from this board. Anyhow........

You need your own computer. They are a great company to work for. They have several different platforms for different accounts, but I hear they are all good. Pay is about the best around, and I think the minimum line requirements are rather low. They are in the process of implementing a lot of VR, but I think everyone does 50% VR and 50% typing. QA is nice and friendly. You are paid for all "normal" inserted text. Not much down-time from low work, but they do assign back-up accounts. If this prevents you from making your line count, it is not held against you. Pay is by direct deposit and is on time, every time. Most all of their accounts are in the Indianapolis area. All in all, I would have to say a great company.

Having said the above, I will tell you they do require significant experience (some accounts 10 years experience). Accuracy and good customer service is very important to them, as it should be. They are growing rather rapidly. I have been there a couple of years and I am very happy.

Meridian/Indianapolis - Needtoknow

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Thank you very much for the info. I need to decide something and you have helped me very much. I do have over 20 years' experience, so I'm hoping I would be comfortable on their accounts. I do have one more question. Is it correct that you only need to work until you have your lines in for the day or do you need to stick to a schedule? Thanks again.

Quick answers to need to know. - Hope we are coworkers

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You heard right. Do your lines, and you are done. Now, if the account is behind they may want you to do more than 30 hours a week, especially if you are full time, benefits, PTO, etc. The girls on my account have never done 40 hours. They do their line count and they are done for the day. Now, if the account runs behind, they will ask you to help out on the weekends, totally optional, but you can NOT go over 40 hours a week. If you do help out, even a couple of hours, there is an incentive pay for that.

They will ask you to submit a schedule each week for the following week, stating the times you are going to work. This is so they will know what coverage they have on those accounts that week. You can put doctor appts on there. I try to stick with the schedule I give them each week, but if something comes up, dental appt, etc., I just e mail my AM as soon as I know.

I have only dealt with about 3 of the QA people. They are great. They really do appreciate it if an MT knows when to send a report to QA, is not afraid to do so, and will ask appropriate questions. I will state again, they want significant experience (10 years). They are not here to teach you how to do medical transcription. Accuracy and customer service comes first to them and should to the MTs because they pay well for it. With your experience, that should not be a problem at all. If you have 20 years experience, I think you would love it here. Small company, most accounts in the Indianapolis area. Some platforms seem complicated but they will work with you on it until you are comfortable.

May I ask where you are coming from? What are your options? Do you have another company you are looking at? Do you have a specific account in mind? Some of the platforms here have a feature where you can pull up previous reports on the patient or doctor for reference or to pull in previous text into a current report (which you get paid for). We call them "gravy lines." If not, they supply tons of samples. I came here from SPi. That seemed like the bowels of h@ll compared to this. I really like the company and hope to retire here.

Another thing, work can tend to slow down during the holidays. Usually there is plenty of work - except last year it snowed almost every day in Indianapolis, which made it slow down some, but they will give you a back up account. Problem is, those are in Indianapolis too. However, they do not hold these times against you. This is not the norm at all. You do not have to sit at your computer all day checking for work. You do not have to make up those lines. They just tell you indicate on your time sheet that week that work was low/slow, and they will verify it. There is absolutely no offshoring.

I will say this. There has been a lot of negative posting about this company here, and I have figured out why. This is not a place for slackers, even though we may have some, but I think you would be quite pleased. Good luck to you in whatever you do.

just what the Q is looking for - Dish

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Sounds like a perfect fit with the Q's business plan, especially with the higher pay. If they haven't been already pitched by the Q, they will eventually and be so enticed once they see how much they can actually cut your pay, they will fall like all the other houses of cards. I would keep your resume updated.

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