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Meridian Healthcare Solutions - Any feedback - bing

Posted: Jan 18, 2012

Any feedback on Meridian? I just got a call from them for an interview. I would like feedback on them before I call them back. What platform do they use? What is their pay like, etc.  Thanks!

I work for them. Please do not e mail me. - sm

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What is it specifically that you would like to know?

What I will tell you is that you will hear and read some bad reviews on this board about them. I totally disagree. They just do not like slackers, and they do not last long.

I have been there a few years and have found that they pay a very fair wage. The schedules are good. Mine is M-F, 8-4. I do not work holidays or weekends. Their PTO and benefits are good. They do not off-shore, and they rarely run low on work.

They take the quality of their work very, very seriously. I think you have to have something like 10 years experience to be hired for any account. Customer service is expected to be first and foremost from the MT and QA, as it should be.

The account managers are great. Once off QA, you hardly ever get audited. They encourage you to send work to QA, and you are not penalized for doing so.

You fill out a weekly schedule indicating when you will work for the next week. You have backup accounts.

They have various platforms for different accounts. They use ChartNet for VR.

Accuracy and reliability is what they look for. I love it here and do not want to ever leave.

Anything else you would like to know? Good luck, and I hope you accept the job. I can e mail you, but my e mail goes to a fake address, so if you would like more info I would be glad to e mail you.

Thanks for that info! I went to the website and noticed - Kiki

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They want 10 years of experience (check), but it looks like a Bachelor's degree is also required? Can you tell me if this is true? Do they mean for the MTs? Thanks in Advance!

Kiki - see message

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I am not sure about the jobs currently being offered, or the requirements. I am not part of the hiring process, but just a lowly MT who does NOT have a BS. However, when I came here I did have over the 10 years required experience.

BTW, I did not mention it, but the minimum line requirement here is very easy. I am quite sure you will receive excellent training, go through the little HIPAA training and test (easy), and will be provided with many samples ffrom the account you will be on.

This company does not over-hire really, and they do not offshore. The QA people are kept quite busy, so it will take a while to get through your training before they let you go and continuously type/edit. Do not get discouraged by the lag in training. Try to be patient. It will be worth it. The pay and expectations are more than fair, and generous.

Again, slackers don't make it here. You will hear bad things about the company on these boards if they were fired or quit for that reason. You must do 3 things. 1. Be reliable and work your shift. 2. Follow QA instructions, client specs, and produce very accurate reports, as well as show that you know when to send a report to QA. 3. Meet the minimal line requirement, which anyone can do if they have 10 years experience. That's it. I think you will find them very accommodating and easy to work with if you do the 1-2-3.

What type account are you interviewing for? What is your average line rate for typing or VR. I think the combined requirement here is 1,800 lines. Don't know about straight typing, we do both. What was your last pay? I think they are very generous with their pay considering....

I also know that you must be a highly qualified MT if they are going to interview you. I wish you so much luck. Come back on and let us know if you get the job, and I will e mail you and introduce myself. Again, good luck.
Thank so much for your reply. Maybe they - Kiki
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meant other positions required a BS? Well, like you said, you don't have one and you got the job. I do have more than 10 years' experience.

I actually am LOOKING for a company that is as strict as you describe. I think it is GREAT when a company doesn't allow for slackers of any kind--that's the kind of company I want to work for.

Right now I am working for MQ (argh, I say that WITHOUT pride). I just want to work for a company I can be proud to say I work for. Right now it pays the bills but it's just so degrading.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply--I'm glad this board still has some positive.

This sounds like... - Looking

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My impression of this statement:

"Customer service is expected to be first and foremost from the MT and QA, as it should be."

is that they have pages and pages and pages and pages of account specs that must be followed.

Is my impression correct, or did you mean something else? Thanks!

Well I can't speak for all accts. Mine is NOT that way. - sm

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What I mean by customer service should be first and foremost is simply this. If you are out of TAT, and you have not worked 40 hours, you are expected to help out (and with extra pay). If there are stat reports to be done, you should not disappear. Lastly, accuracy, which goes without discussion I suppose.

I love it here. The MTs just don't leave, but new accts require new MTs.
Meridian Healthcare Solutions - bing
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Sounds good - what do they pay per line and how often do they pay. What are there benefits like?
Meridian - justanothermt
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I'm wondering the pay scale and benefits too. If we can get a heads up saves a lot of time for all of us. The hours flexible to get your 8 in?

My company is continuously running out of work and my FT schedule is working out to be PT which, to state the obvious, don't pay the bills.

Just curious - Beentheredonethat

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Why would an MT rarely get audited, like that's a good thing? That's like saying you rarely take your car in for maintenance checks.
MHCS - I work there - Briefly
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Pay is above average offered elsewhere now. Two weeks PTO, earned per pay period, to the 5th year. Good benefits. They only hire very experienced MTs (10+ yrs) so they do not have to edit "often," but depends on type of account you are on. Though QA does "review" your work, no hand-holding. Training good but slow, which is okay I guess. I have only dealt with about 3 QA, but they are good. Work only runs low around holidays or big snow storms, but most have backup accts. You commit to a schedule each week, and yes there is usually enough work to make your lines. I have not run out in a year and a half. I think the expectations are more than fair.
What does that have to do with my post? - Looking
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Reread the post you replied to.

My post was about voluminous account specs and had nothing to do with audits.
Reread previous post that already responded to you re specs. - no further info necessary. nm
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Actually, I was not replying to any particular post - FYI
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Simply supplying additional information to anyone interested. I was not responding to your questions about specs, but ALL accounts have specs, some more than others of course. I do have a few, but not too bad. I don't know how anyone could respond to your inquiring regarding specs if they do not know what type of account you would be on.
Not OP or any other poster, but I had applied and (sm) - SillyMTer
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was wondering how long it took to get hired. Someone has contacted me but she has been difficult to get back in touch with. Is this normal? Can you give me an idea of what the pay is? Please feel free to email me.

Thanks again!

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