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How clueless the doctors are - MTMT

Posted: Sep 17, 2012

I was doing some editing the other day and the doctor pauses for a long time towards the end of the report.  As I am waiting to see if he is going to hang up or talk, he goes, "Huh, I wonder how much we are paying for you to just sit there" and hangs up.  I was like, you aren't, you jerk!  I am not getting paid to sit here and listen to nothing while you decide whether you are done with thsi job or not.  Even if we play it back as fast as we can, we are not making/losing money during that "silence".  I was po'ed.  I should've said something to my team lead but I didn't.  Half the time we complain about doctors most companies want the business so bad they don't want to anger the docs (which is why we get the crap we get most of the time) so they don't do squat. 

Has anyone else heard stuff like that said?


Have you ever... - anon

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Gone to a restaurant and paused to order your meal? Bet that waitress was thinking the exact same thing. Time is money.

The waitress is wondering what she is paying me to sit there? - FBL

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The MT was waiting for the doc, he wasn't waiting for her. Then HE was rude enough to wonder what HE was paying HER for his waste of time?

You misunderstood anon's meaning. The MT is the waitress, the doc is her customer. - nm

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Didn't misunderstand, was being sarcastic. - FBL
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I think anon missed the original point...the dictator was incredibly rude and obtuse to insinuate the MT was wasting the time, not him. Also, no MT should complain if the dictator was thinking about what he wanted to say, just as the waitress should give customers time to think about what they want to eat. Not the same thing at all.

Waitresses are paid by the hour + tips, so - not the same at all...nm

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Yes it is.... - anon

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You are expected to sell xx amount in a certain time frame, and your real money is made on tips, which I was making over $700 per night. If I sat there waiting for people to order, I was NOT making tips serving other customers.

Why the dislikes for this post? Waiters get 1/2 min wage + tips which... - sm

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they often have to share with cooks, busses, and hosts, whether deserving or not and even though the cooks, busses, and hosts are getting a much higher hourly rate. Also, customers often pay less tips to the waiter when the meal is bad or late, when the table is dirty, or if the person who seated them is rude.

Just like lousy dictators, platforms, inconsistencies, etc., affect our pay.

Tips - greyhound mom

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I just read in the paper today that 14 angry ex-waiters sued Graham Elliott from Master Chef. They claim he violated federal law by pooling their tips and redistributing them unfairly to other employees. Their settlement was not disclosed.

Exactly, not to mention having to pay sales tax on everything - anon

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So if they do not get tipped very well or stiffed, it actually costs them to work. Sound familiar?

Haven't heard that, but - Rita, CMT

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I would really like to TELL them exactly what we are paid to "just" sit there. So if I heard that, I'd definitely answer the question. I actually have had a couple of docs APOLOGIZE for the silence!

About that long pause... - monique23742

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Yes...I've heard stuff like that and worse. I have heard them fart, belch, cough, sneeze, just put the phone down and leave...trancription work is the worst job you can have! I got out after 20 years and from reading your comments, I see it is no better now than in the 80s, 90s and even now. It is the most ungrateful job there is. Just read the MT companies requirements. They want a robot and a perfect one...but don't want to pay for one. I get so mad when I read articles from some of you gals! Everything falls on you...if anything goes wrong, YOU take the blame. You are in a no win situation no matter how qualified you are. Get out of the business is my best advice. It won't change!

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