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FURIOUS!!! - anonymouse

Posted: Aug 08, 2011

I just worked an entire hour on a straight transcription 15 minute report and went to upload and Editscript stopped responding and was froze so I closed and it said it would recover my report. No it uploaded another report and when I looked in the q someone apparently had downloaded MY report and will get credit for typing the whole thing I worked on an hour. I am SO MAD. Oh and thanks to my wonderful team lead not giving QAs instant messenger IDs I can't contact anyone working tonight to try to retreive it. Uuuuuggghghhh! I just quit for the night. I looked in my line count info to see if it did upload it and I got credit for it and nope it showed my line count as 0 for the last hour so someone had to have got it.

Lost report - Alice

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This has happened a couple times to me before when working in EditScript. I had the job dictation ID, sent that to the support department, and they gave me credit for the lines. I was told that Editscript keeps a history on each report, where it's been, etc., so the support dept at your company may be able to "see" that you spent time on this report and give you the credit that you deserve.

I'm not saying this would happen at your company, but it's worth a try.

Lost report - MT

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When I used to work on a platform, I would copy and paste my report into word until I had uploaded it to make sure I got credit for the work in case something like that happened to me.

Had same problem -- had no idea what to do - --

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Thanks for sharing. I just sent support an email, so waiting for assistance with same issue for 3 jobs where line count is off because system shut down or something. Thought it was my fault when line count showed up as zero.

I feel your pain! What I used to do was.. - starzzz

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copy & paste my reports to notepad before sending them to printer/EMR. Chartscript used to be notorious for freezing up just after sending a job through. Of course, it would 'behave' long enough so that I'd have a false sense of security and quit copying and pasting; then BOOM there goes another one! I would definitely let your manager know that and since you don't have any recourse (no communication with coworkers to avoid it being re-transcribed), then you should be reimbured for the lines. Good luck.

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