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TSM must be clueless! - MOT

Posted: Jun 16, 2015

Mandatory OT because we don't want a repeat of last weekend?? Does she even know we had maintenance downtime for half the night. We always get extra behind on maintenance weekends. Somebody above her is probably putting the pressure on her for late work, but heck, it is IT causing the bottleneck twice a month. Plus, it is IT slowing down the MTs with their sorry excuse for ASR.

well, shes delusional from the bite and all - sm

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It must be nice to be over by the neighbors during working hours! It is very obvious they can take whatever breaks they want but slam the hammer down on our heads. Why ain't her butt in the chair doing MOT?

I will do mandatory as soon as she does - Do not pretend you feel bad

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you just want your bonus. I will NEVER do anything to help her

Ours is on PTO and still demanding MOT - still not doing MOT

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Focusing on my energy on getting out of here rather than helping my boss get a bonus.

And this is the person who puts us PM. - OMG

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I have been lenient and tried to ignore spelling and grammar errors in her emails, but this last one takes the cake. Can't tell the difference between sound alike words with obviously different meanings??

And I get told I have performed so poorly that she must put me on PM. Basically because I let an a or the slip past me?? Never mind my absence of critical and noncritical errors.

She may not do the QA, but she is in charge of putting people on PM.

and supposedly in charge of dealing with clients - must be a friend of someone

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My foot is soar! She deals with the clients and represents us and this company! Unbelievable. I think a higher up needs to put her on PM and cut her fatty pay to minimum wage!

My HSDM thinks I should be able to crank out the lines. - mom2huskies

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She does not understand that it is a struggle some days to just meet the 150 lph. By the way she has never been an MT.

150 lph - How sad

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Do you realize how sad that sounds? Wow, what happened to the days of 200 to 300 lph? Actually I can still do that, but I don't work for this place. HMMMMMMM, could be why I quit!

As for the MOT, I had problems with that too, feeling the pressure and then when I did do it, wore myself out and saw my paycheck, NEVER again. I had other commitments which I told them and could not help them out. My other commitment was my life!

I'm sick of MOT too & I really don't get - sm

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why it's even happening all of a sudden, but I must say, of all the supers I've had over the years, MC has been the most pleasant one I've dealt with, not nasty and condescending like some of the others, and I really never have run out of work. Maybe she's getting heat from above, who knows. Sh*t really does roll downhill, especially here.

MOT happening all of a sudden? MC has been having - sm

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MOT since March with maybe a 2-week break in there somewhere. I don't know what's up with that. They need to get their act together and get schedules/# of MTs figured out and get rid of the MOT!

What happened to fill in the gaps - sm

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Okay, so obviously no one has volunteered to change their scheduled like they wanted, and maybe, just maybe they are afraid to "change our schedules for us" as I have a feeling they lost a lot of MTs last time because of this and its another reason why we are still on MOT (which I will not do). Its called HIRE for the "gaps" which are incidentally 10 pm until 4 am every night of the week. Or better yet pay a shift differential for graveyard that makes it tempting to even consider.
LOL The gaps are a moving target. - shooting gallery
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Plus they shot themselves in the foot already by upsetting some MTs enough to cause them to quit.

I meant all of a sudden, as in only the last few months, but not the - 15 years I have been here. nm.Poster Above

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WHY are we on mandatory OT I just ogged on today - to first see that oh great

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we are on MOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I download my first job and it is from an hour ago. I know she says we need to get ahead but by that line of thinking we should always be on MOT. Ridiculous. I am not doing OT when we are do jobs that are 1 hour old. Not my fault no one wants to work for this company (including ME!)

Working for this company - How sweet it is -

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I love it. They have made all these promises and can't deliver. I love it. They have treated their MTs like dirt and they are quitting in droves. I love it. No one wants to work for this company, except the very inexperienced or desperate.

When I left MM it was the best day of my life and I hope all of you continue to not comply and move on from this place. I love it!

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