It is all too confusing - Anonymous Posted: May 10th, 2023 - 9:16 am In Reply to: Yeah, right. Karen is now calling everyone else Karen - give me a break
I was the first poster in this discussion to identify myself as "Anonymous;" you know, the one who thinks she knows everything. Then someone else came along and also called themselves "Anonymous," I don't know why except to make people think that it was me. Then someone else started calling people "Karen." That was meant as an insult but it might actually be someone's name. The union issue is a moot point, but teachers, hospital workers and even writers belong to unions, and anyone who goes on strike probably doesn't do it alone. As far as the rest of it, it is someone trying to stir up trouble and derail discussions. The way that they use grammar would leave me to believe that it is someone offshore who doesn't understand half of the topics that are being discussed. I've been a particular target; it is almost as if they lie in wait for me to get involved in a thread. Yes, it is basically stupid crap.
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