I wouldn't fret over the person who thinks you think you know it all - because Posted: May 8th, 2023 - 7:58 pm In Reply to: Reply - Anonymous
of your post. That's just a Karen putting on her Karen pants to clean up something that doesn't need to be cleaned up. It's real simple, as far as the example, some of those cited in the original post may or may not belong to a union. The fact is "Even without a union, you have the legal right to organize strikes, job actions, and various protests—and your employer is banned from retaliating against you. Despite the law, though, many employers will fire troublemakers if they can get away with it. That can bring organizing to a halt. So if you’re organizing without the protection of a union contract, it behooves you to know your rights and how to enforce them."
"With a little practice, you won’t even need a lawyer. You and your co-workers can develop and submit your own unfair labor practice (ULP) charges to the Labor Board."
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