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Is anyone able to make a decent living as a MT anymore? - Missp

Posted: Nov 14, 2012

I quit my in-house MT job, a job that I had held for almost 20 years, a little over a year ago because of a new boss who drove me and about 10 other people to quit because she was so hard to work for.  I thought long and hard about it before I quit, but could not see myself putting up with her for the next 10-15 years until I could retire.  She was making some of us physically ill because of stress.  I believe we may have been "creatively downsized".  Since I quit, I have worked with a couple of different nationals and several accounts, none of which have even come close to providing me enough money to support myself due to lack of work.  I have loved being a transcriptionist, but am seriously considering transitioning to something else.

Short answer: No. - Morgan

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Only the few who are still able to work directly for the client without a middle man, or those who are still in- house. Rarely you see a post from someone who claims to be making "good money" working for a service but I suspect those are posts planted by an MTSO, or someone making false claims.

I really wish I had not quit......... - missp

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because the disagreeable boss left just a few weeks after I quit! If only I had known she was going to do that, I would have stuck it out!

I quit an in-house job & regretted it, but the creepy - boss remained. Meanwhile, the - S:M

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entire transcription department of that hospital was let go, and now they rely on doctor-operated EMR, plus one of the Big Three Evil MTSOs. And the doctors hate both of them. It's a shame medical establishments are run by suits and pencil-pushers, instead of the people who actually work for a living.

BUMMER! Can you go back? - Angie

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I have an application on file there...... - missp
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......for any other position I might be qualified for, and I have applied for a few different positions, but have not heard back from any of them. And I just found out that they are eliminating the position of one of the clerks who worked in the same department I did when I was there. :-(

No. It is a second income for the family job now. - nm

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just wait - someone is going to come on here

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and say how they are making a killing, money hand over fist, and imply that you are doing something wrong. You are not doing anything wrong! the industry has changed. Those people who are making so much money are the minority, usually self-employed with their own clients (mini-MTSOs). While I understand completely about bosses who drive you nuts, many of us would give our left arms (well, we wouldn't be able to type then, but) to be working in an inhouse setting again. If you can get out of this industry, do it.

making a killing is subjective - Pseudoname

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I'm making so much money, I can't afford the taxes. Yep, that's right. They're in the neighborhood of $10k a year. But I make just enough under the bankruptcy standard to be able to file for bankruptcy, again proving I'm not making enough to live high on the hog. There is no one else I depend on to contribute to my household income. I'm a single mom, self-employed and happened to fall into a specialty where the doctors say "no" to taking Medicare funds so they don't have to participate in EMR software. My main client is only one year older than me, loves my transcription and does not plan on retiring for at least the next 20 years. I count my blessings even though I'm probably going to have to start working at least part time for a service so somebody is helping pay my taxes.

Not me - sm

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I never thought after 25+ years in this "career," I'd be retraining in a new field. I used to love being an MT until the past year or so. Now, it's all I can do to sit down at my desk and look at NJA day after day. It's so frustrating, so now I am spending as much time as I possibly can studying and making my exit plan. I am so sorry it's happening to you too and good luck!

I retired early...SM - Old Anon

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My inhouse job was eliminated when I was 62 and I was making $36,000 a year with free health insurance. The only MTSO job I could find paid less than half that, so I retired when I turned 63 which almost makes up the difference. It is a good thing I was able to do that or I would have been getting some retraining pronto. By the way, I still have to work full time even though I am retired.

I can't get a better job without going back to school. But - I cant go back to school unless - sm

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I get a better job. Welcome to the catch-22 that is 21st century America.

Nope. Can't make ANY living, let alone a "decent" one. - I live mostly off my savings currently - sm

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which, if nothing else goes wrong with my health, my car's, or my pets', might last til about next May. Or not. If I haven't found a better job than MT by then, I may have to start robbing liquor stores to stay afloat.

Yes - Let the flaming begin

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Not looking to start an argument here, nor to be called a liar, a suit, management, or a troll but, yes, I am making a very decent living in the MT field.

The reason for this, I believe, is that I have been fortunate enough to work for a very small MTSO that has a steady, consistent, ample workload. I think I have run out of work twice in 1-1/2 years, both times at major holidays. Also, the facilities for which this MTSO contracts services all insist on straight transcription, no editing, and reportedly have stated they would never offshore.

My salary is about the average of what is paid these days; however, having ample work available and straight transcription has allowed me to continue making a very decent living being an MT.

Now, let the "dislikes" and accusations of falsehoods begin, but I stand by my post :-)

No flaming here - sm

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I am happy for you. This sounds like my exact situation up until about a year ago - small MTSO, plenty of work and straight transcription. I agree, as long as there is ample work available, money can be made. Unfortunately, the work started to disappear about a year ago and now it's a constant battle to make any money.

I look for a new job every single day, but I refuse to work for the "big two." So, I'm struggling to get by on what little I am making, while at the same time going to school to get out of MT.

Again, no flaming here at all and no "dislike." I'm happy to hear you are doing well in MT still. :)

There is a big difference between your post - and some others

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The "I'm so happy, making lots of money" posters come here and insult and berate anyone who is not doing as well as they are, and that's why they get flamed or called suits or liars. Your post seemed genuine and sincere and I hope the best for you. You sound like you have a good situation.

I too am glad SOMEBODY is doing well..... - missp

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.....HOWEVER, I think your situation is the exception to the rule these days in medical transcription.

Happy for you - RC

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There's nothing flame-worthy in your post at all.

definition of salary - is a fixed regular payment

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Do you get paid by the line, by the hour or by salary? HUGE DIFFERENCE. Salary is a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often expressed as an annual sum...

define decent - made 30K last year

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I know I should be happy with that right? Much more than minimum wage right? And yet only 60% of what I used to make, and my friends in other fields can't believe I earn so little after doing this for 30 years. They didn't believe me when I told them. They figured since they get annual merit raises, I was getting them too.

By "decent" I meant....... - missp

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being able to pay all of your bills and put food on the table. I can't do that right now without dipping into my retirement account, and I'm WAY to young to retire!


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I have to say "we are" in our hospital. Ours is a mamor teaching medical center and our transcriptionists are doing well. I am speaking about our Pathology Treanscription Department. There are 14 of us and we have hired 3 people in the last 6 months. We have transcriptionists who have been here 20, 25, 32 and 41 years. I think the profitability of the "at home transcriptionist" has gone away with other off-shore jobs. This may not last 10 more years for us, but for now it is GREAT!!! www.bjc.org

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