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IMPOSSIBLE to make a living working at Nuance. - Just ran out of work on 5 accounts.

Posted: Aug 11, 2014

This is beyond insane. Why hire all these new people and pay for training and benefits only to have EVERYONE run out of work? It makes no business sense whatsoever. The person making these decisions must have received their MBA from a Cracker Jack's box. It's bad enough that we're being paid peanuts (pun intended), but to run out of work, too? Come on, people. Develop some sense and sensitivity. Thank you.

It makes perfect sense..... - nana7

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It keeps them within turn around time. It makes them look good and that is all that matters to them. What it does to you is of no significance to these people anymore.

They've been doing it for years this way. Hire, hire, hire, - then fire, fire, fire.

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About an equal number just give up and quit, too. Poorest business model I've ever witnessed. Only thing they are really good at is off-shoring what used to be rather solidly middle class jobs.

Living - CAM

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Heck I can hardly make a living and I pretty much never run out of work.


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They have no sense or sensitivity and their TSMs are puppets -- doing what they are told, living by the handbook and not real life situations. I just left there after 3 years -- consistently with no MUP and always 99% and above accuracy. I wanted to take a family vacation and make up my time because I didn't have PTO, but you can only make up time the week before you are planning to have off. Not after your vaca or even 2 weeks, 3 weeks before. Oh and BTW, I kept running out of work the week before my vacation, so there was no opportunity to even make up my time. THIS COMPANY SUCKS!!!! AND THEY OFFSHORE - WHICH MIGHT EXPLAIN WHY I KEPT RUNNING OUT OF WORK. DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY... LOYALTY AND DEDICATION DO NOT MATTER.

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