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I just cannot make my self care anymore - Fedup

Posted: Apr 09, 2014

I just can't make myself want to do this job anymore.  Every dictator annoys me so badly.  I can never make my daily line count because I simply can't stand to listen to these people anymore.  The burping and slurping and coughing and sneezing and sniffling and chewing and laughing and mumbling and yelling.... I just can't stand it anymore!

I've tried to motivate myself to just do the work, get the lines, and log off, but I find that I more often than not purposely distracting myself by surfing the internet, reading news, watching TV, eating, eating, eating... I've gained more weight in the last few months than I normally do this time of year simply because I get up every hour or so to get the heck away from this computer and find myself rummaging through the cupboards or fridge.

Even now, I should be working, yet here I am.  Complaining about how much I hate working.  Ugh.......

Need to get out of this business.  Need to get out now before I completely lose my mind, and that's what I feel like... like I'm losing my mind a little each day.

Depressed... probably. 

Just so tired of the BS.

I just yell and swear - Valley Girl

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I'm at home, it's okay. It may be "unprofessional" but so is speaking to someone with a full mouth or holding dual conversations or being unable to summon the common courtesy to blow that dripping nose. Sweetheart, the snot doesn't go away the more you try and sniff it back in.....

Oh! We must work on the same - account

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I have one female doctor who has been sniffling for the last few months. Constantly sniffling. BLOW YOUR NOSE!!!

I have another female doctor who must have postnasal drip or something because she is always snorting the mucus out of her nose, or up from her throat, and then loudly swallows it. Over and over and over!

Do they talk to patient's that way? Burping and snorting and sniffling?

It's so inconsiderate. I don't even do those things in front of my husband and we've been married forever. Common courtesy doesn't seem to exist anymore.

I talk constantly - NM

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My family must think I am crazy sometimes....they hear...

Think before you speak so that I don't have to go back and change things for you...do you even know who you are dictating on? You said it was a female, now you are calling her a he....how about you use the pause so i don't have to wait for you to remember what you are trying to say?? You already said that....what medication are trying to pronounce? You need a class on pronunciation....You already dictated the CBC, do you pay attention when you speak? If you are going to spell something for me, please do it correctly..it is irritating....uh, I think I could teach you how to set up a progress note...subjective is what the patient is saying....I know you dictate the same thing all day long, but I hardly ever type your notes and if you mumble, you are getting blanks.

etc., etc., etc., I just talk and talk back to them.

ME TOO! - clb

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There are days I even flip off my computer screen and I sooooo want to just put in the pend note "WTF?" when the dictation is that bad! My go-to phrases are "WHAT" and "MAKE UP YOUR MIND" when they keep correcting!

Drives me nuts! My poor dog is the only one home with me during the day and she must think I'm a weirdo as she just looks at me and then walks away LOL

But yes, I can totally relate to not giving a crap anymore!

I feel the same way overwhelmingly. nm - MT57

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My problem is that I don't believe in conventional medicine - anymore, a pill for every ill. SM

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Doctors just manage disease with drugs. I'm into HEALTH through nutrition.

AGREE! - Alice

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I used to buy into the whole "what the white coat says is the rule." - ETOHPRN

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Now I am the polar opposite of myself. I will not go anywhere near one of those petri dishes of a hospitals unless there is bone sticking out or blood I can't stop. So many people go in and come out (if they even come out!) with MRSA or pneumonia, or something nasty.

The people with lists of meds greater than 2 or 3 (and 15+ isn't uncommon!) is just mind boggling. It's a cash cow and we are the fodder. No thank you. I used to rag on the hippies and their herbs, but those crazy hippies are onto something, and you know they are onto something good and legit when what they do pisses the healthcare empire off.

Cannot make myself care - Just like you

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Wow, your post describe my feelings EXACTLY. You are certainly not alone.

you said it! - MTSucks

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Of course you don't care. Let's outline the logic here. A medical transcriptionist has to know medical terms, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, available medication dosages for multitudinous medications, normal ranges for multitudinous lab tests, sound-alike words for the egocentric mush-mouths out there who think that everyone knows what they are saying just because they do, etc., etc., etc., and all for 7 or 8 cents per line. On top of that, we have to worry that a mistake we make might actually kill a patient, a very real possibility since doctors mess up way more than the general public realizes or would care to know and might not catch an MT error. We do all the real work while the MT companies take at least half of what they charge the client, who is by the way never wrong even when expectations are unreasonable/unfair. This is only in the United States. Some companies off-shore, charge the client the same thing, pays the third-world MT way less, and pockets the difference as profit. If you have a verbatim account, you're in an even tighter spot because you could lose points for missing a syllable here and there and get fired for falling short by a tenth of a percent for correcting some over-educated idiot's lousy grammar, this after the company that hired, nay, contracted you demands excellent grammar skills. All this for 7 or 8 cents per line. To make matters worse, Nuance and other filthy, slimy monsters like them whose CEOs make a minimum of eight figures come along with speech recognition, telling everyone and their grandmother that it's uniformly faster to edit a speech draft than to do straight typing, actually twice as fast, and should therefore pay half as much, so now you end up with half the pay and all the responsibility for human life you ever had. Too bad that only works in theory, and that if the speaker is a serious candidate for Hooked on Phonics--and that's most of them--you get a speech draft that takes as long to edit as to type from scratch or even longer. Add to this the many, many factors that are beyond the MT's control and yet still take a bite out of our production-based income, e.g., how much work there is or how difficult a dictator is, and you have plenty of reason to want to quit and do something, anything else. Of course you don't care. If you were walking down the street minding your own business and someone came along, knocked you into the gutter, snatched your purse, and then kicked you in the head and stomped on your hand as they ran away and left you for the next low-life scum sucking piece of trash, would you care about that person? No! You would want your purse back and the jerk who robbed and injured and scared had humiliated you in prison. The purse is all the income that by rights should be yours. The gutter is the industry, and the robber is every MT company, every client facility, every thoughtless dictator, every voice recognition system. the kicks and stomping you receive, the injury from being slammed on hard pavement are the financial devastation, the struggle to make ends meet, the unremitting worry, the lost time you should have spent with your children that you instead have to spend making 1/1000 the amount your company's CEO makes, the depression and bitter disappointment when you see your paychecks, the carpal tunnel, the hearing loss from years of having to turn up a bad dictator in the hope of avoiding a blank, and finally the grim foreknowledge that your future is probably filled with more lonely treks down the street with a doomed purse and the imminent bumps, scrapes, and bruises given by someone who gets to hurt you and then keep your purse to boot. What resident of this planet is capable of making herself care under such circumstances?

You said it - anon

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Wow,what a great analogy!

Bitter disappointment when you see your paycheck!!

Love it.

I actually dreaded paydays because as soon - as I saw the amount, I got depressed.

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I'm glad I was laid off, because I'm enjoying being unemployed. The pay is better, too.
Dread paydays - I did it
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I dread them too. I just sent in my application for retirement benefits, so soon I'll be out of here and making more money than I did working.

you said it - katrina

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Boy I have to totally agree. I was doing okay again, for awhile, only to hear now that the ENT work I do is going to EMR, thanks to new healthcare regulations. Over the last 4 years I was let go from a major company, rehired with them later, then let go from them again due to VR coming in with big cuts and my unwillingness to want to do that, then got on at Soft Script and Nuance to find that a bummer, and now that I got on about a year and 4 months ago with a newer company for much less money and much pickier QA, I am told some of the majority of my work is going to EMR. Thanks again, MT field. I've just got to the place where I can't take it anymore. got to do something else with my life

Well said (sm) - Rose

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If only we could sue for the damage all the stress and anger is doing to our health, mental and physical. I never had a foul mouth until having to deal with the lack of respect from so many of today's horrid dictators who do not even have the courtesy to use (or learn to use) the pause command to reduce the hours we have to work for free. It seems the only consistently polite dictators now are the East Indians with "so sorry, so sorry" at least recognizing what we are having to go through and apologizing for wasting our time. I'm frequently yelling at these inconsiderate idiots with "come on you f____ a____ say SOMETHING"!

Then we have to deal with the narrow minded parasites, living off their husbands, who love to nit pick and judge those of us who have to support ourselves without any help, blaming us for worrying about losing our homes, paying our utilities or finding another low paying job, which just adds to the stress we are suffering. I don't even think we know what all this is doing to our health... yet.

I have to try to keep it down - SM

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I don't want my neighbor to hear me cursing. The weather is getting warmer and I keep the window open and I don't want her to hear my foul language, yelling at the residents or NPs to just freaking talk. I so agree with the above posts. Thanks for posting, we are not alone.
Had to laugh about forgetting to close window (nm) - Rose
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Too late for me. Rumor is that I have been heard "yelling." Neighbor informed me. - nm
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I so want to make this post into a petition for all MTs to sign - and send to their MTSOs

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Each one of us should copy and paste this into an email and send it to our respective MTSO and then QUIT! And make sure to CC it to the hospitals/clinics we work for too!


I hate to be the voice of doom - MTSucks

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But the difference between the MTSOs and a real purse snatcher is that you know exactly who is snatching your purse and can't do a thing about it including stopping them from doing it again and again. The only way out is out. We can't have it both ways. There is no way to rid ourselves of the problems with this industry and still stay in the industry. Gee, too bad I'm so busy working 12 hours shifts every single day that I don't have time to learn a new skill and tell the MTSOs where they can put their crumbs. Any industry is vulnerable to a middle man coming in and setting up shop and then handing out the work expecting grattitude, but it sure seems like ours is uniquely positioned for such a shafting, and it has happened and will nevre go away.
AAMT was in place to prevent this from happening; they now promote EMR. - Traitors R US
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There should have been a parallel committee created with the main goal of protecting the rights of the MTs rather than protecting the rights of....everyone else. They sold us out.
AHDI The Association on How to Destroy Income - MTSUcks
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Case in point the third addition of the book of style (deliberately in lower case), e.g., all numbers below nine are written as digits, along with little things interspersed here and there that produce fewer characters and therefore fewer lines.
umm, numbers below 10 spelled out has been a rule since forever - as in before cutbacks, so not a good example. sm
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not defending AHDI, they are unethical, but those rules in the book were created and recreated not to cut our lines, but solely to make the AHDI money selling the book.

Calm down.

Reminds me of the court reporters that have been losing it lately :) - ETOHPRN

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The one who was just recently in the news, a dude this time, who just kept typing in his little machine there, "I hate my job" over and over again for pretty much the whole court case.

We are not machines and they think we are. Heck, maybe they (the dictators) don't even know there is a human on the other end anymore. What also stinks is that we never get an "atta boy" or "atta girl" or any sort of recognition as to a job well done. We only hear when we frig up and that really blows. I used to think a paycheck was a good enough "well done," but not anymore. It sure would be nice just to hear a few words of positive encouragement every now and again.

My personal disgust comes from the dictators who sound "juicy." I don't know how to describe it...like they just have too much spit in their mouth or something. For me, they are very hard to understand and I want to hand them a a fistful of saltines to dry them out. So, so, so gross to me for some reason

I hate my job, I hate my job, I hate my job, I hate my job...I need my job, I need my job, I need my job....I hate that I need my job, I hate that I need my job...

juicy... - sadie

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UGH! There is NOTHING I hate more than those juicy dictators... I could just vomit every time I hear someone like that... so gross!

This post reminds me of a scene out of The Shining - ;-)

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"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

More tired of less money - OldsterMT

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Making a decent living at a job I used to absolutely love would make my attitude about transcription/VR a lot more positive. The less I make because the companies are paying less and less per line and/or the platform is nonproductive, the less motivated I am to stay in this job. It is no longer a career.

Dictators have always been sloppy, ignorant, rushed, tired. We are always thankful for just one of them to say "have a good day" or "thank you."

What is truly disheartening is no longer being able to make a living wage and constantly wondering how to pay the basic bills. Not because we do not put in many hours or keep up on technology and terminology, but because this industry has totally destroyed good hard working people, while the MTSOs/ executives, etc., make money off our backs. Yes, the services' executives and supervisors are still making very good money. They just have continually found ways to decrease our income.

You're right (sm) - Rose

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We always have had some bad dictators,but they were more tolerable when we could actually make a living as an MT. When an idiot who won't pause to takes a phone call causes you to only make half your usual daily income it's infuriating.

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