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And I worked my butt off; never again, will I even try.
Not me - Effie
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I had it until the last week in December - on the 28th, I had 3 reports go through post audit and brought it down to 98.9 - I wonder how many reports they had to audit before they came up with 3 that would bring it down below 99%. I have stopped looking at FIESA. Funny thing, I am not getting any e-mails either with MAJOR ERROR stamped all over them anymore either. Probably won't until the end of March when they have to bring my QA down again for the next quarter. HATE THIS COMPANY!!!!! (27 years experience - never worked for a company before where I didn't qualify for bonus).
Nuance Bonus System - Steppingback
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It's a racket. They hire people to come up with these incentives for us. I kind of thought it probably was until the same thing happened to me. I thought I would give it a try and see what happens. I was rocking along at my normal rate, which is far beyond their minimum requirements and I went even further. Hardly ever did I have an error code given to anything in my reports UNTIL.......it was time for bonus lines to start adding up. The computer spit out my name and number and presto, drew the attention of the TL, TSM and QC. I was told by a former TSM at Nuance that they intentionally start being hyper-vigilant when they think we are going to be getting the bonus. They pay people to take money away from others. Guess they figure out they come out on the long end of the stick doing this, but they really don't. Not by the time they've paid someone to come up with these ideas and all the work that goes into making sure WE MTs don't get our petty bonuses. I'm so done with Nuance. I am going to be turning in my notice very soon. Just need to make sure I will have all my eggs in the basket before I do. They sure haven't done me any favors. I've done a lot for them.
Funny about all those horrible errors found - right before bonus
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I agree 100%, the "bonus" is an artificially constructed hoop to jump through that in reality is just a way for them to take even more money off us.
I would guess the percentage of people getting the bonus this quarter is markedly less than last. Why? Maybe positioning for a buyout? Mr. Icahn has been buying lots of shares of Nuance. I am not savvy with these things but every other time a company has screwed me with this kind of thing (pay, basically) it has been because they want the bottom line to look good (we are part of that bottom line whether we like it or not, a negative, not a positive for them, so they are trying to reduce our "cost").
I still hate to check the email and do NOT check FIESA anymore except if I see a glaringly obvious mistake made by an ambitious QA/QC I know I can get reversed.
Let's face it, we are human and we make mistakes, no matter how great we are at our jobs, this is true of MTs as well as any nurse or CEO for that matter. Lucky for them, they don't get money taken off them when they make a mistake.
Pick through enough of anyone's work and you will find the odd mistake, no matter how great a transcriptionist you are. Build it into QA's incentive to do so and they will look for it and find it and take our bonuses off us.
I lost both bonuses last quarter. I am on one particular account that I suspect they use me as a guide for. Everything I change consistently seems eventually to become part of the ISR for this account.
I have to think they have their ideal MTs for each account who know the account so well that the speech engine uses their work to modify their profiles. I have seen small modifications happen time and again based on what I type and to know they are using me as an example for the ISR yet I am not good enough to get a bonus? Well, there are no words...
Here's an idea, Nuance. If you use certain MTs to modify the profiles on the speech engine they should be rewarded, not punished.
If you think your FIESA is producing such great quality, show us the data of how it has improved the outcomes and let us know how many of us made the highly coveted bonuses. But, no, can't do that. If less than 10% get it is it really a bonus? And because our pay has sunk so much and the bonus is not that great anyway, it might be too obvious that the whole "quality" system is a scam to make us into minimum wage workers and yet keep trying to jump through impossible hoops. Gah.
QA bonus - burnedoutco
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Thanks for sharing, I feel better knowing that I am not alone. Working at home you feel very isolated and any criticism, even unjustified, can make you feel so bad about yourself. I have never gotten below 99% on my accuracy in all my working life (26 years), until now. I have so many reports that are 100% review, they are picked over by QC, and multiple times things have been changed by QC, and I have to spend so much time getting errors reversed, errors that I did not even make, all for mininum wage, so demoralizing.
Nuance Hoops - steppinback
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You hit the nail on the head with everything you said. I totally wholeheartedly agree with you. I absolutely dread checking my work email every morning. Always find some stupid error they gave me. Perhaps a comma I missed. Until the past couple of months or so I dreaded it even more. There is a QC person on 2nd shift and she actually signs her name to her FIESA segments. There have been times when she wrote me a note telling me she understood how difficult that dictation was and she just gave me a comment, no error code. I say hire more like her. Not this constant brow beating because we make an error. Grade the crap VR spits out on a report. Grade according to the difficulty of a particular physician. It's too bad we MT's didn't band together a long long time ago and form a union. As it is we're going to be scarce as hen's teeth relatively soon.
I think Nuance is going down the tubes. Can't help but go down the tubes. I'm sure they're scrambling trying to figure out other ways to rob hard working people of their money and time. I will never understand why the TLs and TSM with Nuance are SO busy they can't even return an email. They will be the first to go, so I guess they are just relishing in their high pay at the moment and enjoying feeling important. I can't see that they are doing anything to earn anything above and beyond minimum wage. Superior Global is going down the tubes too. If you quit Nuance, don't go to SGS. They have been doing massive firings this week. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Would have, but TSM never reversed error I requested! - CurioustMT
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I would have actually qualified this quarter, but my TSM never reversed an error I asked her to look into from October! It was a Major error and clearly incorrect. That one error, when I excluded it, would have brought me up to 99.52.
I thought all of you who didn't check Fiesa were crazy. I thought, I actually want to correct those. If they're judging me, I want to judge them! But why waste the time! Now I check it once a month and ONLY for Post Audits. And that's just so I can request reversals, like the one above. But maybe I should stop that, after all, it's not like she sent in the reversal!
When I first started I had a different TSM that actually cared, would send reversals within 2 days of you requesting them. She never begged me for OT because she kept on top of her accounts and actually typed herself when things got rough. Don't know if she's still around or not, but I miss her!
Fiesa - anon
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I have never had any of my critical errors reversed that were wrong on their end, which is most of them. I have had QA change words in my surgical reports incorrectly because the person was not experienced enough to be working in QA (which made a report I sent to QA for a blank become a critical error by them), and even after this was confirmed, my critical errors were not reversed. One time it was someone else's fault (not mine and not QA), but they said it would not be fair to reverse it because then the QA would get a mark against them, so I had to have the critical error, but that "no one really looks at it anyway." No one responds to my e-mails. I cannot improve or get new accounts or even find out what is going on because I do not get responses. Stop with the newsletters and recipes and pictures and respond to employees who are just trying to meet their hourly requirements and have no work. I have never worked at a company where QA wasn't extremely experienced or on top of their game with 20 years of experience, but no offense to the QA people on these accounts, I do not know what you are doing? I do not even look at Fiesa anymore, nor will I ever expect a bonus even though I have never had a complaint for my work in 20 years of being an MT, and I have even taught medical transcription. I knew this would happen if I took this job just from the reviews. I feel like I have wasted so much time and money since I never have work and had to buy this software to meet their requirements. I should have listened to the reviews. I think the people overseas are making more money than I am. I am completely ignored, even when I want to help when they need it. I have never been ignored at a company before. I literally sent about 8 e-mails over two weeks and did not receive one response. The only reason I send them now is to cover myself. The only reason I continue to do this job is to pay off the software I had to buy, and then I will have to move on. Sorry to rant, but I have never been ignored like this. It is not like I am sending ranting and raving e-mails; I am just trying to do my job.
QA bonus - anon
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I received the bonus and have the last couple times. It is possible. Hang in there!
Can I ask if you get the production bonus - too?
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In my experience, whenever I am focusing on proofing and accuracy my line count goes way down and then I do not qualify for the production bonus, which is my preferred one since it happens every week (also pay is down in general).
Just wondering if there are many who get both and if there are any hints you can give us.
Because every person has different QA and different accounts which have different difficulties, it is hard to imagine we all have the same playing field.
From my experience when your company first gets bought out they are pretty easy on you so you think well, my pay has gone down but at least it's pretty easy to get the bonus, then a few cycles later look out, they will have those FIESA errors all over your stuff.
I find the fact that QA bonus is done quarterly ridiculous. It should be shorter IMHO. Not worth killing yourself to be perfect for 3 long months and then in the last few weeks (as in this past quarter) they over-QA you so you don't make the bonus.
So I guess I have joined the ranks of those just here to work the 40 hours and do the best I can.
production bonus/tips - anon
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I do get both the weekly bonus and the quarterly. I am not sure I have any great tips other than I just really try to focus. My account is not an easy one and it is not the account I worked on when my hospital I was acquired. I did realize that once I let go of my anger and resentment I did a lot better work. I don't sweat the small stuff in Fiesa. I do challenge anything I think is wrong. A lot of people say they don't have time for that but it is worth it. However, I don't challenge the small errors. I make sure I stay within the percentage I send to QA and I do try to fill in blanks but if I can't I send it to them. If your line count is high enough, you can send a good bit to QA and not have it affect your incentive weekly pay. I try to stay positive and not take the Fiesa personally. In my opinion that has been my biggest help. When I was first acquired I would go absolutely crazy when I saw Fiesa and I have to say that almost 3 years later, I have really good scores and I just don't let it get to me anymore. It isn't worth it. Hang in there. It is possible. There are so many negatives on this board so it is easy to get discouraged.
How do I know if I got it? - zoeysmom
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How do I know if I got it? I had good scores and got the weekly bonus all quarter. I have never gotten any of that before now for 2-1/2 years.
how do you know... - anon
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Whatever your last quarterly score was will determine that. It would have been on your timesheet that you approved this week. If that score was 99.5 or above you get the quarterly bonus.
Thanks! - zoeysmom
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Mine says weekly production 99.55 so I guess I did, who knew?
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I didn't even know you could get a major error reversed. When I saw the FIESA corrections, I said forget it. They actually changed the phrase "The patient has worked at a hospital recently" to "The patient has worked in a hospital recently". If I disputed every "major" error, I'd be doing it all day long !
How much is the QA bonus? - wondering
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Obviously it's a different amount for everyone but how is it calculated? I just know it's taxed at 25%.
amount - anon
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If I am not mistaken it is 10% of your quarterly earnings.
again with the Walmart card. Some people hate Walmart and won't shop there. Don't they know this? Oh well, at least I can give it away to a homeless or battered women's shelter and put it to good use. ...
I wonder how many people actually receive one and if so how much. Also, has anyone heard whether they are going to make the QA score a pay period score instead of a quarterly score? ...
Thank you for my Q2 bonus, the first ever for me. However, I really could have used the money during the last 3 months. If divided up over those 3 months, I would not have had to borrow money for food. Please reconsider this punitive bonus plan you have. The money would be better served in my paychecks. Plus, all taxes deducted out of this bonus check is almost 50%. If that money would have been on a regular paycheck, the deduction would be more like 30%. This is punitive to MLSs in more wa ...
I've been anticipating my Q2 bonus for 3 months now and I look today and nope, not there! I made the required lines, QA postaudit was 99.56% so I made that too. What else could have held it up? I mean darn it, I worked my butt off for that! ...
Dear TSM: You're welcome for us MTs keeping things in TAT. Glad you're so thrilled. How about you just quietly enjoy the bonus we earned for you rather than sending us blithering thank you emails. Most of us know by now that you receive this bonus off our backs, so your gushy emails simply smack of rubbing that fact in. I don't feel appreciated at all when I read them; I feel completely taken advantage of. ...
If I leave Nuance before the end of January, would I still get my upcoming quarterly bonus if I qualified for it? Also do they pay you for your unused vacation days? ...
We used to get the monthly production bonus as a separate check on the 25th. I didn't get a separate check for this although I should have qualified. Paltry as it is, every little bit helps.
I do see an "incentive bonus" on my regular paystub, but I'm not sure if this is from some past incentive I have since forgotten about or if they are now just putting the regular monthly bonus on one statement along with our regular pay.
Can anyone help? Is the month ...
Have you found that it's getting less and less for the VERY SAME AMOUNT OF LINES?
I got a smaller bonus (piddly as it is) this month for MORE lines than I produced a few months ago and got a larger bonus for. I know the bonus is pretty much based on some kind of whim and/or some computations that require a master's degree in mathematics to figure out, but it would sure be nice if they could be consistent. I guess I should be glad I get one at ALL at this point. ...
There have been a lot of posts by TT lately on the job board. Now they have a hiring bonus. Are they getting some new accounts? What is it like to work for them? Whenever I see a company offering a hiring bonus it makes me think they are not a good company to work for and are desperate. ...
You can't tell me that all this is because of auditing and all those let go were on 2nd and 3rd shifts. Bonus money, but no increases. Plus what accounts and what programs with horrible dictators. I am sure that it is, again, you have to walk on water. ...
Anybody heard anything solid, or not so solid, about this? I can't seem to get any information on a date for disbursement. And now that the DSP and nDSP were messed up on the last pay period (resulting in erroneous QC Percent scores), I'm afraid it's going to be delayed even more while that gets corrected/ironed out through another pay period.
Maybe somebody else's team lead is a little more in the know or more communicative about what's going on? ...
It amazes me that we are getting no bonus gift card or anything for Christmas this year. We are owned by a "global corporation." My son works for a large established country club golf course part-time, has been with them for 2 years and got a $100.00 bonus. ...
Please, someone let us know what the details of the the 6-tier bonus are. Also, for those who have been part of a Nuance buyout, how soon until their pay scale and bonus goes into effect? ...
Does anyone know when you get paid the $500 sign on bonus for working the hours between 12pm and 3am? Do you have to work for so many months first? If so, why do they call it "sign on" bonus? ...
I am confused about losing QA bonus. If your overall quarterly QA score is over 99% but you have a bad week below 99%, do you lose your bonus for the entire quarter or just that one pay period? This policy is confusing. ...
Our accounts are so backed up due to yesterday's system fiasco (over 3500 minutes on backlogs) that CCM just sent out an email that we are getting $10 extra per hour for hours over our scheduled shift. This is over and above OT pay for those extra hours. This is starting today at 3 pm eastern and ending tomorrow at 3 pm eastern.
I never go for the ridiculous incentive bonuses that MM offers because, like everyone knows, they are pretty much unattainable, but ...
TransTech in TX is offering a $500 sign on bonus for experienced oncology MTs & MEs. Perhaps the tables are turning. I'm already working as one, but am not the least bit happy with the account as the reports are only a few seconds long and the busy work between each one takes longer than the transcription - thus you are not paid for half the work you do. MTSOs need to recognize this and that there is competition, i.e. TransTech! Do I hear $600!? ...
Loyalty Bonus: Once you complete 18 months of service in NTS India, you will be eligible for the Loyalty Bonus, ranging from Rs 5600/- to Rs. 12,500, paid out to you every 6 months of completion of service with us, depending on your designation at the time of the Loyalty Bonus payout.
How many acquired Transcenders are going to quit/move on, once the grandfathered bonus runs out April 1 - and realizing that their bonus is never going to be achieved thanks to India QA? ...
this is the first time I have not received a production bonus. can someone tell me how many likes weekly it is to achieve this? thank you in advance. ...
Just wondering to those of you who received the last quarterly bonus, how long did it take for them to pay you the bonus. I didn't receive it last time but should receive it this time. I know the quarter ends the end of June and last time they sent e-mails stating it would take a little while. Thanks for any info! ...
To those of you have received the last quarterly bonus, were you notified when you qualified and how soon after the quarter ended did you receive notification? Thanks! ...
On the other job seeking board, there is a company offering a $100 sign-on bonus if you have knowledge of Arrendale TA+ dictation platform. I remember "back in the day" getting a $1000 sign-on bonus and I didn't have to have knowledge of the platform. Pathetic what this profession has come to. ...
Be interesting to see if I qualify for this. I got one last time, but it seems like every one of my reports is being audited and they are marking off for such stupid stuff and 0.25 adds up after awhile. Everything from invalid blanks to "failure to flag" Something has definitely changed over the last few weeks, never has it been like this before. I have always had 99 to 100% but I can't seem to even get to 98% now what with all their mark offs. So stupid. ...
I got one last quarter which was a huge shock and I believe if I get one this time, it will probably be the last one I ever see as FIESA is now deducting for everything - semicolon instead of colon - mom not being capitalized - an S not at the end of a word - things that really in no way change the meaning of the sentence but enough to bring my percentage down as low as they have ever been in 15 years of transcribing. I am trying to ignore, but it gets more difficult every day. ...