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TT and hiring bonus... - sm

Posted: Oct 27, 2010

There have been a lot of posts by TT lately on the job board.  Now they have a hiring bonus.  Are they getting some new accounts?  What is it like to work for them?  Whenever I see a company offering a hiring bonus it makes me think they are not a good company to work for and are desperate.

TT and hiring bonus - SusanJ.

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I have not worked for them, but a good friend of mine (one of the most experienced and best MTs out there) did and she really liked them. I know that they seem to have a good reputation among the many MTs I know. I don't know; I have not worked for them, but if I were looking for work, I would not rule them out as I would MQ or Transcend. Good luck. I hope you find what you are looking for.

TT - Bellamia

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They have to hire a bunch since they did audits and got rid of a bunch of MTs.. I would not go there... They do NOT care about the MT at all, only management.

Totally disagree - HappyTTer

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I've been with TT almost 2 years and have always been treated very fairly, very professionally, and as an adult. I've received emails from one of the "head honchos" when I've been sick to see how I'm feeling and/or wish me to get well soon. Heck, when my husband hurt his back, I even received emails from not only my account manager but the same "head honcho" to inquire how HE was, lol!

Maybe it depends on which account you are on and your account manager, and I'm sorry your experience (if you had one, since I just noticed that you don't indicate if you even really work there) wasn't so positive.

As far as getting rid of a bunch of MTs who failed their audits? BRAVO, TRANSTECH! I've seen those previous reports and the slop more than a few MTs were pushing through to the client. I was mortified, to say the least. I figured one day the client would really have a close look at those reports and all heck would break loose. There's NO excuse for the shoddy work I saw looking at previous reports. If an MT cannot be bothered to do a job right, they shouldn't be doing the job...PERIOD.

I'm quite content at TT and have recommended them to my friends, so obviously I've had a very positive experience with them.

Some of the audits were quite unfair from what I read - TTr - 3 yrs

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I saw a lot of shoddy work, too, and cringed, but when there was a no choice of straight AND VR, just a mix, it is somewhat understandable since the specs are for straight but somewhat blurry for VR. One person tells you it's this way, another person tells you it's that way when doing VR and the audits are NOT fair. They should definitely send specs for VR like they do for straight.

Also, cutting the pay for VR in half while upping the line count didn't help. Some MT's may have felt they had to let things slide if they wanted to make their rates by the end of the pay period withiout working 7 days a week. Flexing for NJA is not pretty if it happens every day.

All in all, they sre pretty fair and do bend over backwards for their employees.

Audits for TT - TT MT
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Some of the audits were done because the MTs were caught trying to "clean" up some of the bad wording from the docs whose dictation is atrocious on verbatim accounts. There are some accounts that do not like this, and want it to be typed just as they dictate it. This was not because the MTs were bad and did not put out good work, it was just because the client did not want the reports looking good, it is because they want it typed the way the doctors dictated it. Any addition to the report, even a "the" or "and" in the report is not acceptable, and it also means the client has to pay more for the additions in the report..it is not because the report was typed incorrectly or the grammar or spelling were incorrect...just plain old we are not paying more than we have to.
Yeah, and other docs get in a tizzy because the reports are not cleaned up - TTr - 3 yrs
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How are you supposed to deal with that? How many emails have been sent out because the doc was unhappy with the QUALITY of the reports?

I have been dinged for NOT adding a word, then dinged FOR adding a word. You can't win as long as there are no set standards for VR versus straight.

In other words, what you are saying is the hospital doesn't care if the work is sloppy, sentences don't make sense, etc. In reality, I guess that's why a lot of MTs are sending sloppy work through. Heck, in that case, why would anyone ever take the time to even listen to the dictation? Just pull the job in, skip to the end and send it through. That's a shame. It's a good way to lose accounts and lose the good reputation TT has always had.

I agree - TT MT
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It is very confusing, and now I am nervous that I might miss something, or hear what the horrible dictators are saying the wrong way!!! It is slowing down my production, and you are right about set standards. I feel like my head is spinning around lately and I can't keep up with this. What happens when these horrible reports go to QA and they correct it the way they think it should be, and their corrections might be wrong, or they add something to the report? Is it the MTs fault or the fault of QA; I feel that when your identification is on a report you have typed the fault likes with the MT, even though you did not correct the report, and then what do you do?
That's precisely what I saw in innumerable previous reports - Scarily enough
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I can't count the number of edited reports I've seen in looking up previous dictations to check a medication, etc., where I could tell minimal, if ANY, editing had been done. Very glaring system errors were left intact (i.e., misnumbered lists, other formatting errors, GROSS medication errors such as Xanax 150 mg which clearly is incorrect, and even where the dictator would say "going back up to past medical history, please add..."). I'm not even exaggerating. I was mortified to see what was being pushed through to the client.

Perhaps this audit didn't hit the account on which I work but when I see atrocities being sent to the client, I just shudder in my chair and pray if the client ever decides to read those reports more carefully that we don't ALL lose our jobs on that account.

I realize everyone is trying to work at maximal speed to make enough money to survive, but the sloppy work and lack of quality being allowed to go unchecked is frightening.

I honestly have a difficult time believing TT would actually terminate MTs for doing good work; I have a suspicion the terminated MTs might be spinning their tale to infer that was the case, but I have a feeling once audits began, pushing through that error-filled gibberish caught up to some of them and bit them right in the...Yeah, you know what I mean.
audits - nan
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How did you hear the audits were unfair. An audit goes through the document and picks up errors. I do not quite understand how fair plays in. It is not fair to pick up errors in a document?

if they have gotten rid of people who don't meet - QC standards - BRAVO!!

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Every job has its good and bad points, but from what I can tell TT is still the best out there. It's changed a bit in the 5 years I have worked there, but mostly just growing pains, overall still a good, reliable company with decent benefits and always pays on time.

TT - Bellamia

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Wow... I smell a suit..... Yes I heard the audits were somewhat unfair as the QA dept. all have different rules and cannot get it together... Suits will all make it sound like a great place, just sayin'

I doubt you smell a suit, I think you just read a post by someone who actually edits her reports pro - Not everyone who takes pride in their work is a su

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Honestly, you people that keep playing the "suit card" are so tedious and trite. At least be creative with your insults. Every time I see that phrase, whether it's in reference to TT or any other MTSO, I roll my eyes and figure "Yep, there's one of the slackers that's throwing caution to the wind and shoving through substandard work to make a few extra bucks."

For the record, before you play yet another "suit" card, I'm not a suit, nor am I in management, nor am I even a team lead. I'm just an MT who's been with TT for almost 2 years and am quite content working for TT. They've never treated me with anything less than respect, are always responsive to my concerns, my pay is on time every time, and have a great rapport with my account manager.

I would, and have, recommended TT to friends, something I would never do if I were a dissatisfied employee.

I would guess its because their pay is really low - at about 4 cpl for VR. nm

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do they supply computer? - ty and NM

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I started a couple of years ago and they supplied mine - HappyTTer

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As far as I know, you can still lease a computer from them for about $5 a paycheck, I believe. They're also excellent at replacing equipment. When my first computer died, they had one overnighted to me the same day I notified them.

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