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Making so little with N that I qualify for $121 a month in food stamps as individual. In FL. NM - feellikeIwonthelottery

Posted: May 30, 2014


Making so little- - Glad you are

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able to get help but it really irks me that hard-working MTs are forced to this as the CEO and MTSO rake in the profits. I wish I could hit the lottery big, I would love to bust each and every one of them. I do not think there is 1 MTSO that pays the MT what they are worth especially not with the V-Wreck taking over. Best of luck to you and don't let it get you down.

If you qualify for food stamps, check out what - else you qualify for.

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Generally speaking, people who qualify for food stamps usually qualify for other assistance such as free or reduced-rate phone, etc.

I know it probably goes against your grain to be "on the dole", but hey - you didn't create the situation, did you?

I now qualify for 20% off my utility bill. - sm

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Never ever thought I would be taking a handout. I was raised to work hard and give back, not take.

I've often thought this: With our pay being cut so drastically and others in other professions as well, why doesn't the Federal Government do something about it? Surely they see how much money their NOT getting in tax revenue.

And even if the minimum wage is raised to $10 or whatever, it is still not a living wage where I live and even if it is implemented (or something higher), it's still down the road a year or two.

Not the OP, but 2 dislikes for getting 20% off utilities - anon

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Really, WHO has the nerve to dislike this. You are such a _____
The Working Poor - nn
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Anyone who works as hard as an MT and qualifies for help should feel no shame in accepting it. None whatsoever.

I'm the one who posted about the 20%. - I cannot believe my eyes.
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Will the 2 dislikers please tell us why you disliked my post? Is it because:

(A) You don't qualify (yet) and are upset?


(B) You're ashamed because you're part of HR and are sitting pretty and don't want the word out about the big Nasty?
20% - burnedoutco
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Probably HR as they troll these boards. Doubt they are ashamed though. What goes around comes around. If you dislike someone getting help, what kind of person could you be? Sad, miserable, nasty. Make sure you get all the help you are entitled to. I know so many people who have gone from having comfortable incomes in this profession to being homeless after being outsourced.

you were raised to work hard and not take - Val

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but think of all those MBAs and tech people studying and scheming about how to take more from you.

The Fed Gov't celebrates technology as innovative, etc. The fantasy was that technology would free up people to be "creative" and have lots of time and money to spend in malls. We all know the reality.

Utility bill - MT

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Is that a government thing or is it offered by your utility company?

Food stamps - Pollyanna

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I went through months of red tape to get food stamps only to have them for 2 months and then they were taken away!! I have sticker shock every time I go in a grocery store! It's downright frightening.

Reply to Pollyanna re: Foodstamps - Floridagram

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Not sure where you are geographically, but I have received food stamps both from the State of Florida and when I moved to IL, received food stamps there as well. My food stamps were good for a number of months in Florida and were "not taken away." With Florida, when it came time to renew them, I just went online and renewed. My IL food stamps just came up for renewal and rather than online, that was done through an automated telephone interview. Not sure why you only got them for 2 months, unless you reported an increase in income or something and yes, that would change your "status" as far as receiving food stamps. Also, there is "not a lot of red tape" involved with getting food stamps. With my food stamps from IL, I applied online July 4, 2013, got a call the next day saying I had been approved, and went the following Tuesday to get my EBT card at the local office.
Is it true that you can't quality if you... - sm
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...have a tiny and shrinking savings account and own a home (for now)?
Re: Food Stamps and qualifications - Floridagram
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It may. I do not own my home or even have a savings account, but requirements do vary by state. I have a friend of mine in IL, has her adult grandson living with her. He is on SSDI and because he is listed on the mortgage with her, he only gets $45 a month or so. A friend of mine in FL, who is disabled, gets the full amount, even though she is married and they own the home; however, house is only in hubby's name and she "pays rent" to hubby.

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