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Food stamps - almost there

Posted: Aug 01, 2012

Article about how walmart creates workers needing to be on food stamps and benefits from that as well....like MTs needing to get food stamps and collect unemployment benefits while employed.



US workers chronically under employed. The new normal. NM - anon

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What anyone takes away from any analysis - of any

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economic circumstance depends on the slant of the article and the preconceived notions of the reader.

One could also say that Walmart creates jobs for people who made poor choices in life--not acquiring any marketable skills, breeding indiscriminately, choosing friends unwisely, making poor choices in spouses (or live-in spouse substitutes), choosing addiction, and a host of other bad decisions.

It seems that people would rather sit on their butts and whine and blame others for their circumstances when the truth it it is more often than not the result of poor choices they made themselves. If people don't want a Walmart-type job, they need to take responsibility and make themselves suitable for a different fate. If they don't want a crappy life, they need to make better choices and stop blaming everything and everyone else while they collect their EITC payments (taken from the pockets of taxpayers) and spend them on big-screen TVs and other junk that doesn't improve their financial status.

Let the flames begin. I'm sick of seeing my income redistributed to enable the poor choices of others who contribute nothing.

not everyone who is on food stamps is a LOSER - ancient MT

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Not everyone who is on food stamps or welfare is a "loser." I am a Caucasian female, in my late 50s, have never "indiscriminately bred children," or whatever else you refer to. I went on food stamps last year because of this profession and what it has become. I was evicted from my apartment last year because of what this profession has become. Technically, right now, I am living in a motel and having a hard time doing so, because of receiving a small amount of unemployment. Having been unemployed for several months now. There is NO type of assistance regarding housing because of the large population base where I live. I have checked with social service agencies until I am blue in the face. In fact, just last month, I had a "review" for my food stamps and my allocation went from $200 a month to $127 a month -- why? because I said that I was homeless and living in a motel (even though I have to pay that bill, somehow and my UE benefits are $90 a week). The requirement for food stamps varies from state to state. My significant other lost his job last year, due to very serious health issues. He will be receiving a bit more unemployment, and he receives $900 a month in Social Security. Out of that income, he has to pay $600 a month for a SMALL rented room. I keep mentioning to him that he should also apply for food stamps, but he feels at this time, with the UE being involved he would not qualify.

There are also elderly people that are receiving food stamps and other forms of assistance. Are they "losers" as well? I think not.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

At some point long before the point of - eviction

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it would have been very clear that something needed to be done. That would have been the time to take action. Because one starts out as an MT doesn't mean that one needs to ride that ship to the bottom when it becomes clear that the ship is sinking.
so glad you know ALL about my personal situatoin - ancient MT
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Hmmm glad you know so much about my "personal circumstances," to be able to judge my situation. Ever think that the company that I worked for, lost the contract? Maybe health issues were involved as well, where I couldn't put in the number of hours involved? etc. Everybody's situation is different and you know what they say about "assumptions," and karma as well. Until you have been there, don't be so quick to judge.
You can't argue with the souless. - anon
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I wouldn't worry about what one person who lacks compassion for her fellow human beings thinks (though in this particular case I am not sure human being is the appropriate assignment).

Most of us have had life punch us in the gut once or twice out of nowhere. You are definitely not alone.
Oh boy, yes - <---has had scrapes
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That's right--many of us have been down in and had to dig ourselves out. I lost everything but my car and 2-days' worth of clothes a couple of years ago. I was running around in donated socks!

It builds character and empathy. :)

I'm now in a position to help others and I am happy to do so, and most of all, I'm happy there is a system in place to support people who need it.

The most beautiful society is one that takes care of each other, I believe!
Great post and great attitude. - anon
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I would rather live in a world where people help each other out. Sometimes you need a boost to hang onto that last rung of the ladder and climb.

I pay taxes and I for one am happy to support a system that helps a person eat or keep a roof over their head until they can get things back on track. Yes, there are people who abuse the system but you don't judge all people based on what a few do. You always hear that we are a "Christian" nation, well it's about time we started acting like it.

Just reading the few posts that are mean spirited you can see that person is full of anger and hate. Not a good way to go through life.
Choices - Me
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I agree people in Ancient MT's shoes need help and they should get it. Perhaps disability if she cannot physically qualify for other jobs, more than food stamps or UE.

That being said, we all have choices. Why is someone mean spirited and full of anger and hate when that is pointed out? I live alone and have no one to support me. I made a choice earlier this year to get training to go into another career. I will not allow myself to run out of money and be evicted from my apartment. We all have choices in life and I choose to not let myself go there. Yes things happen we do not plan on and we need help. But where does self-responsibility fit into this picture? We all know MT is becoming a minimum wage job and one we cannot survive on. I for one choose not to continue on this path or any other path that pays minimum wage. To close one's eyes and hope for the best is also a choice, one that leads to disasterous consequences.
Another thought - Me
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I have been thinking about this some more and I think I have changed my mind.

I think that I am afraid to acknowledge the possibility that some bad crap could happen to me. It's easier to attack those who have fallen on hard times, saying they made poor choices, instead of admit that "there, for the grace of God, go I." I apologize if my post was seen as an attack. We can make all the "good" choices and bad things still happen and it's scary to admit that.
Your post wasn't too bad - anon
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You made some good points. However, it takes time to retrain. Personally I am lucky and my husband has a great job (knock wood) and I stuck with MT thinking they would probably always need us. Of course I now think I was wrong and I should have started school sooner.

I think some of us had hope that things would even out or turn around. I'm not sure it was a "bad" choice just overly optimistic.

Also it isn't that easy for everyone to just "move on." Depending on where you live there may be few jobs and no training easily accessible and moving is expensive, so some people may be "stuck."

I think it is overly simplistic to say a person has made a bad choice and so they should just suck it up and live with the consequences.

Of course I am a giant softie and the thought of someone starving or going homeless breaks my heart. We live in a very rich country and it just seems morally wrong.

wow, unbelievable - anon

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I bet you define yourself as a "good Christian" too. I am sure Jesus would share your assessment of people who aren't as lucky in life as you have apparently been, uh huh.

There are a lot of people who have bad choices thrust upon them and sometimes bad things happen to good people. And, yes, sometimes people just make bad choices and 1 bad choice can lead to another but to lump everyone who has fallen on hard times into your horrible assessment is shameful.

You need to take a very cold hard look at yourself and perhaps turn Fox News off once in a while.

Excuse me but I was responding to the poster above my post - ancient MT

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Please re-read my post. I was responding to the poster above me and trying to explain to her that not everyone in life who is on food stamps should be classified as a "loser." I have a good friend who suffers from MS and is also receiving food stamps and about $400 per month in disability. Does that make her a loser?
Yes, so was I. I agreed with you ancient MT. sm... - anon
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You can see my post is directly under yours and not tabbed in, that means I responsed to the other poster too and we just line up right under her. If I had been responding to you it would have been indented underneath your post.

well wasn't sure since it indented under mine - An
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It isn't indented now, but I have noticed it looks that way sometimes. - anon
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No problem, I totally agree with you.

Walk a mile in their shoes - TN MT

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You should never look down your nose at anyone. You never know when you might be in the same situation. Things happen. My husband fell off a ladder in 2009, broke 3 bones in his leg and ankle, had 4 surgeries, and was out of work for over 15 months. He is the main bread winner in this family. Have you ever wondered how your going to feed your family? Have you ever gone hungry so your kids can have food? I went from wanting for nothing to barely surviving. I thought we were going to lose everything. Bad things happen to everyone!

Oh, for Pete's sake - everyone knows

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crap happens. Responsible people know that and have a plan in place (alternate streams of income, additional skills, nonworking spouse acquires marketable skills to be ready, insurance, savings, investments--whatever it takes) to keep the crap from burying them. People who plan for the crap can get through it relatively unscathed.

I can see the responses now: Wah, wah, wah. I can't do that because --insert lame excuse here. Right. Not interested.
Cold and heartless. Not Wah, Wah, Wah. - anon
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You can plan all you want but sometimes there is nothing that can be done. People have lost jobs (both spouses at the same time regardless of education), savings exhausted, 401k raided.

Your attitude is astounding to me and really quite disturbing.

I have to agree with disturbing attitude - ancient MT
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By no means am I a "bad MT," and I really resent people coming on here making judgments about other people, especially when it sounds like the poster above has another income to rely on. Not all of us were lucky enough to have 401K plans, let alone the money for them. I am widowed, I cannot get my husband's retirement from the military, due to "red tape." The person that has been in my life for over 7 years, unfortunately did not plan for "financial security," and lost his job last year after being diagnosed with COPD and CHF. He has NO insurance, has to order one of his inhalers from Turkey, because the cost here is prohibitive. He was on Advir for a short while last year - $250 a month and when you are on "limited income" about $1200 a month (SS and UE - which we all know that UE doesent last forever -- 600 of that going for a rented room), then because right now he doesn't qualify for food stamps, having to buy groceries and other medications on top of that, so it all ADDS up. My S/O had a friend who would occasionally go to Trinidad to visit family and friends. He was able to get Advair there without a prescription for $40 per inhaler as opposed to $250. I you NEVER have to go through what some people are going through and enjoy "your glass house" before it shatters to pieces.
I'm sure it doesn't help to have someone get all uppity on you either. - anon
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Your situation is very difficult. It stinks that you come on here and get that kind of garbage thrown at you.

There really are things in life that just blindside you no matter how you plan. Not to mention there is a limit to what you can do in life. It isn't like we all have the same opportunities and advantages in life, that is simply a false belief.

My dad got critically ill 15 years before retirement age, and had to fight for 5 years to get social security benefits and medical care. My mother had been a homemaker and was not qualified for any kind of work, aside from being in her mid 50s (yeah employers were just running to hire her). They had scraped and saved their whole lives, never lived on credit and never took state assistance but they had to accept help at some point.

I wouldn't call them dead beats and I wouldn't call you a dead beat either.

Life happens and where it lands nobody knows.

Instead of being grateful for her good fortune and trying to give back that poster comes on here and slams you and others. It makes me angry.

I just hope you can see that she is in the minority and I truly hope your situation gets better.
BTW Everyone Knows- aka Know It All - ancient MT
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How about the people that have hit upon hard times because of a catastrophic illness with either themselves or a family member, which wipes out EVERYTHING they might have carefully planned for? You are really a piece of work.
Amen.. - just me #1
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That poster must be young and has not had medical problems yet... Let me tell you, now matter how responsible you are and how much money you save (I had saved a small fortune, way over $400,000 plus continued to work), when medical disasters hit, they hit extremely hard, even if you have insurance. Some medications I am on cost over $1500 per bottle per month, not to mention injections and surgeries.
To "everyone knows": What exactly is YOUR plan should something really bad happen? sm - wondering
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Do YOU have all those said backups in place in case you/your spouse gets sick, your house burns down, whatever the case may be? Let's hear it. What is YOUR plan?
Acutally, yes I do - sorry to disappoint you
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I have sufficient assets, insurance, and income streams to ensure that I am not burden to the American taxpayer. Even after the substantial amount lost to taxes to pay for the welfare state.

Wow. This has been very enlightening, though probably not surprising. Simply advocating taking responsibility for one's own life and wellbeing and making adequate provisions for the unforeseen equates to being soulless and other hateful descriptions. What's next? Calling me the very worst thing in the world--part of the 1%?
To "everyone knows"you read my mind on that 1% comment (sm) - wondering
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before I even got to the last line, I was figuring you must be right up there in, or close to, those 1% people. (Anybody who uses the term "income streams" must be.) OR you have been VERY lucky over the years.
Wow, is right. - anon
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You do realize that we all pay taxes correct? Not just you? Every single person who posted PAYS TAXES. We are talking about the WORKING poor.

We hardly live in a welfare state but keep spouting the propaganda.

Helping other people is NOT A BAD THING. Geez.

Why are you so angry and hateful towards those who are less fortuante than you? It is mind boggling.
Theft, fire, flood, illness (mental and otherwise) - So many variants
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I'm all for personal responsibility, but also realize that sometimes things happen and a person needs help.

I think it's not your expectations that are upsetting, but the fact that you seem pretty angry that others are getting help.

It feels good to help people. I wouldn't give it up for the world.
Benefits . . . - Free Rides
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I am all for helping people who NEED help. I am all for a hard working person who has a job but can't make ends meet receiving Food Stamps. I am all for a person who has a REAL disability/problem receiving Disability. I am all for people who WORK and can't make ends meet receiving Medicaid. However, I am NOT Robinhood and I certainly don't like my hard-earned money going to those who ABUSE the system.

I would say probably at least half those on Disability don't really need it (and I have a sister in law who is on Disability, but she truly needs it AND she worked for 25+ years before she was unable to work, so in that situation, I am for it). However, I am sick and tired of supporting people who abuse the system. I can't even count how many people I transcribe about every day who are on "disability" and spend it all on drugs and alcohol; or those who come into the office faking mental symptoms/physical symptoms just so they can get a free ride at MY expense.

For disability, there should be more stipulations, and one requirement should definitely be random drug testing at least, but nope.

I for one AM for Social Security when one reaches retirement age (I'm paying for it), and guess what . . . it will NOT be there when I get old enough to receive it because of what is happening now.

Unemployment for 2+ years . . . really? If someone can choose unemployment for that long and make as much or almost as much money as they can working, why not sit on your butt and mooch what you can? Again, I'm all for Unemployment too in this economy; but one has to take a certain amount of responsibility for themselves. If one is TRULY looking for a job, that's a different matter.

NOW, I get to pay more taxes and scrape by to make ends meet so I can pay more and everybody who doesn't want to work can receive free healthcare. Great.

I love this country and am so thankful to be here and think it is the greatest country in the world, but this abuse of the system and the government not only allowing it but ENCOURAGING it is certainly not helping anything. And punishing those who work hard and by doing so happen to make a nice living, by having them pay more taxes? Oh, but according to our president, those people who are successful didn't get there because they were smart or hardworking or any such foolishness as that, right? Whatever.

Anyway . . . to end . . . again, I am for disability, etc. for those honest people who NEED it; but the people who NEED it can't get it because of all of those who ABUSE it.
Words of wisdom - anon
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John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him ?

John 3:18 Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.

John 3:19 Then we will know for sure, by our actions, that we are on God's side, and our consciences will be clear, even when we stand before the Lord.

Some things to think about.
wonderful post!!!! - nn
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For Pete's sake - Curious one
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There are single moms with only one income as well as single women who support themselves. Many of these people live one pay check to the next and there is never enough money left over to invest. Or, if they get something set aside, along comes a car repair or a leaky roof and that's the end of the savings for a while. I'd suggest a reality check, and then I'd suggested putting yourself in someone elses place. It isn't because they can't, it's because they don't have the means.
Curious one - have to agree - Ancient MT
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I have to agree with your statements about single MTs. The wages these companies pay nowadays are pathetic and they don't care about the "backbone" of their companies -- the MTs. VR/SR at 3-4 cents a line is ridiculous and we have just turned into robots. With the wages that MTs are making now, there is no room for a "comfort zone," as far as being able to save, invest etc.

I am playing a bit of a devil's advocate here however, and I do agree with some of the posters who have talked about people abusing the system, and I totally agree with that. I personally know someone who has three children, all in school full-time and she is in her early 30s, but choses not to work. She receives food stamps and gets child support from her ex. She and her children live with mother and stepfather, house is gorgeous with inground pool and for Christmas, each of the kids, 14, 12 and 10 received a laptop computer from her mother. Their other grandparents, (dear friends of mine, struggled financially to get Christmas gifts for these kids as well as their other grandchildren, because my dear female friend has MS and has undergone NUMEROUS health problems as a result). I witnessed this situation personally, and it was like a "slap in the face" for my friend and her husband.
It has been interesting - Cold, heartless one here again
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to see evidence of the very mindset that keeps people from achieving financial success in all the responses villifying me. I guess it is just so much easier to attack and hate successful people and assume that they did nothing to earn their success and therefore don't deserve it.

I am one of those single women you want to champion. I have had many ups and downs in my life with no one to count on but myself. I educated myself about how to become financially secure. I made a plan, set goals, and stuck to the plan. I am not unique. I know many people who have done the same. None of them came from money, none of them had anything handed to them.

Rather than hating us, maybe you and all the people who claim that life and the 1% are keeping them down should try to emulate us. Of course, that would require facing the reality that most of the crap that happens could have been avoided by making better choices, choosing better friends, delaying gratification, investing rather than spending, and all the other elements of taking responsibility for your own life instead of letting life happen to you.

I know none of you wants to hear this because it's just so much easier to blame anyone and everyone else, especially to blame successful people, for your own failings. Life is not a zero-sum game. My success and financial security does not diminish your opportunities. You have the same opportunities I had. You just have to be willing to put in the effort.

Pfff - Whatever.

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Yes people should educate themselves so they don't have to work at Walmart, perhaps become a respectable MT or something...

oh wait...

S-hit happens.

qualified for food stamps - anon

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qualified for food stamps and unemployment while I was a "full-time" MT. never thought I would see this day but here it is. I won't apologize either. I have worked for this and I have to do what I need to survive. I am not concerned about people criticizing. When your income is so low from your "full-time" job (that is constantly out of work), then you do what you have to.

That's right, don't let the haters who have it easy get to you. - ANON

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You work and you have paid into the system and that is what it is there for. It is a safety net for when you need it.

Very few people WANT to accept assistance, but sometimes there is no other choice.

You can't let people with no soul get to you.
not worried about the haters - anon
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this is my life and they're not in it. I'm not proud of it but I won't apologize for it either. I want the work, there just isn't any. it's helping me out until I can get out of this industry into something else and that's just the way I look at it. I actually wish I had done it sooner instead of sitting here with no work and listening to all the lies about "we're getting a new account," etc. now I'm getting some help and I am grateful that it's there.

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