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Has anyone at SS ever had enough work to qualify and/or stayed long enough sm - former SSMT

Posted: Mar 13, 2011

to receive the 3-month and 6-month installments of the signon bonus?   I could not get enough lines so I never qualified for benefits or the bonus.  (It actually is based on hours worked, but if you do less than 135 lines/hour you get fired, so if you work 8 hours and only have 200 lines that shift, you have to lie and say you only worked an hour or whatever.)  I'm just curious.  I see they are still advertising, although at least they no longer promise they have work out the wazoo.

I didn't make it, but I'm just happy to be away. I was told, though, that it is illegal s - LTMT

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for them not to pay you since they expect you to sit there and "check back every hour" during your shift, even when there is no work. I will not pursue it, but someone may some day. I just chalk it up to a lesson learned.

I'd pursue it, even if they only owed me 5 cents. nm - MT Wordz

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What is illegal? - mt2

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It is illegal for them to ask you to be present and not pay you. sm - LTMT
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I would work an hour of my shift or so and run out of work and was told "check back every hour," thus my presence was still required, but I was not compensated for that time. The officer of another company told me that such a practice is illegal when you are an employee. It is not worth it to me to pursue it, plus I did not keep any documentation of the emails from the qmanager. I am just happy to be away from such a sinkhole of a job.
Reply to LMT - mt2
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Is that a federal or state law? I can sit here for 2 - 3 hours with no work whatsoever. I need to check into this. I don't even make minimum wage at this rate. This is par for the course for this company. Also no shift differential paid or weekend differential paid.
I'm sorry -- I honestly do not know. I know they can tell you to flex sm - LTMT
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your time, but I was told they cannot require you to sit there your whole shift without compensating you in some manner. I hope this is not bad information. As I said, I was describing this to an officer of another company and she told me it was illegal. I assume it is a Federal labor law, but I honestly do not know.

They are no longer paying the shift differential and weekend differential? That's too bad because the weekend differential was nice, and Friday and Saturday were pretty much the only days I ever had enough work for a full shift.

Good luck to you. I truly know the pain of it all. I was supposed to be full time and I do not think I ever had a check with more than 6000 lines on it. I heard promises of a "big new account" and it will get better, hang in there, we understand ... blah, blah, blah. And the people I dealt with there are quite pleasant, but that does not pay the bills. There are certainly better places out there that do not overhire.
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I am not with SS, but with another company. Promises up the wazoo, or just being ignored, and then they wonder why the negative comments on the boards.

Softscript - mt2

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You would think by their add, that they are very busy. I almost applied to them.

Yes, it is mindboggling that even with PMs - there is no work. One must wonder

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what the purpose of production managers was given they seem to have solved not a thing and the seemingly cranium-less leader manages to keep her job.

SS PMs - anon

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First I am not A PM or any type of management. However, to call a PM brainless is totally uncalled for. What do you expect them to do, pull work out of their butts? What would you do in their position? My PM does the best she can, always has, but the way SS MTs have been in the past, no respect for management and now when they are made to tow the line, they don't like it. I'll bet if they worked any place else, they wouldn't be allowed to "work when they want" or talk to and treat their superiors the way they do, they'd be gone. Go ahead and bash me, I won't be here to read it. My PM is doing the best she can, unfortunately her "higher ups" don't give a damn.

You Got It Right - Still Around

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Boy, did you ever call this right...good for you! Yes just because they are production managers, it don't mean they are able to give more work, the accounts have to be there first and then there has to be that thing called dictation for us to have the work. If they don't dictate, well.... you know the drill...we don't work. And then there is that thing called respect... should be in EVERY aspect of your life, not just your job...... just saying.. Personally, I agree, beyond the PMs, is probably the problem...

Try re-reading the original post - Maybe it will make

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sense to you with a 2nd read.

Laughed until I just about - pottied in my pantaloons

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when reading the comment "no respect for management and now when they are made to tow the line, they don't like it" and the comment "talk to and treat their superiors the way they do, they'd be gone."

Superiors earn respect by managing well and treating those who make their positions possible with dignity and as though they give a *h*t about their well-being. Let me repeat that Superiors EARN respect.

Not only that, what about staff who tow the line with no return on investment. Return on investment that lacks due to a very real degree of ineptness on the part of the Superiors you mention. You gave me a hearty and healthy laugh! Thanks so very much!

As far as your comment "My PM is doing the best she can, unfortunately her "higher ups" don't give a damn." SO VERY TRUE. THAT PM ACCEPTED THE POSITION and now gets to figure it out ΓΆ€“ or not. What kind of game does your PM have to solve industry-wide problems is the real question. No doubt your PM has a terrific mid-management level of understanding as to what the workers managed have gone through. Does your PM care about that in any meaningful way is another question.

PMS are about staffing, not finding work - starstruck

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I was whining to someone at SS about being pulled off my old accounts and reassigned brand new ones and hating it and was told that the PMs pick and choose who staffs what accounts and what shifts and that no one has the power/authority to change anything the PMs decide. So they are truly there simply to manage the feeble amount of work that is actually there, not get new work for us.

Production Manager is not Sales - Keepitreal

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Ummmmm, of course they don't get you new work. As the name would imply, they are production managers. Companies have sales people that are supposed to bring in more work.

What is so sad about this is they actually do not even consider where your experience level is.. - JK

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They just put you where they want too. No thought/checking your experience. So sad. SS used to be a good company to work for (yes I know some will disagree).

Softscript....out of work almost nightly - SS PM MT

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I have 8 accounts and average approximately 12 to 20 hours of work a week, although I was offered a full time, 40-hour a week job. This place is crazy. Asking the PMs over and over again why there is no work is a waste of time and don't believe for a second that they have no say when they put 50 (that's 50!!!) MTs on a 350 bed hospital and promise "lots and lots of work." That lasted for 1 day and I was out by the second day. It is not a lack of respect, I do not like to be lied to and I have a living to make and promises that go nowhere are worthless. This is overstaffing, plain and simplem and they are lying if they tell you different. I have worked third shift forever, and have never seen a company run this badly, or had managers lie to me about why they continue to advertise when I am close to living in my car.

SS - out of work

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hey, you want to start our own "global email loop" since management can't stand the thought? ROFLMAO

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