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Has anyone applied for food stamps? - Angie

Posted: Apr 10, 2013

I just wonder if they contact your employer to verify you are not making any money. How long did it take? Can you use them for pet food?

My experience - PJ

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No. They don't contact your employer, but you have to show proof of income with a current checkstub. No, you cannot buy pet food with it. Depending on the situation, if income is extremely low or no income they can do expedite it and give them within 24 to 48 hours, but most of the time it takes about 2 weeks. My mom was considered an emergency because she had COPD and had to stop working and since I was giving her money to live, she had to put that as income, which wasn't very much at the time since I was only working part time.

Hope this helps.

Re: Emergency Food - Jane

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While you are waiting to be authorized for food stamps, can you get some emergency General Assistance funds? Also, our town has several food banks. Perhaps there is something like that near you? God bless you.

Food stamp info - MT

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This is for Florida. Not sure if it is the same in all states. You go on line and apply. You give them what you earned in the last 2 paychecks. You give them your bills. Your situation (married, single, children, no children), etc. Then you apply. They call you and interview you. They pretty much ask the same questions as the form. Then they give you about a week to fax or mail your last 2 paystubs. Depending on your circumstances they will expedite quickly (if you are in danger) or you wait about 2 weeks (after they get the paystubs). They send you a card like a debit card and your food money is loaded on there. You are allowed no paper products (toilet paper, etc.) You are allowed no pet food. You are allowed no food which is premade at the deli counter (Publix dinners, chicken.) You can get the prepackaged things you heat up yourself. They forgive the tax. If you have a cat then you can buy tuna in a can (that is ok). If you have a dog, you can get people food that it covers. Nothing else but food. You are up for review every 6 months give or take. If you leave a job you have to give termination papers and paystubs for new job, etc. To qualify you have to be a certain percentage of poverty level. I am a single mom with a child and make about 18 a year and I qualified. At one time as an MT I was poverty stricken (as an IC and only making 8 K a year). Even at the 8K I did not qualify for money assistance only food. This again is Florida. You should go on line or you can call, but the phone is difficult to get through. Good luck to you. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. While you wait you should contact United way (211), and they will give you places which will help with food on certain days of the week, and that may help with pets. If you contact your local church (you do not have to be a member) they will help you too. Hope this helps.

Food for your pets - Rottie mom

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I am so sorry you are having such difficulty. You might try calling the local animal shelters. SPCA, etc. and asking them about sources for food for your pets. Many times they will help.

Food stamps for pets - Read this the other day

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Not long ago, I read about food stamps for pets. It was on MSN.com or something like that. I haven't looked at it much, but you may want to see if you can apply. Good luck. Pets are part of the family too.


Help with pet food. sm - KrazyKatLady

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There are lots of pet food banks set up now across the country. In addition to checking with local humane society, you can google your state name and the words "pet food bank" and/or "pet food pantry". Also there are some limited resources for veterinary assistance. Lots of food pantries for humans now have pet food, too, depending on what is donated. Even Meals on Wheels now has pet food. There are some listings here, but these are just the tip of the iceberg. You need to google for more current information. Good luck to you.

p.s. Also, ask your veterinarian.


go to your local food pantry - you can get lots of stuff

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plus, it is easier to use the food bank than to qualify for food stamps. You can get very high-quality food, produce, milk, etc.

Thanks! (sm) - Angie

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Thanks so much to all of you kind people who have replied. I had no idea there were pet food banks! That's great news. I really appreciate all the info.


Angie, if you lived near me... - sm

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I'd make sure your pet had food!

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