A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

For all potential candidates. Truth in recruitment advertising - looks like this, see message.

Posted: Apr 01, 2015

Nuance is first and foremost a software company that depends upon poorly paid MTs to do the work of software engineers to perfect speech recognition software. By pretending to be a legitimate MTSO, they can recruit innocent MTs straight out of school who have no expectations of being self-sufficient any time soon. They use you, though, until the speech wreck is in passable condition for front-end EHR or shipment off to India. Once this occurs, usually 6 to 8 weeks after acquisition of the account, you will then be placed on new account (s) and expected to do it all over again, and again, and again. Thus, you will only just be gaining some speed and accuracy when the jobs disappear, and you will never be told in advance and furthermore berated for your own lack of productivity and accuracy. 

Instead of offering top industry wages for this particular brand of transcription, you will be paid only nominal rates that drop even further with any insignificant error or failure to achieve impossible line counts, even on "good accounts," let alone the dregs that you are left with after the offshoring and EHRing. They make no attempt to even mention tips to the MDs how they might save both time and money by dictating quality recordings and instead penalize YOU for every incomprehensible age, lab value, and uhhh, uhhh, uhhh they insert with every inaudible rambling, every unintelligible dialect known to humankind.

No, rather than pay MTs for these particularly challenging circumstances, you will get to be on food stamps before long, facing foreclosure, and possibly be fired for your failures. 

Other than this, it is an extremely educational work environment, on how not to run an alleged MTSO. 


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