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Posted: Oct 04, 2011

The truth is KS is being sued for not paying overtime.  KS does not have time records and that is why it is being implemented now.  I myself know overtime pay was not offered for anyone taking extra hours on my account.  I also have e-mails to that effect.  KS has not always paid overtime and if it was given it was to a select few or favorites.  At one time gift cards were being given in lieu of overtime on certain accounts, which does not make up for the overtime money that should have been paid. 

According to the law, if you are required to sit by your computer and monitoring an account that is considered working whether typing/editoring or not. 

As far as adjusting accounts or giving work to others that do not have it is a lie.  I have been asking for at least a year and so far nothing.  There is not enough work on my account for all of us that are on it.  I know of many that are in the same boat.  Requests and e-mails go unanswered/ignored.

If KS can get away with something believe me it is being done. 

I personally feel, it is about time justice is being done about ONE of the injustices KS has done to others. 

For those of you naysayers, I was with KS almost from the beginning, I have seen it all, heard it all and nothing surprises me anymore.  Honesty would be a nice change from KS instead of lying and sugar coating the truth, but then again no one other than "management, family and friends" would be working for them.


If this is how you act towards them, I'm not surprised they don't respond to you or help y - Happy KS MT

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I have always had enough work and when I asked for a different shift, I did get it a few weeks later. I have always gotten a response and am treated fairly. If you act like this towards them and they have not helped you, I would hope they are trying to get you to leave.

I have to ask: Are you still there? You talk as if you are and then you say "I was with KS almost from the beginning".

As others have asked, why do you stay if you are so unhappy and if you believe they are so horrible? There are so many other companies out there that there is no excuse to stay somewhere that you are miserable. Or maybe you like being miserable?

HA! HA! HA! - nm

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You will learn.

It sounds like you are angry that the truth has come out. - nm

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I doubt she is angry, it is just sad to see MTs cutting off their nose - to spite their face

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But as I said before, the KS bashing is coming from competitors that hate to see KS growing so well and not offshoring like they do. All they need is the vocal few malcontents, and they have formula for undermining a good company in the eyes of the MT community.
Not a competitor - just a KS MT who can stand to lose - a few inches off the nose!
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This is not a reality show, these things happen in the world of KS.

Before you tell me or anyone else to quit, I suggest you and anyone else who has that answer to quit and let those of us who need the money do your lines/reports, etc.
Just one of their minions, huh? - nm
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So true - KSMT

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Thanks for speaking up as well. Be ready for the name calling, etc. that I heard. I don't understand why folks get so offended by these posts, unless they are management. I thought that Facebook post was pretty interesting myself.

You are welcome and I am not afraid of name calling. - I wish all of the truth would come out.

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Well as a KS employee I find it wrong - mt

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that the info went out only to those who are on the fb page and not to everyone in the company. I don't intend to join the fb page just so I can know what is going on.

It went to everyone in the company. nm - KSMT2

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when - ash

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When did it go to everyone? I am not on facebook and I didn't receieve an e-mail.

I would not join they have enough personal information - The truth needs to be known.

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KS is into bullying and intimidation. I am no longer afraid to speak up and no longer intimidated. My job used to be held over my head, I no longer CARE.

The lies are unbelievable. All I can say is watch your back, no one else will.

You obviously still hide behind an anonymous board. - shame on you

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Where is your real name? - nm
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LOL! Good one! nm - Speaketh the Truth
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RE: FB CEO Post - FB KS member

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The message from the CEO was just I'm response to questions that several of us had regarding the how to record our hours. She also explained the reasoning behind the implementation of now recording hours. She posts all the time on the FB page to be social. I actually have found it quite nice to have a CEO down to earth enough to join into conversation with her employees and to not think she is above us! Bashers say what you will!

I really hope that somehow the OP identity can be found out. For you to come on a public forum and bash your employer this way is so unprofessional and totally unacceptable. You have an at-will employment with KS! If you feel you have been wronged, LEAVE, QUIT! Talk about lawsuits? How's defamation and slander for ya?

There are a lot of us who LOVE our job. Your antics places our jobs at risk!!! If you don't care anymore have the guts to put your name behind your post. I know that's not gonna happen!! You are all TALK and have nothing to back it up!! You are too afraid of losing this job you hate so much by the employer who has been so bad to you. I know the definition of people like you!!

Pleeeeeze Ladies. - Carrie Bella

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There must be something awesome going on at Keystrokes to get so many negative posts LOL

I'm so glad I chose them four years ago. The FB has been such a great addition to my life as I don't feel so secluded, as we all know can happen with this industry :) I have met so many wonderful co-workers/friends.

KS has been wonderful to me in my four years of being there.

Such a bitter soul, all victim. - nm

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Anyone who works at KS is a victim, they just - have not realized it yet.

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Not at all, Someone takes care of me. - notatmercyofanyone

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As long as my hope is in the above, no one has any power to do anything to me that I don't want. Right now, I am very happy with KS, and it provides me the living I want. No need to fix what ain't broke.

You need to get out of the victim mindset and approach life with a faith and a lot of courage. You won't be at anyone's mercy when you realize that, and you won't have to lower yourself into a world of bad-mouthing other people, which is at best a desolate place to arrive at in your life.

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